Soundtrack Release Schedule

Please report updates, errors and omissions to the release schedule at Note that the release schedule prior to 2011 is likely incomplete, especially on a week-by-week basis. For better accuracy, view by year for past years.

March 28 – April 3, 2016

  Album (44 total albums) Music by Formats /
Related Titles
WaterTower Music
Alex HeffesCD | MP3 | iTunesView
Evelyn Glennie
Mark Knopfler
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
AnhedoniaAnhedoniaPatrick Siegfried ZimmerMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Baaghi (EP)Baaghi (EP)
Super Cassettes Industries
Various ArtistsiTunesView Movie
First Pressing Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Music On Vinyl / At the Movies
Michael Brook
Various Artists
Vinyl | Official SiteView Movie
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Josh's Sister Is Getting Married!Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Josh's Sister Is Getting Married!
WaterTower Music
Rachel Bloom
Jack Dolgen
Jerome Kurtenbach
MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Crossing the Rubicon: Main Theme (Single)Crossing the Rubicon: Main Theme (Single)
Chronograph Records
Donovan SeidleMP3 | iTunesView
Lakeshore Records
Giona OstinelliCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Les Visiteurs: La RevolutionLes Visiteurs: La Revolution
Milan Records
Eric LeviCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Meet the BlacksMeet the Blacks
Penalty Ent.
Various ArtistsCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Men & ChickenMen & Chicken
Frans Bak
Jeppe Kaas
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Mi rifaccio il trulloMi rifaccio il trullo
Stranamente Music
Various ArtistsMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Miles AheadMiles Ahead
Legacy Recordings
Robert Glasper
Various Artists
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Open Season: Scared SillyOpen Season: Scared Silly
Varese Sarabande
Rupert Gregson-Williams
Dominic Lewis
MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView
Direct to Video
Phantom of the Theatre: The Mist (Single)Phantom of the Theatre: The Mist (Single)-MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Sardaar Gabbar SinghSardaar Gabbar Singh
Devi Sri PrasadMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Saturday's WarriorSaturday's WarriorLex de Azevedo
Doug Stewart
CD | iTunesView Movie
The WannabeThe Wannabe
MovieScore Media
Nathan LarsonMP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
Batman: Mystery of the BatwomanBatman: Mystery of the Batwoman
Limited Edition of 2,000 Units

La-La Land Records
Lolita RitmanisCD | Official SiteView 2 Titles
Cain - Saison 4Cain - Saison 4
Editions Musicales Francois
Arno AlyvanMP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Chasing ValentineChasing Valentine
Slept On Records
Nick Andre
Matt Shaw
Various Artists
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Chuck Norris vs CommunismChuck Norris vs Communism
Manik Music
Rob Manning
Anne Nikitin
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Filmful LifeFilmful LifeShunji IwaiMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Great Buck HowardThe Great Buck Howard
Limited Edition of 1,000 Units

La-La Land Records
Blake NeelyCD | Official SiteView Movie
House of Cards: Season 4House of Cards: Season 4
Varese Sarabande
Jeff BealCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView
TV Series
Il BriganteIl Brigante
Disques Cinemusique
Nino RotaiTunesView Movie
Born Bad Records
Pierre VassiliuMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Islanda SoloIslanda Solo
Federico VaonaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Kinky Boots - Original West End CastKinky Boots - Original West End Cast
Sony Classical
Cyndi LauperCD | MP3 | iTunesView
Stage Musical
The Last Treasure HuntThe Last Treasure Hunt
Devil Hills Entertainment
Jillian Abood
Various Artists
iTunesView Movie
Le motorizzateLe motorizzate
Limited Edition of 300 Copies

