Undetermined 1965 Releases

  $100,000 for Ringo
  13 Days to Die
  22-2000 Cidade Aberta
  24 Hours to Kill
  5 tombe per un medium (Terror-Creatures from the Grave)
  5000 dollari sull'asso (Five Thousand Dollars on One Ace)
  Across the River
  Adios Gringo
  Agente 077 dall'Oriente con Furore (From the Orient with Fury)
  Agente X1-7 operazione oceano
  The Agony and the Ecstasy
  Ah, Sweet Mouse-Story of Life
  The Alphabet Murders
  Altissima Pressione
  The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders
  Angel's Flight
  Baby, the Rain Must Fall
  Bad Day at Cat Rock
  Battle of the Bulge
  Beast Alley
  The Bedford Incident
  Blood for a Silver Dollar (Un dollaro bucato)
  Boeing Boeing
  The Bounty Killer
  The Brigand of Kandahar
  The Brothers Carry-Mouse-Off
  Bully for Pink
  Bunny Lake Is Missing
  Bwana Toshi
  By the Truth
  The Camp Followers (Le soldatesse)
  Cat Ballou
  The Cat's Me-Ouch
  Catch Us If You Can (Having a Wild Weekend)
  The Cats
  Cats and Bruises
  Chi to suna
  Chimes at Midnight (Falstaff)
  Chinese Adventures in China
  The Cincinnati Kid
  Code Name: Jaguar
  The Collector
  Coming Out Party
  Con Gusto a Rabiar
  Crack in the World
  Crime on a Summer Morning (Par un beau matin d'ete)
  Curse of the Fly
  The Dangerous Christmas of Red Riding Hood
  Dark Intruder
  Dear Brigitte
  The Desperado Trail
  Devil at My Heels
  Dial 'P' for Pink
  Die, Monster, Die!
  Do Not Disturb
  Doctor Zhivago
  The Dot and the Line
  Dr. Who and the Daleks
  Duel at Rio Bravo
  The Early Bird
  The Embalmer (Il mostro di Venezia)
  The End of Arthur's Marriage
  Eye Creatures
  Fantomas Unleashed (Fantomas se dechaine)
  Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!
  The Fat Spy
  Ferry Cross the Mersey
  The Flight of the Phoenix
  For A Few Dollars More
  Four Days In November
  Four In The Morning
  Frankenstein Conquers the World
  Gariba no uchu ryoko (Gulliver's Travels Beyond the Moon)
  Gaspard des montagnes
  Genghis Khan
  Girl Happy
  Give a Dog a Bone
  The Glory Guys
  Go Go Amigo
  Goofy's Freeway Troubles
  The Great Race
  The Greatest Story Ever Told
  The Hallelujah Trail
  Hard Time for Princes
  Harum Scarum
  Haunted Mouse
  He Who Rides a Tiger
  Hercules and the Princess of Troy
  The Heroes of Telemark
  Hiya-meshi to Osanto-chan
  Hyappatsu hyakuchu
  I piaceri nel mondo
  I Pugni In Tasca
  I tre del Colorado
  I'll Take Sweden
  I'm Just Wild About Jerry
  Idoli Controluce
  Il Ranch Degli Spietati (aka Oklahoma John)
  Illusion Island
  Inside Daisy Clover
  Invasion of Astro-Monster (Godzilla vs Monster Zero)
  Io la conoscevo bene (I Knew Her Well)
  The Ipcress File
  The Island of Delinquents
  It's Nice to Have a Mouse Around the House
  Ivory Coast Adventure (Le gentleman de Cocody)
  John Goldfarb, Please Come Home
  Joy In The Morning
  Juliet of the Spirits (Giulietta Degli Spiriti)
  The Katherine Reed Story
  King Rat
  The Knack... and How to Get It
  L' Age ingrat
  L'Arme à Gauche
  L'Or du Duc
  La bugiarda
  La decima vittima (The 10th Victim)
  La vendetta di Lady Morgan
  La Vie De Chateau
  Last Judgement
  Latin Lovers (Gli amanti latini)
  Le Bestiaire d'amour
  Left Handed Johnny West (Johnny West il mancino)
  Les Animaux (The Animals)
  Les Copains
  Les Rideaux blancs
  Les tribulations d'un Chinois en Chine (Up to His Ears)
  Life at the Top
  Life of Matsu the Untamed
  The Long Hair of Death (I lunghi capelli della morte)
  Lord Jim
  Love Has Many Faces
  The Loved One
  Made in Italy
  Major Dundee
  Major Dundee: The Extended Version
  Male Companion (Un monsieur de compagnie)
  The Man from Button Willow
  Man from Canyon City
  The Man, the Woman and the Money
  Marie-Chantal contre Docteur Kha
  Marriage On The Rocks
  Mata Hari Agent H-21
  McHale's Navy Joins the Air Force
  Menage Italian Style (Menage all'italiana)
  Michelangelo: The Last Giant
  Mister Moses
  Moby Duck
  The Moment of Truth (ll momento della verita)
  The Monkey's Uncle
  Monnaire De Singe
  Motor Psycho
  Mutiny in the South Seas (La morte vienne da Manila / Die letzten Drei der Albatros)
  My Blood Runs Cold
  The Myth (La violenza e l'amore)
  Nameless Star
  The Nanny
  Never Too Late
  Nightmare Castle (Amanti D'Oltre Tomba)
  Nihon Retto
  No Questions on Saturday (Pas question le samedi)
  Non Son Degno Di Te
  Now Let's Talk About Men
  Nudo, crudo e...
