Soundtrack Release Schedule

Please report updates, errors and omissions to the release schedule at Note that the release schedule prior to 2011 is likely incomplete, especially on a week-by-week basis. For better accuracy, view by year for past years.

April 30 – May 6, 2018

Day   Album (50 total albums) Music by Formats /
Related Titles
Il Gattopardo - CompleteIl Gattopardo - Complete
Limited Edition of 2'000 Copies

Quartet Records
Nino RotaCD | Official SiteView Movie
In the SoupIn the Soup
Loon Music
MaderMP3 | iTunes | VinylView Movie
Brothers' NestBrothers' Nest
LilliPilli IP
Richard PleasanceMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Impact WinterImpact WinterMitch MurderMP3 | iTunesView
Video Game
Johnny MandelCD | Official SiteView Movie
Way of a GauchoWay of a Gaucho
Sol KaplanCDView Movie
Dog DaysDog Days
Air-Edel Records
Patrick JonssonMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Ci vuole un fisicoCi vuole un fisico
Creazioni Artistiche Musicali
Tony CantoMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Tu mi nascondi qualcosaTu mi nascondi qualcosaJonis BascirMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Alien 3 - ExpandedAlien 3 - Expanded
Limited Edition of 3,500 Units

La-La Land Records
Elliot GoldenthalCD | Official SiteView Movie
Ancient AliensAncient Aliens
La-La Land Records
9 related composersCD | Official SiteView
TV Series
Abdel et la Comtesse (EP)Abdel et la Comtesse (EP)
Various ArtistsMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Always at the CarlyleAlways at the CarlyleEarl RoseMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Bad SamaritanBad Samaritan
Varese Sarabande
Joseph LoDucaCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
CargoCargoThorsten QuaeschningCD | MP3 | iTunes | VinylView Movie
Cobra KaiCobra Kai
Madison Gate Records
Leo Birenberg
Zach Robinson
MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
The Con Is OnThe Con Is On
Charles Klarsfeld
Zachary Seman
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Final Space: Good Enough for Me (Single)Final Space: Good Enough for Me (Single)
WaterTower Music
-MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Final Space: When the Night Is Long (Single)Final Space: When the Night Is Long (Single)
WaterTower Music
-MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
A Lonely WomanA Lonely WomanSteven GarciaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The New HireThe New HireQuinn Collins
Various Artists
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
RBG: I'll Fight (Single)RBG: I'll Fight (Single)
-MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Rise: The Dark I Know Well (Single)Rise: The Dark I Know Well (Single)
Atlantic Records
-MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Sgt. Stubby: An American HeroSgt. Stubby: An American Hero
Varese Sarabande
Patrick DoyleCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
SonaSonaErik Scott SmithMP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Superfly: No Shame (Single)Superfly: No Shame (Single)
-MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Back Lot Music
Rob Simonsen
Various Artists
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Varese Sarabande
Agatha KasparCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Le collier rougeLe collier rouge
Editions Milan
Johan HoogewijsCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Midnight SunMidnight Sun
Lakeshore Records
Nathaniel Walcott
Various Artists
CD | MP3 | iTunes | VinylView Movie
You Were Never Really HereYou Were Never Really Here
Lakeshore Records
Jonny GreenwoodCD | MP3 | iTunes | VinylView Movie
Archive Collection: Seven Brides for Seven BrothersArchive Collection: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
WaterTower Music
4 related composersMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Dear White People - Vol. 2Dear White People - Vol. 2
Columbia Records
Kris Bowers
Various Artists
MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Hollow Knight - Vinyl EditionHollow Knight - Vinyl EditionChristopher LarkinVinylView
Video Game
John Williams: A Life In MusicJohn Williams: A Life In Music
Decca Records
John WilliamsCD | MP3 | iTunesView 10 Movies
Keoma / Il Cacciatore Di SqualiKeoma / Il Cacciatore Di Squali
Chris' Soundtrack Corner
Guido De Angelis
Maurizio De Angelis
CD | Official SiteView 2 Movies
The Man with Bogart's FaceThe Man with Bogart's Face
Limited Edition of 500 Copies

George DuningCD | Official SiteView Movie
Revolting RhymesRevolting RhymesBen LocketMP3 | iTunesView
Short Film
Solamente neroSolamente nero
Chris' Soundtrack Corner
Stelvio CiprianiCD | Official SiteView Movie
Star Wars: A New Hope - RemasteredStar Wars: A New Hope - Remastered
Walt Disney Records
John WilliamsCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones - RemasteredStar Wars: Attack of the Clones - Remastered
Walt Disney Records
John WilliamsCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - RemasteredStar Wars: Return of the Jedi - Remastered
Walt Disney Records
John WilliamsCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith - RemasteredStar Wars: Revenge of the Sith - Remastered
Walt Disney Records
John WilliamsCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - RemasteredStar Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - Remastered
Walt Disney Records
John WilliamsCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace - RemasteredStar Wars: The Phantom Menace - Remastered
Walt Disney Records
John WilliamsCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Star: Aim x Shoot (Single)Star: Aim x Shoot (Single)
Republic Records
-MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Star: Issa Photoshoot (Single)Star: Issa Photoshoot (Single)
Republic Records
-MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Doctor Who - Series 9Doctor Who - Series 9
Silva Screen
Murray GoldCD | MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Notefornote Music
Aldo ShllakuCD | iTunesView Movie
Varese Sarabande
Robert DuncanCD | MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series

• Most albums are released on a Friday of any given week. Prior to July, 2015, albums were generally released on Tuesdays.

• Titles are sorted by week (or day if viewing a single week), then by:
– Albums related to recent new releases (titles released in the previous 12 months, indicated in bold).
– Whether the album appears on the schedule for the first time (indicated by larger artwork) or not (smaller artwork indicates the album has been previously released in another format).

• Format descriptions in bold ("CD | MP3", etc.) indicate that format was released on that day or week. Non-bold links indicate that format for the album was released on a different date, but the link is provided for your convenience.

• Click on the 'CD' or 'MP3' links in the 'Format(s) / Purchase' column to view or purchase the album from, or the 'iTunes' link to purchase from Apple's iTunes store.

Current Soundtrack Release Schedule
Feb 2025 Soundtrack Schedule
Mar 2025 Soundtrack Schedule
Apr 2025 Soundtrack Schedule
Upcoming Soundtrack Releases TBD

• This time period in:
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