November 1985 (view details)

A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge
To Live and Die in L.A.
Transylvania 6-5000
The Official Story
King Solomon's Mines
Starchaser: The Legend of Orin
White Nights
Rocky IV
Santa Claus: The Movie

December 1985 (view details)

White Nights
Young Sherlock Holmes
Out of Africa
The Color Purple
The Trip To Bountiful

Undetermined 1985 Releases

  26 Bathrooms
  Adieu Bonaparte
  Agnes of God
  AIDS: Love in Danger
  Alamo Bay
  American Ninja
  Arch of Triumph
  Arthur the King
  The Asisi Undergound
  The Assam Garden
  The Assisi Underground
  Astérix et la surprise de César
  The Atlanta Child Murders
  Bad Medicine
  The Bad Seed
  Badge of the Assassin
  Bajo Tierra
  Ballad of the Irish Rose
  Barbarian Queen
  The Berlin Affair
  Best of Both Worlds
  Between the Darkness and the Dawn
  Beverly Hills Cowgirl Blues
  Bez Konca
  Billy Ze Kick
  Black Arrow
  Black Fire
  The Black Tower
  Blue Money
  The Blue Yonder
  Bohemian Nights
  Bon Voyage
  The Bride
  Bridge Across Time (Terror At London Bridge / Arzona
  Bright Smiler
  The Browning Version
  A Bunny's Tale
  The Burston Rebellion
  California Girls
  Camorra (Un complicato intrigo di donne, vicoli e delitti)
  Caribe: Symphony of Love
  Carné, l'homme a la caméra
  Challenge of a Lifetime
  Children Of The Night
  City Limits
  Code Name: Emerald
  Code of Vengeance
  Command 5
  Commando Leopard
  Compromising Positions
  Concert for Alice (Konzert für Alice)
  Consenting Adult
  Cop's Honour (Parole de flic)
  The Courage to Care
  Cover Her Face
  Cowgirls: Portraits of American Ranch Women
  Crime of the Innocence
  Crystal Heart
  Cut and Run
  Cyrano de Bergerac
  Dance With A Stranger
  The Davis Steinberg Show
  Deadly Intentions
  Deadly Messages
  Deadly Passion
  The Death of a Heart
  Def-Con 4
  Defense of the Realm
  Deja Vu
  Demons (Demoni)
  Der Hochzeitstag
  Devil Story (Il etait une fois le diable)
  The Dirty Dozen: The Next Mission
  Do You Remember Love
  The Doctor and the Devils
  Doctor Fischer Of Geneva
  Does Humor Belong in Music?
  Door to Door
  The Dream Is Alive
  Drôle de samedi
  The Dungeonmaster
  Dust to Dust
  Dutch Girls
  The Eagle and the Bear
  Einmal Ku'Damm Und Z
  The Emerald Forest
  The Empty Table
  En Busca del Brillante Perdido
  The End Of August
  Enemy Mine
  Escalier C
  Eternal Fire
  The Execution
  Exploits at West Poley
  Faerie Tale Theatre: Rip Van Winkle
  Family Ties Vacation
  Farewell, Summer Green
  Fast Forward
  Fever Pitch
  Final Jeopardy
  Finnegan Begin Again
  Fire Festival
  First Steps
  Flight Into Hell
  Florence Nightingale
  Fracchia contro Dracula
  Fraternity Vacation
  From an Immigrant's Diary
  Going For The Gold: The Bill Johnson Story
  Going to War
  Gray Sunset
  Guilty Conscience
  Hannah and Her Sisters
  Hard Choices
  Hard Rock Zombies
  Haro no Kane
  He Died with His Eyes Open (On ne meurt que deux fois)
  He-Man and She-Ra in The Secret of the Sword
  Head Office
  The Hearst and Davies Affair
  Heart Of A Champion: The Ray Mancini Story
  Heaven Help Us
  The Hills Have Eyes Part II
  Hitler's S.S.: Portrait Of Evil
  Hitohira No Yuki
  The Holcroft Covenant
  Hollywood Wives
  Hostage Flight
  Hot Resort
  Hot Target
  I Am an ESP (Sono un fenomeno paranormale)
  Igor and the Lunatics
  Il Camorrista
  Il Pentito
  Images of Whales
  In Her Own Time
  In Like Flynn
  International Airport
  Into The Night
  Into Thin Air
  Invasion U.S.A.
  Jagged Edge
  Jamaica Inn
  Joy & Joan
  Key Exchange
  The Key To Rebecca
  Ki lo sa?
  Kids Don't Tell
