March 1964 (view details)

3/26The Fall of the Roman Empire

July 1964 (view details)


December 1964 (view details)

TBDMarriage Italian Style

Undetermined 1964 Releases

  36 Hours
  633 Squadron
  7 Faces of Dr. Lao
  The 7th Dawn
  A Funny Boss (Une souris chez les hommes)
  Aa bakudan
  Agent 38-24-36
  Alla Conquista Dell'Arkansas
  The Americanization of Emily
  The Amorous Mr. Prawn
  Anyone Can Whistle
  Appuntamento a Dallas
  The Assassin
  The Avenger of Venice
  Backfire (Echappement Libre)
  The Ballad of a Gunfighter
  Band Of Outsiders
  The Bargee
  Bartholomew Versus the Wheel
  Bay Of The Angels
  The Beauty Jungle
  Bebo's Girl (La ragazza di Bube)
  Bedtime Story
  Before the Revolution (Prima della rivoluzione)
  The Big Scare (La grande frousse)
  The Black Tulip (La tulipe noire)
  Blind Swordsman
  Blood and Black Lace (Sei donne per l'assassino)
  Bristle Face
  Bullet For A Badman
  Bullets Don't Argue (Le pistole non discutono)
  Ca Ira - Il fiume della rivolta
  The Car Thief
  The Carpetbaggers
  Castle of Blood (Danza macabra)
  Castle of the Living Dead (l castello dei morti vivi)
  The Cat Above and the Mouse Below
  The Cavern (Sette contro la morte)
  The Chalk Garden
  Cheyenne Autumn
  Circle of Love (La ronde)
  Circus World
  Code Name: Tiger (Le Tigre aime la chair fraiche)
  The Comedy of Terrors
  Comment epouser un premier ministre
  Comment trouvez-vous ma soeur? (How Do You Like My Sister?)
  Coriolano: eroe senza patria
  Could I But Live
  The Counterfeit Constable (Allez France)
  Crypt of the Vampire (La cripta e l'incubo)
  The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb
  Da Ji
  Dagora: The Space Monster
  Das Phantom von Soho
  Dead Ringer
  Dear Heart
  Death of a Killer (La mort d'un tueur)
  Der Schut
  Desideri d'estate
  Diary of a Young Man
  Die Weimarer Republik
  A Distant Trumpet
  Donde Tú Estés
  Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb
  Dry Summer
  Dumb Patrol
  The Earth Dies Screaming
  East of Sudan
  Eight in the Footsteps of One
  Encore Paris
  Engagement Italiano (La ragazza in prestito)
  Eves Futures
  The Evil of Frankenstein
  Extraña Ternura
  F.B.I. Code 98
  False Hare
  Fate Is The Hunter
  Father Goose
  The Female Body
  The Finest Hours
  First Men In The Moon
  A Fistful Of Dollars
  Flight from Ashiya
  For Those Who Think Young
  French Dressing
  Frenesia dell'estate
  Full Hearts and Empty Pockets (E la donna creo l'uomo)
  FX 18: Secret Agent
  Genoveffa di Brabante (The Revenge of the Crusader)
  Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster
  Ghidra, The Three-Headed Monster
  The Girl With Green Eyes
  Giuseppe in Warsaw
  The Glass Cage
  Gli Eroi Del Far West (Heroes of the West)
  Gli invincibili tre (3 Avengers)
  Go, Kart, Go
  Godzilla vs. Mothra
  Gone with the Wave
  Good Neighbor Sam
  Goodbye Charlie
  The Gorgon
  The Gospel According to St. Matthew
  Guns At Batasi
  Guns of Diablo
  Handle with Care
  Harbor Lights
  A Hard Day's Night
  The Hat
  Hawaiian Aye Aye
  He Rides Tall
  Hercules and the Black Pirates
  Hercules and the Treasure of the Incas
  Hey There, It's Yogi Bear
  A Home of Your Own
  Honeymoon Hotel
  How to Succeed with Girls
  Hush... Hush, Sweet Charlotte
  I Malamondo
  I Maniaci
  I Marziani Hanno 12 Mani
  I piaceri proibiti
  I tre sergenti del Bengala (Three Sergeants of Bengal)
  I'd Rather Be Rich
  The Iceman Ducketh
  Il figlio di Cleopatra (Son of Cleopatra)
  Il mostro dell'opera (The Vampire of the Opera)
  Il vuoto
  In Ginocchio Da Te
  In Harm's Way
  In Italia si chiama amore
  Intrigue in Los Angeles (Intrigo a Los Angeles)
  Invitation To A Gunfighter
  Is There a Doctor in the Mouse?
  Island of Aphrodite
  Island Of The Blue Dolphins
  Italiani brava gente (Attack and Retreat)
  Jakoman and Tetsu
  Joy House
  The Killers
  Kiss Me, Stupid
  Kisses for My President
  Kissin' Cousins
  Kitten with a Whip
  Kuruwa sodachi
  L'Amour à la chaine
  L'intrigo (Dark Purpose)
  La costanza della ragione
  La donna e una cosa meravigliosa (Woman is a Wonderful Thing)
