Soundtrack Release Schedule

Please report updates, errors and omissions to the release schedule at Note that the release schedule prior to 2011 is likely incomplete, especially on a week-by-week basis. For better accuracy, view by year for past years.

December 29, 2014 – January 4, 2015

  Album (21 total albums) Music by Formats /
Related Titles
Galavant: Maybe You're Not the Worst Thing Ever (Single)Galavant: Maybe You're Not the Worst Thing Ever (Single)
Hollywood Records
Alan Menken
Glenn Slater
MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Galavant: She'll Be Mine (Single)Galavant: She'll Be Mine (Single)
Hollywood Records
Alan Menken
Glenn Slater
MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
I - ManoharuduI - Manoharudu
Sony Music Entertainment
A.R. RahmanMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Shamitabh: Piddly (Single)Shamitabh: Piddly (Single)
-MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Si accettano miracoliSi accettano miracoli
GDM Music
Umberto ScipioneCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
The Woman in Black 2: Angel of DeathThe Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death
Varese Sarabande
Marco Beltrami
Brandon Roberts
Marcus Trumpp
CD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
Ainsi soient-ilsAinsi soient-ils
Zadig Music
Jean-Pierre Taieb
Various Artists
MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Birlesen GonullerBirlesen Gonuller
CD Baby
Evanthia ReboutsikaCD | iTunesView Movie
BoysTown - The First SeasonBoysTown - The First Season
Reidling Entertainment
Jon Gilbert Leavitt
Various Artists
MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Danger 5: Series 2Danger 5: Series 2
Dario RussoMP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Deep LoveDeep Love
ID Music
Atanas ValkovMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Salim Merchant
Suleiman Merchant
Sukhwinder Singh
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Les Coeurs brules / Les yeux d'HeleneLes Coeurs brules / Les yeux d'Helene
Vladimir CosmaiTunesView 2 Titles
Les aventures de Rabbi JacobLes aventures de Rabbi Jacob
Vladimir CosmaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Les souvenirsLes souvenirs
Alexis Rault
Various Artists
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Universo di notteUniverso di notte
Trunk Records
Roberto NicolosiMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Was nicht passt, wird passend gemachtWas nicht passt, wird passend gemacht
Sweet Lemon
Rainer Kuhn
Various Artists
DigitalView Movie
Daniele FerrettiMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Joggers' ParkJoggers' Park
Tabun Sutradhar
Various Artists
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Saimel Ediciones
Joan ValentCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
Turkey ShootTurkey Shoot
Dual Planet
Brian MayCD | VinylView Movie

January 5 – 11, 2015

  Album (63 total albums) Music by Formats /
Related Titles
Galavant: Jackass in a Can (Single)Galavant: Jackass in a Can (Single)
Hollywood Records
Alan Menken
Glenn Slater
MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Reach Me - Original ScoreReach Me - Original Score
Lakeshore Records
Tree AdamsCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
Paramount Pictures
Jason Moran
Various Artists
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Taken 3Taken 3
Nathaniel MechalyMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Dance of RealityThe Dance of Reality
Real Gone
Adan JodorwskyCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Great InvisibleThe Great Invisible
Lakeshore Records
David WingoCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
My Life Directed by Nicolas Winding RefnMy Life Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn
Milan Records
Cliff MartinezCD | MP3 | iTunes | VinylView Movie
Night at the Museum: Secret of the TombNight at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb
Varese Sarabande
Alan SilvestriCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
Relatos SalvajesRelatos Salvajes
Quartet Records
Gustavo Santaolalla
Various Artists
CD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
The Woman in Black 2: Angel of DeathThe Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death
Varese Sarabande
Marco Beltrami
Brandon Roberts
Marcus Trumpp
CD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
Paul MisrakiMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Vladimir CosmaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Boy Who Could FlyThe Boy Who Could Fly
Bruce BroughtonCD | Official SiteView Movie
Call Me MisterCall Me Mister
The Digital Gramophone
Harold RomeMP3 | iTunesView
Stage Musical
Billy JuppMP3 | iTunesView
Short Film
Chicago Fire - Season 1Chicago Fire - Season 1
Lakeshore Records
Atli OrvarssonCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView
TV Series
Chicago Fire - Season 2Chicago Fire - Season 2
Lakeshore Records
Atli OrvarssonMP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView
TV Series
The Day the Earth Stood StillThe Day the Earth Stood Still
Limited Edition of 1,200 Copies