Carlo SavinaCD | Official SiteView Movie
Limited Edition of 2,000 Units

La-La Land Records
Jerry GoldsmithCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
Looped AlphabetLooped Alphabet
Palaver Press
Sontag ShogunMP3 | iTunesView
Short Film
Jerry GoldsmithCD | Official SiteView Movie
Star Trek - The Original Series 3: Spectre of the Gun / The Paradise SyndromeStar Trek - The Original Series 3: Spectre of the Gun / The Paradise Syndrome
La-La Land Records
Alexander Courage
Jerry Fielding
Gerald Fried
MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Up the Junction - RemasteredUp the Junction - Remastered
Creature Music
Manfred MannCD | MP3View Movie
Vintage Hollywood Classics XXIVintage Hollywood Classics XXI
Alfred Newman
Max Steiner
MP3 | iTunesView 2 Movies
Vintage Hollywood Classics XXIIVintage Hollywood Classics XXII
Oscar Hammerstein II
Richard Rodgers
MP3View 2 Movies
First Daughter Suite - Original CastFirst Daughter Suite - Original Cast
John Michael LaChiusaCD | MP3 | iTunesView
Stage Musical
Live and Let Die - RemasteredLive and Let Die - Remastered
Remastered Edition

Capitol Records
George MartinCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Peter and WendyPeter and Wendy
Limited Edition of 1,000 Copies

Silva Screen
Maurizio MalagniniCD | Official SiteView
TV Movie
Playing with DollsPlaying with Dolls
IDC Entertainment
The Darkest MachinesCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Star Wars TrilogyThe Star Wars Trilogy
Vinyl Edition is Limited to 1,000 Copies

Varese Sarabande
John WilliamsCD | MP3 | iTunes | VinylView 3 Movies
Transformers: The Movie - Original ScoreTransformers: The Movie - Original Score
Vince DiColaCD | Vinyl | Official SiteView Movie

April 4 – 10, 2016

  Album (73 total albums) Music by Formats /
Related Titles
AdoptationAdoptationAllison Axiotis
Huston Hunter
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Barbershop: The Next CutBarbershop: The Next Cut
Atlantic Records
Various ArtistsMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Lakeshore Records
KrengCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Why Is Josh In A Bad Mood?Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Why Is Josh In A Bad Mood?
WaterTower Music
Rachel Bloom
Jack Dolgen
Jerome Kurtenbach
TV Series
Creative ControlCreative ControlDrazen Bosnjak
Various Artists
iTunesView Movie
Various ArtistsMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Green United Music
WoodkidMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Everybody Wants Some!!Everybody Wants Some!!
Warner Records
Various ArtistsCD | MP3 | iTunes | CassetteView Movie
FlowersFlowersArthur SharpeMP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Hardcore HenryHardcore Henry
Sony Masterworks
Darya Charusha
Various Artists
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Hardcore Henry - Original ScoreHardcore Henry - Original Score
Sony Masterworks
Darya CharushaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
High StrungHigh StrungNathan Lanier
Various Artists
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Huntsman: Winter's War: Castle (Single)The Huntsman: Winter's War: Castle (Single)
-MP3 | iTunesView Movie
The InvitationThe Invitation
Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Theodore ShapiroVinyl | Official SiteView Movie
The InvitationThe Invitation
Lakeshore Records
Theodore ShapiroCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Lakeshore Records
Brian McOmberCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Le Fantome de CantervilleLe Fantome de Canterville
Matthieu GonetMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Louder Than BombsLouder Than Bombs
The Orchard
Ola Flottum
Various Artists
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Man Who Knew InfinityThe Man Who Knew Infinity
Sony Classical
Coby BrownCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Marie et les naufragesMarie et les naufrages
Record Makers
Sebastien TellierMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Keido Music
Alfonso Gonzalez AguilarCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Mr. RightMr. Right
Lakeshore Records
Aaron ZigmanMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Orphans & KingdomsOrphans & KingdomsGiovanni RotondoiTunesView Movie
Paper LanternsPaper Lanterns
Quartet Records
Chad CannonCD | Official SiteView Movie
Pee-wee's Big HolidayPee-wee's Big Holiday
Varese Sarabande
Mark MothersbaughCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView
TV Movie
The Pineville Heist: Help Tie Me Down (Single)The Pineville Heist: Help Tie Me Down (Single)
Inch by Inch
Fabio AcriMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Quantum BreakQuantum Break
Microsoft Studios Music
Petri AlankoMP3 | iTunesView
Video Game
Selfieparty: Vege Need a Scratch (Single)Selfieparty: Vege Need a Scratch (Single)
Dzhmil' Records
-MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Shooting an ElephantShooting an Elephant
Peligro Records
Greg KuehnMP3 | iTunesView
Short Film
Francois-Eudes ChanfraultMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Veloce come il vento (Italian Race)Veloce come il vento (Italian Race)
Creazioni Artistiche Musicali
Andrea Farri
Various Artists
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Cairo DeclarationThe Cairo Declaration
MovieScore Media
Chad Cannon
Ye Xiaogang
CD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
Quartet Records
Alberto IglesiasMP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
The Night ManagerThe Night Manager
Silva Screen
Victor ReyesCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView
TV Series
The Other Side of the DoorThe Other Side of the Door
Lakeshore Records
Joseph BisharaCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Alarm fur Cobra 11 - Volume 6Alarm fur Cobra 11 - Volume 6
i2i Musikproduktion
Jaro Messerschmidt
Nik Reich
Frederik Wiedmann
MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
The Bergman SuitesThe Bergman Suites
Erik NordgrenCD-
Black SundayBlack Sunday
La-La Land Records
John WilliamsMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Bora Bora - Vinyl EditionBora Bora - Vinyl Edition
Limited Edition

