Soundtrack Release Schedule

Please report updates, errors and omissions to the release schedule at Note that the release schedule prior to 2011 is likely incomplete, especially on a week-by-week basis. For better accuracy, view by year for past years.

July 20 – 26, 2020

Day   Album (32 total albums) Music by Formats /
Related Titles
Blood VesselBlood VesselBrian CachiaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Il grande passoIl grande passo
Ala Bianca Records
Pino DonaggioMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Tout simplement noir (EP)Tout simplement noir (EP)
Christophe ChassolMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Westwood: Punk, Icon, ActivistWestwood: Punk, Icon, Activist
Wave Theory Records
Dan JonesMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Esto no es un golpe (Single)Esto no es un golpe (Single)Gabriel ChwojnikMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Palm SwingsPalm SwingsAlf AlphaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Unbelievable!!!!!Unbelievable!!!!!Gerald FriedMP3 | iTunesView Movie
El color que cayo del cieloEl color que cayo del cieloGabriel ChwojnikMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Ala Bianca Records
Marco BiscariniMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Materia Collective
Cris VelascoMP3 | iTunesView
Video Game
Central Park: Season OneCentral Park: Season One
Hollywood Records
Elyssa Samsel
Various Artists
MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
How to Build a Girl (EP)How to Build a Girl (EP)
Oli Julian
Various Artists
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Max und die Wilde 7: Ich finde dich (Titelsong) (Single)Max und die Wilde 7: Ich finde dich (Titelsong) (Single)-MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Ofrenda a la tormentaOfrenda a la tormenta
Limited Edition of 300 Units

Quartet Records
Fernando VelazquezMP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
Open 24 HoursOpen 24 Hours
Notefornote Music
Holly Amber ChurchCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Candace Against the Universe: Such a Beautiful Day (Single)Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Candace Against the Universe: Such a Beautiful Day (Single)
Walt Disney Records
-MP3 | iTunesView Movie
The RentalThe Rental
Lakeshore Records
Danny Bensi
Saunder Jurriaans
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Robin’s WishRobin’s WishAaron DrakeMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Sulphur & WhiteSulphur & White
Lakeshore Records
Anne NikitinMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Tijuana BibleTijuana Bible
Plaza Mayor
Thierry MaletMP3 | iTunesView Movie
War of the WorldsWar of the Worlds
Lakeshore Records
David MartijnMP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Work It: Let Me Move You (Single)Work It: Let Me Move You (Single)
Hollywood Records
-MP3 | iTunesView Movie
BerserkBerserkJongnic BontempsMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Dark: Cycle 3Dark: Cycle 3
Lakeshore Records
Ben FrostMP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Dracula 2000 - Original ScoreDracula 2000 - Original Score
Limited Edition of 1,000 Copies

Varese Sarabande
Marco BeltramiCD | Official SiteView Movie
The Last Dalai Lama?The Last Dalai Lama?
Orange Mountain Music
Philip GlassCD | iTunesView Movie
The Edward David Zeliff Collection - Volume 1The Edward David Zeliff Collection - Volume 1
Limited Edition of 500 Units

Dragon's Domain Records
Edward David ZeliffCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView 2 Movies
Homeward Bound II: Lost In San Francisco - ExpandedHomeward Bound II: Lost In San Francisco - Expanded
Bruce BroughtonCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
Love's Deadly Triangle: The Texas Cadet MurderLove's Deadly Triangle: The Texas Cadet Murder
BSX Records
Dennis McCarthyMP3 | iTunesView
TV Movie
The SecretThe Secret
Darkened Room Music
Andrew Simon McAllisterMP3 | iTunesView
Perry Mason: Chapter 6 (EP)Perry Mason: Chapter 6 (EP)
WaterTower Music
Terence BlanchardMP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
I Love My MumI Love My Mum
Massimiliano LazzarettiMP3 | iTunesView Movie

• Most albums are released on a Friday of any given week. Prior to July, 2015, albums were generally released on Tuesdays.

• Titles are sorted by week (or day if viewing a single week), then by:
– Albums related to recent new releases (titles released in the previous 12 months, indicated in bold).
– Whether the album appears on the schedule for the first time (indicated by larger artwork) or not (smaller artwork indicates the album has been previously released in another format).

• Format descriptions in bold ("CD | MP3", etc.) indicate that format was released on that day or week. Non-bold links indicate that format for the album was released on a different date, but the link is provided for your convenience.

• Click on the 'CD' or 'MP3' links in the 'Format(s) / Purchase' column to view or purchase the album from, or the 'iTunes' link to purchase from Apple's iTunes store.

Current Soundtrack Release Schedule
Feb 2025 Soundtrack Schedule
Mar 2025 Soundtrack Schedule
Apr 2025 Soundtrack Schedule
Upcoming Soundtrack Releases TBD

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