Bernard HerrmannCD | Official SiteView Movie
HH, Hitler a HollywoodHH, Hitler a Hollywood
Vladimir CosmaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Holy MountainThe Holy Mountain
Real Gone
Don Cherry
Ron Frangipane
Alejandro Jodorowsky
CD | VinylView Movie
Inspecteur la BavureInspecteur la Bavure
Vladimir CosmaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
L'affaire SK1L'affaire SK1
Cristal Records
Christophe La Pinta
Frederic Tellier
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
L'assassino ha riservato nove poltroneL'assassino ha riservato nove poltrone
Limited Edition of 500 Units

Quartet Records
Carlo SavinaCD | Official SiteView Movie
L'homme de SuezL'homme de Suez
Vladimir CosmaMP3 | iTunesView
La Chambre des DamesLa Chambre des Dames
Vladimir CosmaMP3 | iTunesView
La montre, la croix et la maniereLa montre, la croix et la maniere
Vladimir CosmaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
La rancon de la gloireLa rancon de la gloire
Michel LegrandMP3 | iTunesView Movie
La vache et le presidentLa vache et le president
Vladimir CosmaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
La vouivreLa vouivre
Vladimir CosmaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Last Starfighter - ExpandedThe Last Starfighter - Expanded
Craig SafanCD | Official SiteView Movie
Le doulosLe doulos
Paul MisrakiMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Le plus beau metier du mondeLe plus beau metier du monde
Vladimir CosmaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Le temps des porte-plumesLe temps des porte-plumes
Vladimir CosmaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Legend of the Wolf Woman (La lupa mannara)The Legend of the Wolf Woman (La lupa mannara)
Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Quartet Records
Coriolano GoriCD | Official SiteView Movie
Les CousinsLes Cousins
Paul MisrakiMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Les Rois du gagLes Rois du gag
Vladimir CosmaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Les Sables mouvantsLes Sables mouvants
Vladimir CosmaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Les amities particulieres (EP)Les amities particulieres (EP)
Disques Cinemusique
Jean ProdromidesMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Les baisers: Cher baiser (Single)Les baisers: Cher baiser (Single)
Paul MisrakiMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Les bonnes femmesLes bonnes femmes
Paul MisrakiMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Les grandes famillesLes grandes familles
Vladimir CosmaMP3 | iTunesView
Mefiez-vous, fillettesMefiez-vous, fillettes
Paul MisrakiMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Vladimir CosmaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Paper PlanesPaper Planes
ABC Classics
Nigel WestlakeCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Ragion di StatoRagion di Stato
Rai Com
Francesco De Luca
Alessandro Forti
MP3 | iTunesView
Right Yaaa WrongRight Yaaa Wrong
Monty SharmaMP3View Movie
Vladimir CosmaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Star Trek: Catspaw & Friday's ChildStar Trek: Catspaw & Friday's Child
La-La Land Records
Gerald FriedMP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Theo's HouseTheo's House
Quartet Records
Pascal GaigneCD | Official SiteView Movie
This Is the Army - Original All-Soldier CastThis Is the Army - Original All-Soldier Cast
The Digital Gramophone
Irving BerlinMP3 | iTunesView
Stage Musical
Till We Meet AgainTill We Meet Again
Vladimir CosmaMP3 | iTunesView
Todo el tiempo del mundoTodo el tiempo del mundo
Mario VinuelaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Vladimir Cosma : Ses plus grands succesVladimir Cosma : Ses plus grands succes
Vladimir CosmaMP3 | iTunes-
Vous n'aurez pas l'Alsace et la LorraineVous n'aurez pas l'Alsace et la Lorraine
Vladimir CosmaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Women of Brewster PlaceThe Women of Brewster PlaceDavid ShireMP3 | iTunesView
A double tourA double tour
Paul MisrakiMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Paolo VasileMP3 | iTunes | VinylView Movie
Kaanchi: The UnbreakableKaanchi: The Unbreakable
4 related composersCD | MP3View Movie
La stanza del vescovoLa stanza del vescovo
Armando TrovajoliMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Les incontournables - Vol. 1Les incontournables - Vol. 1
Vladimir CosmaCD | MP3 | iTunes-
Les incontournables - Vol. 2Les incontournables - Vol. 2
Vladimir CosmaCD | MP3 | iTunes-
Les incontournables - Vol. 3Les incontournables - Vol. 3
Vladimir CosmaCD | MP3 | iTunes-
Les meilleures musiques de films TV de Vladimir CosmaLes meilleures musiques de films TV de Vladimir Cosma
Vladimir CosmaCD | MP3 | iTunes-