AMS Music
Les Baxter
Piero Piccioni
CD | VinylView Movie
Captain Blood - MedleyCaptain Blood - Medley
Jb Production
Erich Wolfgang KorngoldMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Charlotte SweetCharlotte Sweet
Jay Records
Michael Colby
Gerald Jay Markoe
Stage Musical
Limited Edition of 300 Copies

Marco FrisinaCD | Official SiteView Movie
Cinema's Exiles: From Hitler to HollywoodCinema's Exiles: From Hitler to Hollywood
MovieScore Media
Peter Rodgers Melnick
Franz Waxman
CD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView
TV Movie
Das Fliegende KlassenzimmerDas Fliegende Klassenzimmer
Bavaria Sonor Mediathek
Niki ReiserMP3 | iTunesView Movie
A Date with Miss Fortune: Almost Had It All (Single)A Date with Miss Fortune: Almost Had It All (Single)
Bella Note
Daniel J. StimacCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Dirty Girl - Original ScoreDirty Girl - Original ScoreJeff ToyneMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Dirty WolvesDirty Wolves
Nuba Records
Sergio MoureMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Fermate il mondo... voglio scendere! Fermate il mondo... voglio scendere!
Beat Records
Piero PiccioniCD | Official SiteView Movie
Francis Lai AnthologyFrancis Lai Anthology
Francis LaiCD-
Hans Zimmer: The Milan Years (Les Annees Milan)Hans Zimmer: The Milan Years (Les Annees Milan)
Milan Records
Hans ZimmerMP3 | iTunesView 5 Movies
I due della formula uno alla corsa piu pazza, pazza del mondoI due della formula uno alla corsa piu pazza, pazza del mondo
Stelvio CiprianiCD | Official SiteView Movie
Il GattopardoIl Gattopardo
First Pressing Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Music On Vinyl / At the Movies
Nino RotaVinyl | Official SiteView Movie
It's a Wonderful LifeIt's a Wonderful Life
La-La Land Records
Dimitri TiomkinMP3 | iTunesView Movie
L'Arche et les delugesL'Arche et les deluges
Limited Edition