  Kingdom of the Ice Bear
  The Kiss
  L'Amour Braque
  L'Ange Frénétique
  L'Art d'aimer
  L'homme aux yeux d'argent
  La Nuit de Santa-Claus
  The Lady from Yesterday
  Land of the Tiger
  Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo
  The Last Dragon
  The Last Place On Earth
  Le Due Vite di Mattia Pascal
  Le Gaffeur
  Le Mariage Blues
  Le Pouvior Du Mal
  Le Telephone Sonne Toujours Deux Fois
  Le Transfuge
  The Legend Of Billie Jean
  Les Rois du gag
  A Letter To Three Wives
  Letting Go
  The Lie (L'attenzione / Attention)
  The Lightship
  The Long Hot Summer
  Loose Screws
  Los Angeles Streetfighter
  Lost in London
  Lots of Luck
  Love is Never Silent
  Love Lives On
  Love on the Run
  The Lover
  Macgruder And Loud
  Mago de Oz Cuento de Frank Baum
  Making Contact (Joey)
  Malice in Wonderland
  Mamma Ebe
  The Man with One Red Shoe
  Marriage of the Century (Le Mariage du siecle)
  Mary Ward
  Mata Hari
  Max Is Missing
  The Maze
  The McGuffin
  Me and the Girls
  The Mean Season
  The Midnight Hour
  Mio figlio no sa leggere
  Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters
  Moving Violations
  Mr. And Mrs. Edgehill
  Muder Elite
  Murder In Space
  Murder with Mirrors
  Murphy's Romance
  My Beautiful Laundrette
  My Brother Jonathan
  My Wicked, Wicked Ways: The Legend of Errol Flynn
  Na Wolnosc
  Naked Vengeance
  National Lampoon's European Vacation
  The New Kids
  Night Train to Terror
  No More God, No More Love
  North Beach and Rawhide
  Not My Kid
  Obsessed with a Married Woman
  Once Bitten
  The Only Genuine Jones
  Orion's Belt (Orions Belte)
  The Orly Kid
  The Other Lover
  Out of the Darkness
  Paint Me a Murder
  Pale Rider
  Partir Revenir
  Past Caring
  Pee-wee's Big Adventure
  Perry Mason Returns
  Picking Up The Pieces
  Pizza Connection
  Playing With Fire
  Poison Ivy
  Porky's Revenge (Porky's 3)
  Pray for Death
  Private Sessions
  Prizzi's Honor
  Promises To Keep
  The Protector
  The Purple Rose of Cairo
  The Quiet Earth
  Rainbow War
  The Rape of Richard Beck
  A Reason To Live
  The Resurrection of Albert Ayler
  Reunion at Fairborough
  The Rhythmatist
  Right To Kill?
  Robert Kennedy and His Times
  Run Rabbit Run
  Runaway Train
  Rustlers' Rhapsody
  Saving Grace
  Scout Toujours
  Secret Admirer
  Secret Weapons
  Segreti Segreti
  Sesame Street Presents: Follow That Bird
  Shaker Run
  She'll Be Wearing Pink Pajamas
  Silas Marner
  Silent Witness
  Sins Of The Father
  Slices of Life (Tranches de vie)
  The Slugger's Wife
  Soushun Monogatari
  Spies Like Us
  Star Knight (El caballero del dragon)
  Stone Pillow
  Stormin' Home
  Street Hawk
  Streets Of Justice
  The Suicide Murders
  Summer Rental
  A Summer To Remember
  The Sure Thing
  Sweet Dreams
  Sword Of Heaven
  Taipei Story
  Tangos: The Exile of Gardel
  Tender is the Night
  Terror in the Swamp
  That's Dancing!
  The Jewel of the Nile
  The Mass Is Ended (La messa e finita)
  And Then (Sorekara)
  Thirteen at Dinner
  The Thirteenth Day of Christmas
  Thou Shall Not Kill
  Thunder Alley
  A Time to Die
  A Time to Live
  Tomo yo Shizukani Nemure
  The Trap (La gabbia)
  Tristesse et Beauté
  Trouble in Mind
  Tuff Turf
  Turtle Diary
  Two Fathers' Justice
  The Undergrads
  Via Mala
  Video from Hell
  Voyage to Pimpol
  Warning Sign
  Widows 2
  Wild Geese II
  Wild Horses
  Wills & Burke
  Wizards of the Lost Kingdom
  The Wreck of the Julie Plante
  The XYZ Murders
  Year of the Dragon
  Young Lady Chatterly II
  Your Number's Up
  A Zed & Two Noughts

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