  La Douceur Du Village
  La Familie Hernandez
  La Guerre des Capsules
  La Montagna Di Luce
  La peau douce (The Soft Skin)
  La scoperta dell'America
  La Scorpeta dell'America
  La valle dell'eco tonante (Hercules of the Desert)
  Lady in a Cage
  Laissez tirer les tireurs
  The Last Man On Earth
  Last of the Renegades
  The Last Ride to Santa Cruz (Der letzte Ritt nach Santa Cruz)
  Law of the Lawless
  Le citta proibite
  Le Dernier Matin Deo
  Le Mystère de la Chambre Jaune
  Le piu belle truffe del mondo (Les plus belles escroqueries du monde)
  Le repas des fauves
  Les amities particulieres
  Les amoureux du France
  Les baisers
  Les Felins
  Les Pas Perdus
  Life Upside Down (La vie a l'envers)
  Llanto por un bandido (I cavalieri della vendetta / Weeping for a Bandit)
  Love in Four Dimensions (Amore in 4 dimensioni)
  Love With The Proper Stranger
  Lucky Jo
  Mail Order Bride
  Male Hunt (La chasse a l'homme)
  Man In The Middle
  Man's Favorite Sport?
  Man's Search for Happiness
  Mark of the Tortoise
  Marked Eyes (Les yeux cernes)
  Mary Poppins
  The Masque of the Red Death
  Master Spy
  McHale's Navy
  A Message to Gracias
  The Mighty Jungle
  Minnesota Clay
  Mission to Hell
  Mission to Venice (Voir Venise... et crever)
  Mondo Inferno (Il pelo nel mondo)
  The Monocle (Le Monocle rit jaune)
  The Monster of London City
  The Moon-Spinners
  Much Ado About Mousing
  Murder Ahoy!
  Murder Most Foul
  My Fair Lady
  My Love (Amore mio)
  Mystery Submarine
  Never Put It In Writing
  The New Interns
  Night Must Fall
  The Night of the Iguana
  The Night Walker
  No Man's Land
  None But The Brave
  Nothing But the Best
  Nuts and Bolts
  Of Human Bondage
  One Potato, Two Potato
  One Way Pendulum
  Our Happiness Before
  The Outrage
  Pajama Party
  Pancho's Hideaway
  Panic Button
  The Patsy
  Pink Pajamas
  The Pink Phink
  The Pleasure Seekers
  The Porky Pig Show
  Primitive Love (L'amore primitivo)
  Prisoner and Escort
  The Pumpkin Eater
  Quick, Before It Melts
  Red Desert (Il deserto rosso)
  Ride the Wild Surf
  Rio Conchos
  Road to Andalay
  Robinson Crusoe on Mars
  Rupi, der Mann am Steuer
  Samurai from Nowhere
  Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
  Saul and David (Saul e David)
  Se permettete parliamo di donne (Let's Talk About Women)
  Sea World San Deigo Theme Park
  Seance on a Wet Afternoon
  The Secret Invasion
  The Secret of the Black Widow
  Sedotti e bidonati
  Seduced and Abandoned (Sedotta E Abbandonata)
  See How They Run
  Send Me No Flowers
  Seven Days In May
  Seven Slaves Against Rome (Gli schiavi piu forti del mondo)
  Sex and the Single Girl
  Shell Shock
  Shock Treatment
  A Shot In The Dark
  The Simhon Family
  Snowbody Loves Me
  The Spartan Gladiators
  Spider Baby
  The Spy (Gibraltar)
  The T.A.M.I. Show
  A Taste for Women (Aimez-vous les femmes?)
  The Tenderfoot
  That Man from Rio
  The Flying Saucer (Il disco volante)
  There Are Still Slaves in the World (Le schiave esistono ancora)
  The Thin Red Line
  Thomas the Imposter
  Three Outlaw Samurai
  The Time Travelers
  To Trap a Spy
  Toto of Arabia
  The Train
  Tre notti d'amore
  Trouble Among Widows
  The Truth About Spring
  Two Escape from Sing Sing (I due evasi di Sing Sing)
  Two Thousand Maniacs!
  The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (Les Parapluies de Cherbourg)
  Une Ravissante Idiote
  The Unshrinkable Jerry Mouse
  The Unsinkable Molly Brown
  The Unvanquished (L'insoumis)
  Valentine's Day
  The Vampires
  Viva Las Vegas
  War and Pieces
  Weekend at Dunkirk (Weekend a Zuydcoote)
  What a Way to Go!
  What Ever Happened to Baby Toto? (Che fine ha fatto Toto baby?)
  Where Love Has Gone
  The White Dawn
  Woman in the Dunes
  Woman Of The Dunes
  The World Of Henry Orient
  World Without Sun (Le monde sans soleil)
  The Yellow Rolls-Royce
  The Young Lovers
  The Young Marrieds
  The Young Nun (La suora giovane)
  Youngblood Hawke
  Your Cheatin' Heart
  Zoo Baby
  Zorba the Greek

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