Music Box Records
Gabriel YaredCD | Official SiteView Movie
L'Arciere delle mille e una notte / La lotta dell'uomo per la sua sopravvivenzaL'Arciere delle mille e una notte / La lotta dell'uomo per la sua sopravvivenza
Mario NascimbeneCD | Official SiteView 2 Titles
L'insegnante balla... con tutta la classeL'insegnante balla... con tutta la classe
Beat Records
Walter RizzatiCD | Official SiteView Movie
La promesse de l'aube (Promise at Dawn)La promesse de l'aube (Promise at Dawn)
Limited Edition of 750 Copies

Georges DelerueCDView Movie
Le rose di DanzicaLe rose di Danzica
Beat Records
Luis BacalovCD | Official SiteView
Lo squartatore di New YorkLo squartatore di New York
Beat Records
Francesco De MasiCD | Official SiteView Movie
Meet the HitlersMeet the Hitlers
Peligro Records
Greg KuehnMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The OscarThe Oscar
Percy FaithMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Payday 2: Vol. 1 - RemasteredPayday 2: Vol. 1 - Remastered
Sumthing Else Music Works
Simon ViklundMP3 | iTunesView
Video Game
Punktchen und AntonPunktchen und Anton
Bavaria Sonor Mediathek
Niki ReiserMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Requiescant / O'CangaceiroRequiescant / O'Cangaceiro
Riz OrtolaniCDView 2 Movies
The SaintThe Saint
Limited Edition

Music Box Records
Serge FranklinCD | Official SiteView
TV Series
Standing on WaterStanding on Water
Adam McKenzieMP3View Movie
The TerminatorThe Terminator
Milan Records
Brad FiedelCD | MP3 | iTunes | Vinyl | Official SiteView Movie
Tout pour etre heureuxTout pour etre heureux
Various ArtistsDigitalView Movie
Twisted NerveTwisted Nerve
Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Bernard HerrmannCDView Movie
The CrossingThe CrossingTaro IwashiroCD | MP3 | iTunesView 2 Movies
Limited Edition

La-La Land Records
Alex NorthCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
In This WorldIn This World
MovieScore Media
Dario MarianelliCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie

April 11 – 17, 2016

  Album (70 total albums) Music by Formats /
Related Titles
The Adderall DiariesThe Adderall Diaries
Position Music
Michael AndrewsMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Alice Through the Looking Glass: Just Like Fire (Single)Alice Through the Looking Glass: Just Like Fire (Single)
Walt Disney Records
-MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Born to Be BlueBorn to Be Blue
Limited 7

Various ArtistsVinylView Movie
Lakeshore Records
Harry Gregson-WilliamsCD | MP3 | iTunesView
TV Movie
Lakeshore Records
Keith Power
Brian Tyler
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Despite the Falling SnowDespite the Falling Snow
Cube Soundtracks
Rachel PortmanCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Fan Theme (Single)Fan Theme (Single)
YRF Music
Andrea GuerraiTunesView Movie
Green RoomGreen Room
Milan Records
Brooke Blair
Will Blair
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Huntsman: Winter's WarThe Huntsman: Winter's War
Back Lot Music
James Newton HowardCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Newton BrothersMP3View Movie
Sony Music Entertainment
Santhosh NarayananMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Jungle BookThe Jungle Book
Walt Disney Records
John DebneyCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Kung Fu Panda 3Kung Fu Panda 3
First Pressing Limited Edition of 750 Copies

Music On Vinyl / At the Movies
Hans ZimmerVinyl | Official SiteView Movie
L'enterrement de Diego de la VegaL'enterrement de Diego de la VegaNicolas DreyMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Les Malheurs de SophieLes Malheurs de Sophie
Alex BeaupainMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Only the Dead See the End of WarOnly the Dead See the End of War
Lakeshore Records
Michael YezerskiiTunesView
TV Movie
Pencil - TeluguPencil - Telugu
G. V. Prakash KumarMP3View Movie
The Pills: Sempre meglio che lavorareThe Pills: Sempre meglio che lavorare
Federico BisozziMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Ratchet & ClankRatchet & Clank
Milan Records
Jingle Punks
Evan Wise
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Section ZeroSection Zero
Erwann KermorvantMP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Pureland Studios
Sonic Tan
MP3 | iTunesView
Video Game
Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Vinyl EditionStar Wars: The Force Awakens - Vinyl Edition
Ten Inch Picture Disc

