3/26 | The Fall of the Roman Empire |
7/22 | Marnie |
TBD | Marriage Italian Style |
36 Hours |
633 Squadron |
7 Faces of Dr. Lao |
The 7th Dawn |
A Funny Boss (Une souris chez les hommes) |
Aa bakudan |
Agent 38-24-36 |
Alla Conquista Dell'Arkansas |
The Americanization of Emily |
The Amorous Mr. Prawn |
Angelique |
Anyone Can Whistle |
Appuntamento a Dallas |
The Assassin |
The Avenger of Venice |
Backfire (Echappement Libre) |
The Ballad of a Gunfighter |
Band Of Outsiders |
The Bargee |
Bartholomew Versus the Wheel |
Bay Of The Angels |
The Beauty Jungle |
Bebo's Girl (La ragazza di Bube) |
Becket |
Bedtime Story |
Before the Revolution (Prima della rivoluzione) |
The Big Scare (La grande frousse) |
The Black Tulip (La tulipe noire) |
Blind Swordsman |
Blood and Black Lace (Sei donne per l'assassino) |
Bristle Face |
Bullet For A Badman |
Bullets Don't Argue (Le pistole non discutono) |
Ca Ira - Il fiume della rivolta |
The Car Thief |
The Carpetbaggers |
Castle of Blood (Danza macabra) |
Castle of the Living Dead (l castello dei morti vivi) |
The Cat Above and the Mouse Below |
The Cavern (Sette contro la morte) |
The Chalk Garden |
Charade |
Cheyenne Autumn |
Ciemnogrod |
Circle of Love (La ronde) |
Circus World |
Code Name: Tiger (Le Tigre aime la chair fraiche) |
The Comedy of Terrors |
Comment epouser un premier ministre |
Comment trouvez-vous ma soeur? (How Do You Like My Sister?) |
Coriolano: eroe senza patria |
Could I But Live |
The Counterfeit Constable (Allez France) |
Crypt of the Vampire (La cripta e l'incubo) |
The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb |
Da Ji |
Dagora: The Space Monster |
Das Phantom von Soho |
Dead Ringer |
Dear Heart |
Death of a Killer (La mort d'un tueur) |
Della |
Der Schut |
Desideri d'estate |
Diary of a Young Man |
Die Weimarer Republik |
A Distant Trumpet |
Donde Tú Estés |
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb |
Dreamboat |
Dry Summer |
Dumb Patrol |
The Earth Dies Screaming |
East of Sudan |
Echo |
Eight in the Footsteps of One |
Encore Paris |
Engagement Italiano (La ragazza in prestito) |
Ethan |
Eves Futures |
The Evil of Frankenstein |
Extraconjugal |
Extraña Ternura |
F.B.I. Code 98 |
False Hare |
Fantomas |
Fate Is The Hunter |
Father Goose |
The Female Body |
The Finest Hours |
First Men In The Moon |
A Fistful Of Dollars |
Five |
Flight from Ashiya |
For Those Who Think Young |
French Dressing |
Frenesia dell'estate |
Full Hearts and Empty Pockets (E la donna creo l'uomo) |
FX 18: Secret Agent |
Genoveffa di Brabante (The Revenge of the Crusader) |
Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster |
Ghidra, The Three-Headed Monster |
The Girl With Green Eyes |
Giuseppe in Warsaw |
The Glass Cage |
Gli Eroi Del Far West (Heroes of the West) |
Gli invincibili tre (3 Avengers) |
Go, Kart, Go |
Godzilla vs. Mothra |
Goldfinger |
Gone with the Wave |
Good Neighbor Sam |
Goodbye Charlie |
The Gorgon |
The Gospel According to St. Matthew |
Guns At Batasi |
Guns of Diablo |
Handle with Care |
Harbor Lights |
A Hard Day's Night |
The Hat |
Hawaiian Aye Aye |
He Rides Tall |
Hercules and the Black Pirates |
Hercules and the Treasure of the Incas |
Hey There, It's Yogi Bear |
A Home of Your Own |
Honeymoon Hotel |
How to Succeed with Girls |
Hush... Hush, Sweet Charlotte |
I Malamondo |
I Maniaci |
I Marziani Hanno 12 Mani |
I piaceri proibiti |
I tre sergenti del Bengala (Three Sergeants of Bengal) |
I'd Rather Be Rich |
The Iceman Ducketh |
Il figlio di Cleopatra (Son of Cleopatra) |
Il mostro dell'opera (The Vampire of the Opera) |
Il vuoto |
In Ginocchio Da Te |
In Harm's Way |
In Italia si chiama amore |
Intrigue in Los Angeles (Intrigo a Los Angeles) |
Invitation To A Gunfighter |
Is There a Doctor in the Mouse? |
Island of Aphrodite |
Island Of The Blue Dolphins |
Italiani brava gente (Attack and Retreat) |
Jakoman and Tetsu |
Joy House |
The Killers |
Kiss Me, Stupid |
Kisses for My President |
Kissin' Cousins |
Kitten with a Whip |
Kungsleden |
Kuruwa sodachi |
Kwaidan |
L'Amour à la chaine |
L'intrigo (Dark Purpose) |
La costanza della ragione |
La donna e una cosa meravigliosa (Woman is a Wonderful Thing) |