January 12 – 18, 2015

  Album (55 total albums) Music by Formats /
Related Titles
The Avengers: Age of Ultron - I've Got No Strings (Trailer)The Avengers: Age of Ultron - I've Got No Strings (Trailer)
Chapel Music
-MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Badlapur: Jeena Jeena (Single)Badlapur: Jeena Jeena (Single)
Atif Aslam
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Book of LifeThe Book of Life
First Vinyl Pressing Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Music On Vinyl / At the Movies
Gustavo Santaolalla
Various Artists
Vinyl | Official SiteView Movie
Da Sweet Blood of JesusDa Sweet Blood of Jesus
Various ArtistsMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Hunger Games - Mockingjay, Part 1: The Hanging Tree (Rebel Remix Single)The Hunger Games - Mockingjay, Part 1: The Hanging Tree (Rebel Remix Single)
Lions Gate Films
James Newton HowardMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Into the Woods - Instrumental Songs VersionInto the Woods - Instrumental Songs Version
Walt Disney Records
Stephen SondheimMP3 | iTunesView Movie
K.C. Undercover: Keep It Undercover (Single)K.C. Undercover: Keep It Undercover (Single)
Walt Disney Records
-MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Le AcceleratorLe Accelerator
Vinyl Edition is Limited to 1,000 Copies
Rockford KabineMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Manner! Alles auf AnfangManner! Alles auf Anfang
i2i Musikproduktion
Jens Oettrich
Matthias Preisinger
MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Decca Records
Nick UrataCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Scorpion King 4: Quest for PowerThe Scorpion King 4: Quest for Power
Limited CDEdition of 1,500 Units

La-La Land Records
Geoff ZanelliMP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView
Direct to Video
Various Artists
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Song OneSong One
Lakeshore Records
Jenny Lewis
Johnathan Rice
Various Artists
CD | MP3 | iTunes | Vinyl | Official SiteView Movie
Spare PartsSpare Parts
J-2 Music
Various ArtistsMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Still AliceStill Alice
Nettwerk America
Ilan EshkeriMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Testament of YouthTestament of Youth
Editions Milan
Max RichterCD | DigitalView Movie
The Theory of EverythingThe Theory of Everything
First Pressing Limited Edition of 1,000 Copies