Walt Disney Records
John WilliamsVinylView Movie
Too LateToo Late
Foe Killer Records
Robert AllaireMP3 | iTunesView Movie
TraceTraceKristian BrasteinMP3 | iTunesView
Short Film
Vinyl - The Essentials: Best of Season 1 Vinyl - The Essentials: Best of Season 1
Atlantic Records
Various ArtistsCD | MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
AdoptationAdoptationAllison Axiotis
Huston Hunter
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Eye in the SkyEye in the Sky
Lakeshore Records
Paul Hepker
Mark Kilian
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Hardcore HenryHardcore Henry
Sony Masterworks
Darya Charusha
Various Artists
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Silva Screen
Clint MansellCD | MP3 | iTunes | Vinyl | Official SiteView Movie
Sing StreetSing Street
Decca Records
John Carney
Gary Clark
Various Artists
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Triple 9Triple 9
BFD Records
4 related composersCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
The 100: Season 3The 100: Season 3
WaterTower Music
Tree AdamsMP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
BEYOND: Two SoulsBEYOND: Two Souls
Lakeshore Records
Lorne BalfeCD | MP3 | iTunesView
Video Game
The BlacklistThe Blacklist
Various ArtistsVinylView
TV Series
The Bold and the Beautiful: You Were Mine (Single)The Bold and the Beautiful: You Were Mine (Single)
Happy Meal Music
-MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Cosmic Whistleblowers - ExtendedCosmic Whistleblowers - ExtendedAndy CallabyMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Dark ShadowsDark Shadows
Varese Sarabande
Robert CobertVinylView
TV Series
Deviation - Vinyl EditionDeviation - Vinyl Edition
Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Dagored Records
Stelvio CiprianiVinylView Movie
Disney Favorite SongsDisney Favorite Songs
Walt Disney Records
Various ArtistsVinylView 8 Movies
Europa Universalis IV: Sounds from the Community - Kairis Soundtrack IIEuropa Universalis IV: Sounds from the Community - Kairis Soundtrack II
Paradox Interactive
-MP3 | iTunesView
Video Game
Excess FleshExcess Flesh
Deathbomb Arc
Jonathan SnipesMP3 | iTunesView Movie
How to Train Your Dragon - VinylHow to Train Your Dragon - Vinyl
Varese Sarabande
John PowellVinylView Movie
Islands in the StreamIslands in the Stream
La-La Land Records
Jerry GoldsmithMP3 | iTunesView Movie
John Carpenter's Lost Themes - IIJohn Carpenter's Lost Themes - II
Sacred Bones Records
John CarpenterCD | MP3 | iTunes | Vinyl-
John Wick - Vinyl EditionJohn Wick - Vinyl Edition
Varese Sarabande
Tyler Bates
Joel J. Richard
VinylView Movie
Kismet - Music Theater of Lincoln CastKismet - Music Theater of Lincoln Cast
Sony Classical
Alexander Borodin
George Forrest
Robert Wright
CD | MP3 | iTunesView
Stage Musical
La Via della Droga - Vinyl EditionLa Via della Droga - Vinyl Edition
GoblinCDView Movie
La legge dei gangsters (Vinyl edition)La legge dei gangsters (Vinyl edition)
Dagored Records
Piero UmilianiVinylView Movie
Malos Dias: Sharp & Cold (Single)Malos Dias: Sharp & Cold (Single)
La Boheme Studio
Felipe LinaresMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Music of David Lynch - Vinyl EditionThe Music of David Lynch - Vinyl Edition
Communion Records
Various ArtistsDigital | Vinyl-
Nil Battey SannataNil Battey Sannata
Rohan-VinayakMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Ninth GateThe Ninth Gate
Silva Screen
Wojciech KilarVinyl | Official SiteView Movie
Nosferatu - VinylNosferatu - Vinyl
Limited Edition of 3,000 Copies