La Douceur Du Village |
La Familie Hernandez |
La Guerre des Capsules |
La Montagna Di Luce |
La peau douce (The Soft Skin) |
La scoperta dell'America |
La Scorpeta dell'America |
La valle dell'eco tonante (Hercules of the Desert) |
Lady in a Cage |
Laissez tirer les tireurs |
The Last Man On Earth |
Last of the Renegades |
The Last Ride to Santa Cruz (Der letzte Ritt nach Santa Cruz) |
Law of the Lawless |
Le citta proibite |
Le Dernier Matin Deo |
Le Mystère de la Chambre Jaune |
Le piu belle truffe del mondo (Les plus belles escroqueries du monde) |
Le repas des fauves |
Les amities particulieres |
Les amoureux du France |
Les baisers |
Les Felins |
Les Pas Perdus |
Life Upside Down (La vie a l'envers) |
Lilith |
Liola |
Llanto por un bandido (I cavalieri della vendetta / Weeping for a Bandit) |
Love in Four Dimensions (Amore in 4 dimensioni) |
Love With The Proper Stranger |
Lucky Jo |
Mail Order Bride |
Male Hunt (La chasse a l'homme) |
Man In The Middle |
Man's Favorite Sport? |
Man's Search for Happiness |
Mark of the Tortoise |
Marked Eyes (Les yeux cernes) |
Mary Poppins |
The Masque of the Red Death |
Master Spy |
McHale's Navy |
A Message to Gracias |
The Mighty Jungle |
Minnesota Clay |
Mission to Hell |
Mission to Venice (Voir Venise... et crever) |
Mondo Inferno (Il pelo nel mondo) |
The Monocle (Le Monocle rit jaune) |
The Monster of London City |
The Moon-Spinners |
Much Ado About Mousing |
Murder Ahoy! |
Murder Most Foul |
My Fair Lady |
My Love (Amore mio) |
Mystery Submarine |
Never Put It In Writing |
The New Interns |
Night Must Fall |
The Night of the Iguana |
The Night Walker |
Nightmare |
Ninja |
No Man's Land |
None But The Brave |
Nothing But the Best |
Nuts and Bolts |
Of Human Bondage |
One Potato, Two Potato |
One Way Pendulum |
Our Happiness Before |
The Outrage |
Pajama Party |
Pancho's Hideaway |
Panic Button |
The Patsy |
Pink Pajamas |
The Pink Phink |
The Pleasure Seekers |
The Porky Pig Show |
Primitive Love (L'amore primitivo) |
Prisoner and Escort |
The Pumpkin Eater |
Quick, Before It Melts |
Red Desert (Il deserto rosso) |
Rhino! |
Ride the Wild Surf |
Rio Conchos |
Road to Andalay |
Robinson Crusoe on Mars |
Roustabout |
Rupi, der Mann am Steuer |
Samé |
Samurai from Nowhere |
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians |
Saul and David (Saul e David)
Se permettete parliamo di donne (Let's Talk About Women) |
Sea World San Deigo Theme Park |
Seance on a Wet Afternoon |
The Secret Invasion |
The Secret of the Black Widow |
Sedotti e bidonati |
Seduced and Abandoned (Sedotta E Abbandonata) |
See How They Run |
Send Me No Flowers |
Seven Days In May |
Seven Slaves Against Rome (Gli schiavi piu forti del mondo) |
Sex and the Single Girl |
Shell Shock |
Shock Treatment |
A Shot In The Dark |
The Simhon Family |
Snowbody Loves Me |
The Spartan Gladiators |
Spider Baby |
The Spy (Gibraltar) |
The T.A.M.I. Show |
Taggart |
Tamahine |
A Taste for Women (Aimez-vous les femmes?) |
The Tenderfoot |
That Man from Rio |
The Flying Saucer (Il disco volante) |
There Are Still Slaves in the World (Le schiave esistono ancora) |
The Thin Red Line |
Thomas the Imposter |
Three Outlaw Samurai |
The Time Travelers |
To Trap a Spy |
Topkapi |
Toto of Arabia |
The Train |
Tre notti d'amore |
Trouble Among Widows |
The Truth About Spring |
Two Escape from Sing Sing (I due evasi di Sing Sing) |
Two Thousand Maniacs! |
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (Les Parapluies de Cherbourg) |
Une Ravissante Idiote |
The Unshrinkable Jerry Mouse |
The Unsinkable Molly Brown |
The Unvanquished (L'insoumis) |
Valentine's Day |
The Vampires |
Viva Las Vegas |
War and Pieces |
Weekend at Dunkirk (Weekend a Zuydcoote) |
What a Way to Go! |
What Ever Happened to Baby Toto? (Che fine ha fatto Toto baby?) |
Where Love Has Gone |
Whirlwind |
The White Dawn |
Woman in the Dunes |
Woman Of The Dunes |
The World Of Henry Orient |
World Without Sun (Le monde sans soleil) |
The Yellow Rolls-Royce |
The Young Lovers |
The Young Marrieds |
The Young Nun (La suora giovane) |
Youngblood Hawke |
Your Cheatin' Heart |
Zoo Baby |
Zorba the Greek |
Zulu |
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