Music On Vinyl / At the Movies
Johann JohannssonVinyl | Official SiteView Movie
The Wedding RingerThe Wedding Ringer
Madison Gate Records
Various ArtistsMP3 | iTunesView Movie
At the Devil's DoorAt the Devil's Door
Lakeshore Records
Ronen LandaCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
The CanalThe Canal
Lakeshore Records
Ceiri TorjussenCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
Lakeshore Records
Benjamin GibbardCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
Lakeshore Records
Mark KilianCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
Sharknado 2: The Second OneSharknado 2: The Second One
Lakeshore Records
Christopher Cano
Chris Ridenhour
CD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView
TV Movie
Walking with the EnemyWalking with the Enemy
Lakeshore Records
Timothy WilliamsCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
2047 - Sights Of Death2047 - Sights Of Death
WM Italy
Vittorio GiannelliDigitalView Movie
Alarm fur Cobra 11 - Volume 3Alarm fur Cobra 11 - Volume 3
i2i Musikproduktion
Jaro Messerschmidt
Nik Reich
Frederik Wiedmann
MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Ambition / The Rosetta MissionAmbition / The Rosetta MissionAtanas ValkovMP3 | iTunesView
Short Film
Anomaly - Deluxe EditionAnomaly - Deluxe EditionAnamogMP3 | iTunesView
Short Film
Another Day, Another Time: Celebrating the Music of Inside Llewyn DavisAnother Day, Another Time: Celebrating the Music of Inside Llewyn Davis
Nonesuch Records
Various ArtistsCD | MP3 | iTunes | Vinyl | Official SiteView
TV Movie
Assassin's Creed Unity - Dead KingsAssassin's Creed Unity - Dead Kings
Cris VelascoMP3 | iTunesView
Video Game
Bebe TigreBebe Tigre
kill the dj
Leonie PernetMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Broadchurch - ExpandedBroadchurch - Expanded
Olafur ArnaldsCD | MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Death in ParadiseDeath in Paradise
Magnus Fiennes
Various Artists
TV Series
From Inside: Custom Vinyl EditionFrom Inside: Custom Vinyl Edition
Phineas Atwood
Ade Fenton
Gary Numan
VinylView Movie
Ala Bianca Records
Marco CasconeMP3 | iTunesView Movie
La Isla MinimaLa Isla Minima
Ernie Records
[Delete] [Me]MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Le evaseLe evase
Pippo CarusoMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Legacy Collection: FantasiaThe Legacy Collection: Fantasia
Walt Disney Records
Various ArtistsCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Midway Tra La Vita e la MorteMidway Tra La Vita e la Morte
WM Italy
Luca BalboniDigitalView Movie
Planet of the ApesPlanet of the Apes
Limited Edition of 2,000 Units

La-La Land Records
Earle Hagen
Richard LaSalle
Lalo Schifrin
CD | Official SiteView
TV Series
The RaidThe Raid
Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Death Waltz / Mondo
Aria Prayogi
Fajar Yuskemal
Vinyl | Official SiteView Movie
Road to the Super BowlRoad to the Super Bowl
David RobidouxMP3 | iTunesView
TV Movie
Scanners / The BroodScanners / The Brood
Howard ShoreVinyl | Official SiteView 2 Movies
Sleepaway Camp: Angela's Theme EPSleepaway Camp: Angela's Theme EP
Limited Edition of 1,500 Copies

Death Waltz / Mondo
Frankie VinciVinyl | Official SiteView Movie
West of ThunderWest of ThunderVarious ArtistsMP3View Movie
Boardwalk Empire: Volume 3Boardwalk Empire: Volume 3
Various ArtistsCD | MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
The BrotherhoodThe Brotherhood
Screamworks Records
Arnau BatallerCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
Far and AwayFar and Away
John Williams
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Honeymoon in Vegas - Original Broadway CastHoneymoon in Vegas - Original Broadway Cast
Jason Robert BrownCD | MP3 | iTunesView
Stage Musical
The Jerry Goldsmith Collection Vol. 2: Piano SketchesThe Jerry Goldsmith Collection Vol. 2: Piano Sketches
Limited Edition of 1,500 Units

BSX Records
Jerry GoldsmithMP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView 21 Titles
L'occhio dietro la pareteL'occhio dietro la parete
Pippo CarusoMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Pippo CarusoMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Scent of a WomanScent of a Woman
Thomas NewmanCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Thelma & LouiseThelma & Louise
Hans Zimmer
Various Artists
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Tutti a squolaTutti a squola
Gianni FerrioMP3 | iTunesView Movie