Music On Vinyl
James BernardVinyl | Official SiteView Movie
One SummerOne Summer
Finders Keepers
Alan ParkerVinylView
Outlander - Vol. 2Outlander - Vol. 2
First Pressing Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Music On Vinyl / At the Movies
Bear McCrearyVinyl | Official SiteView
TV Series
Paura - A Collection of Scary & Thrilling SoundtracksPaura - A Collection of Scary & Thrilling Soundtracks
Limited Edition of 499 Copies

Ennio MorriconeVinyl | Official Site-
PawnoPawnoTristan Dewey
Tai Jordan
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Requiem for a DreamRequiem for a Dream
Limited Edition of 5,000 Copies

Nonesuch Records
Clint MansellVinyl | Official SiteView Movie
Limited Edition of 1,000 Copies

Music On Vinyl
Gerhard HeinzVinyl | Official SiteView Movie
La-La Land Records
Victor YoungMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Songs from wonder.landSongs from
Parlophone UK
Damon Albarn
Moira Buffini
CD | MP3 | iTunesView
Stage Musical
Taxi Driver - Vinyl EditionTaxi Driver - Vinyl Edition
Waxwork Records
Bernard HerrmannVinyl | Official SiteView Movie
Limited Edition of 300 Copies

Dagored Records
Stelvio CiprianiVinylView Movie
Three Little PigsThree Little Pigs
Walt Disney Records
Short Film
Turks fruitTurks fruit
Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Music On Vinyl
Rogier van OtterlooVinylView Movie
The Yellow CanaryThe Yellow Canary
Disques Cinemusique
Kenyon HopkinsiTunesView Movie
Zoo FolleZoo Folle
Four Flies
Giuliano SorginiVinylView
TV Series
52 Pick-Up52 Pick-Up
Varese Sarabande
Gary ChangCD | VinylView Movie
Dieci inverniDieci inverni
Rai Trade Italy
Francesco De Luca
Alessandro Forti
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Dr. Who and the Daleks / Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.Dr. Who and the Daleks / Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.
Silva Screen
Barry Gray
Malcolm Lockyer
Bill McGuffie
CD | MP3 | iTunes | Vinyl | Official SiteView 2 Movies

April 18 – 24, 2016

  Album (25 total albums) Music by Formats /
Related Titles
The Banner Saga 2The Banner Saga 2
T-65b Records
Austin WintoryMP3 | iTunesView
Video Game
Barbershop: The Next Cut - Original ScoreBarbershop: The Next Cut - Original Score
Sony Classical
Stanley ClarkeCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Bastille DayBastille Day
Alex HeffesMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Paula Needs to Get Over Josh!Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Paula Needs to Get Over Josh!
WaterTower Music
Rachel Bloom
Jack Dolgen
Jerome Kurtenbach
TV Series
Elvis & NixonElvis & Nixon
Lakeshore Records
Edward Shearmur
Various Artists
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
A Hologram for the KingA Hologram for the King
Lakeshore Records
Johnny Klimek
Tom Tykwer
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Mobile etoileMobile etoile
La Majeur
Jerome LemonnierMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Rising FearRising Fear
Acrolight Pictures
Tom GettyCDView Movie
Milan Records
Tom HolkenborgCD | MP3 | iTunes | VinylView Movie
The Huntsman: Winter's WarThe Huntsman: Winter's War
Back Lot Music
James Newton HowardCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Lakeshore Records
Lyle WorkmanCD | MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
19151915Serj TankianMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Cancelled FacesCancelled Faces
Styles Upon Styles
Ohal GrietzerMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Fighting BackFighting Back
Quartet Records
Piero PiccioniCD | Official SiteView Movie
Finding Home - RemasteredFinding Home - RemasteredTony AndersonMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Game of ThronesGame of Thrones
Limited Picture Disc Edition of 1,000 Copies

