TV Series Information

Type: TV Series
Released: 1967
Soundrack Albums
MannixAleph Records, Inc. (Aleph Records 014)
Released: October 26, 1999
Formats: CD, Digital (56 min)
Compilation Soundtracks
Jean-Michel Bernard Plays Lalo SchifrinVarese Sarabande
Released: October 6, 2017
Formats: CD, Digital (66 min)
Television's Finest, Volume One: The '50s & '60s
Released: August 14, 2012
Formats: CD, Digital (50 min)
Promotional / Bootleg Soundtracks
"Le Concert a Paris" (A Concert In Paris - April 23, 2007)Promotional Release
Released: January 1, 2010
Format: CD (73 min)
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