  Of Feline Bondage
  Old Surehand
  Once A Thief
  Operation Crossbow
  Operazione Poker
  Orgy of the Dead
  OSS-77: Operazione fior di loto
  Paris Secret
  Pas de Caviar pour tante Olga
  A Patch Of Blue
  Pierrot le fou
  Pink Panzer
  The Pink Tail Fly
  Piraten der Landstrasse
  A Pistol for Ringo (Una Pistola Per Ringo / A Gun for Ringo)
  Planet of the Vampires (Terrore nello spazio)
  The Plastic Dome of Norma Jean
  Pleins feux sur Stanislas
  Punishment Island
  Quand Passent Les Faisans
  A Question of Honor
  A Question of Honour (Una questione d'onore)
  A Rage To Live
  Rampage at Apache Wells
  Rat Fink
  The Real Bargain (la bonne occase)
  Red Beard
  Red Line 7000
  Reel Pink
  Requiem for a Gunfighter
  The Return of Ringo (Il Ritorno Di Ringo)
  The Reward
  The Rounders
  Run for Your Wife (Una moglie americana)
  Run Home Slow
  Samurai Spy
  The Sandpiper
  Sands of the Kalahari
  Sanshiro Sugata
  The Satan Bug
  Secret Agent Fireball (Le spie uccidono a Beirut)
  The Secret of Blood Island
  The Secret Of My Success
  Serenade for Two Spies (Serenade fur zwei Spione / Sinfonia per due spie)
  Sette Pistole Per I MacGregor
  Sette Uomini D'Oro (Seven Golden Man)
  Seven Hours of Gunfire
  Seven Rebel Gladiators (Sette contro tutti)
  Shakespeare Wallah
  Ship Of Fools
  Showdown for Zatoichi
  The Siege of Manchester
  Sink Pink
  Skies Above
  Skies Above (Le ciel sur la tete)
  The Sleeping Car Murder (Compartiment tueurs)
  The Slender Thread
  Snow Demons
  Son of Jesse James
  The Sons Of Katie Elder
  The Sound of Music
  Spy In Your Eye (Berlino Appuntamento Per Le Spie)
  The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
  The Spy With My Face
  Strange Bedfellows
  A Study In Terror
  The Sucker (Le corniaud)
  Summer Children
  Super Seven Calling Cairo (Superseven chiama Cairo)
  Surpressed Duck
  The Sword Of Ali Baba
  That Darn Cat!
  That Man in Istanbul (Estambul 65)
  Thoise Calloways
  Those Calloways
  Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines
  A Thousand Clowns
  The Three Faces (I tre volti)
  Three Hats for Lisa
  Three Steps on Earth
  To Bloko
  Tokyo Olympiad
  Tom-ic Energy
  Tomorrow's World
  Tre Dollari di Piombo
  Two On Guillotine
  The Two Parachutists (I due para)
  Un Amore
  Un mari a prix fixe
  Una Bara Per Lo Sceriffo (Lone and Angry Man)
  Una bella grinta (The Reckless)
  Uncle Tom's Cabin (Onkel Toms Hütte)
  The Uninhibited
  Veneri al Sole
  A Very Special favor
  Village Of The Giants
  A Virgin for the Prince
  Viva Maria!
  Von Ryan's Express
  Voyage to Prehistoric Planet
  War Italian Style (Due marines e un generale)
  The War Lord
  War-Gods of the Deep (The City Under the Sea)
  We Give Pink Stamps
  West and Soda
  What's New Pussycat?
  Where the Spies Are
  Who Killed Teddy Bear
  The Wild Chase
  Wild on the Beach
  With Beautry And Sorrow
  A Woman in White (Journal d’une femme en blanc)
  The Year of the Mouse
  You Must Be Joking!
  Zatoichi's Revenge

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