Varese Sarabande
Ramin DjawadiVinyl | Official SiteView
TV Series
The Ignorance of BloodThe Ignorance of Blood
Great Temptation
Federico JusidMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Il Viaggio / AmantiIl Viaggio / Amanti
Quartet Records
Manuel De SicaCD | Official SiteView 2 Movies
Nowhere GirlNowhere Girl
BFD Records
Various ArtistsMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Ordinary People / Save the TigerOrdinary People / Save the Tiger
Limited Edition of 1,500 Units

La-La Land Records
Marvin HamlischCD | Official SiteView 2 Movies
Profumo di donna - Vinyl EditionProfumo di donna - Vinyl Edition
First Pressing Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Music On Vinyl / At the Movies
Armando TrovajoliVinyl | Official SiteView Movie
Streets of Rage 2 - Vinyl EditionStreets of Rage 2 - Vinyl Edition
Data Discs
Yuzo KoshiroVinyl | Official SiteView
Video Game
Sunset BoulevardSunset Boulevard
La-La Land Records
Franz WaxmanMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Get On Down
Various ArtistsCD | MP3 | iTunes | VinylView Movie
Gunfight at the O.K. CorralGunfight at the O.K. Corral
Limited Edition of 2,000 Units

La-La Land Records
Dimitri TiomkinCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie

April 25 – May 1, 2016

  Album (41 total albums) Music by Formats /
Related Titles
The Amityville LegacyThe Amityville Legacy
House of Analogue
Aidan CasserlyMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Family FangThe Family Fang
Lakeshore Records
Carter BurwellCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Girl in the PhotographsThe Girl in the Photographs
Lakeshore Records
Nima FakhraraMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Goosebumps - Vinyl EditionGoosebumps - Vinyl Edition
Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Waxwork Records
Danny ElfmanVinyl | Official SiteView Movie
Grace and Frankie: Love and Peace (Single)Grace and Frankie: Love and Peace (Single)
Running Groove Productions
-CD | MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
The Hero (The Heritage of Love)The Hero (The Heritage of Love)Eduard ArtemevMP3View Movie
I Am WrathI Am Wrath
MovieScore Media
Haim MazarMP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
Il sistemaIl sistema
Rai Com
Pino DonaggioMP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Offworld Trading CompanyOffworld Trading Company
Decca Records
Christopher TinMP3 | iTunesView
Video Game
Patenkind Records
Daniel Hoffknecht
Gary Marlowe
DigitalView Movie
Theo et Hugo dans le meme bateauTheo et Hugo dans le meme bateau
Ecce Films
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Tout s'accelereTout s'accelere
Sous la ville
Sebastien DutertryMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Un homme a la hauteurUn homme a la hauteur
Eric Neveux
Various Artists
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Under the PyramidUnder the Pyramid
Riva Media Records
Gino Taihuttu
Jiri Taihuttu
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Vince PopeMP3 | iTunesView
Lakeshore Records
Stephen RennicksCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Last PanthersThe Last Panthers
Warp Records
ClarkCD | iTunes | VinylView
TV Series
Les Visiteurs: La RevolutionLes Visiteurs: La Revolution
Milan Records
Eric LeviCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Ratchet & ClankRatchet & Clank
Milan Records
Jingle Punks
Evan Wise
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Aliens - VinylAliens - Vinyl
James HornerVinyl | Official SiteView Movie
Bright Star - Original Broadway CastBright Star - Original Broadway Cast
Edie Brickell
Steve Martin
CD | MP3 | iTunesView
Stage Musical
Die NibelungenDie Nibelungen
Gottfried HuppertzCDView 2 Movies
The Drift / Darkwave: Edge of the StormThe Drift / Darkwave: Edge of the Storm
MovieScore Media
James GriffithsMP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView 2 Titles
Empire: Season 2 - Vol. 2Empire: Season 2 - Vol. 2
Columbia Records
Various ArtistsCDView
TV Series
Empire: Season 2 - Vol. 2 - DeluxeEmpire: Season 2 - Vol. 2 - Deluxe
Various ArtistsMP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Il grande silenzioIl grande silenzio
Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Dagored Records
Ennio MorriconeVinyl | Official SiteView Movie
Il mondo dei RomaniIl mondo dei Romani
Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Piero UmilianiDigital | Vinyl | Official SiteView
TV Movie
L'ira di AchilleL'ira di Achille
Carlo SavinaCD | Official SiteView Movie
Le bunker de la derniere rafaleLe bunker de la derniere rafale
D Beats
Marc CaroVinylView
Short Film
A Month of SundaysA Month of Sundays
Bryony MarksMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Omicidio per vocazioneOmicidio per vocazione
Stefano TorossiCD | Official SiteView Movie
Prometheus - Vinyl EditionPrometheus - Vinyl Edition
Variant Editions Limited

Marc StreitenfeldVinyl | Official SiteView Movie
Varese Sarabande
Neal AcreeCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView
Video Game
Limited Edition of 1,000 Units

Dragon's Domain Records
Jack NitzscheCD | Official SiteView Movie
Sgamos vs. FatesSgamos vs. FatesEmilio Larocca ConteMP3 | iTunesView
Short Film
Shy PeopleShy People
Limited Edition of 1,000 Units

Dragon's Domain Records
Tangerine DreamCD | Official SiteView Movie
Animal HouseAnimal House
Elmer BernsteinCD | MP3 | iTunes | VinylView Movie
House of Cards: Season 4House of Cards: Season 4
Varese Sarabande
Jeff BealCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView
TV Series
The IdolmakerThe Idolmaker
A&M Records
John BarryMP3 | iTunes | VinylView Movie
The Last Days On MarsThe Last Days On Mars
Atlantic Screen Music
Max RichterCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Perfect SensePerfect Sense
Atlantic Screen Music
Max RichterCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie

April TBD, 2016

  Album (4 total albums) Music by Formats /
Related Titles
Hail, Caesar!Hail, Caesar!
Carter BurwellVinyl | Official SiteView Movie
GDM Music
Ennio MorriconeCD | Official SiteView Movie
Couple in a HoleCouple in a Hole
BEAK>CD | Digital | Vinyl | Official Site | CassetteView Movie
Eubie! A New Musical Revue - Original Broadway CastEubie! A New Musical Revue - Original Broadway Cast
Limited Edition of 1,000 Copies

Eubie BlakeCD | Official SiteView
Stage Musical

• Most albums are released on a Friday of any given week. Prior to July, 2015, albums were generally released on Tuesdays.

• Titles are sorted by week (or day if viewing a single week), then by:
– Albums related to recent new releases (titles released in the previous 12 months, indicated in bold).
– Whether the album appears on the schedule for the first time (indicated by larger artwork) or not (smaller artwork indicates the album has been previously released in another format).

• Format descriptions in bold ("CD | MP3", etc.) indicate that format was released on that day or week. Non-bold links indicate that format for the album was released on a different date, but the link is provided for your convenience.

• Click on the 'CD' or 'MP3' links in the 'Format(s) / Purchase' column to view or purchase the album from, or the 'iTunes' link to purchase from Apple's iTunes store.

Current Soundtrack Release Schedule
Feb 2025 Soundtrack Schedule
Mar 2025 Soundtrack Schedule
Apr 2025 Soundtrack Schedule
Upcoming Soundtrack Releases TBD

• This time period in:
   Theatrical Movies | Home Video