January 19 – 25, 2015

  Album (51 total albums) Music by Formats /
Related Titles
Sachin-JigarCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Black SeaBlack Sea
Back Lot Music
Ilan EshkeriMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Black or WhiteBlack or White
Relativity Music 2
Terence BlanchardMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Boy Next DoorThe Boy Next Door
Varese Sarabande
Nathan Barr
Randy Edelman
CD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
The Boy Next Door: Just Like Rain (Single)The Boy Next Door: Just Like Rain (Single)
Valley Entertainment
Lisbeth ScottMP3View Movie
Confessions of a Prodigal SonConfessions of a Prodigal SonJoel ClarksonMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Dracula Untold - Remixed (EP)Dracula Untold - Remixed (EP)
Back Lot Music
Ramin DjawadiMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Eva's LegacyEva's Legacy
DcM-8 Music
Louis Gaston
Lee Kavanagh
MP3 | iTunesView
Short Film
Sparks and Shadows
Bear McCrearyCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Hollywood Records
Alan Menken
Glenn Slater
MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
Il nome del figlioIl nome del figlio
Creazioni Artistiche Musicali
Battista LenaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Imitation GameThe Imitation Game
First Vinyl Pressing Limited Edition of 750 Copies

Music On Vinyl / At the Movies
Alexandre DesplatVinyl | Official SiteView Movie
Last Days in VietnamLast Days in VietnamGary LionelliMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Lego Movie - Vinyl EditionThe Lego Movie - Vinyl Edition
Limited Edition of 1,000 Copies

Music On Vinyl / At the Movies
Mark MothersbaughVinyl | Official SiteView Movie
Les 108 Rois-DemonsLes 108 Rois-Demons
Same Player
Rolfe KentMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The LoftThe Loft
Varese Sarabande
John FrizzellCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
McFarland, USA: Juntos (Single)McFarland, USA: Juntos (Single)
Walt Disney Records
-MP3 | iTunesView Movie
La-La Land Records
Mark Ronson
Geoff Zanelli
CD | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
A1 Muzik Yapim
Tevfik Akbasli
Yildiray Gurgen
Mahsun Kirmizigul
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Red ArmyRed Army
Milan Records
Christophe Beck
Leo Birenberg
CD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
Sons of LibertySons of Liberty
A&E Networks
Lorne Balfe
Hans Zimmer
MP3 | iTunesView
Soundtrack Music from The Academy Awards: 2015Soundtrack Music from The Academy Awards: 2015
Te Mata
14 related composersMP3View 17 Movies
Strange MagicStrange Magic
Hollywood Records
Marius de VriesCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
White RabbitWhite RabbitJohn Vincent McCauleyMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Gone GirlGone Girl
Trent Reznor
Atticus Ross
CD | MP3 | iTunes | VinylView Movie
Si accettano miracoliSi accettano miracoli
GDM Music
Umberto ScipioneCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
The Big GundownThe Big Gundown
Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Dagored Records
Ennio MorriconeVinylView Movie
Christopher Slaski: Film WorksChristopher Slaski: Film Works
Quartet Records
Christopher SlaskiCD | Official Site-
Darling Berlin
Various ArtistsMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Happy Wave Records
Hans LundgrenMP3View Movie
Irving Berlin's Easter ParadeIrving Berlin's Easter Parade
The Digital Gramophone
Irving BerlinMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Journey InsideThe Journey Inside
David ShireCD | Official SiteView Movie
Limited Edition of 500 Units

Quartet Records
Guido De Angelis
Maurizio De Angelis
CD | Official SiteView Movie
La planete sauvage - Vinyl EditionLa planete sauvage - Vinyl Edition
First Vinyl Pressing Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Superior Viaduct
Alain GoraguerVinyl | Official SiteView Movie
Les 1001 NuitsLes 1001 Nuits
Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Music Box Records
Gabriel YaredCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
The Mighty Quest for Epic LootThe Mighty Quest for Epic Loot
Jamie Christopherson
Soundelux Design Music Group
MP3 | iTunesView
Video Game
Mr. & Mrs. RamachariMr. & Mrs. Ramachari
Sony Music Entertainment
V. HarikrishnaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Questione di cuore / Lezioni di voloQuestione di cuore / Lezioni di volo
Battista LenaMP3 | iTunesView 2 Movies
Limited Edition

Music Box Records
Philippe RombiCD | Official SiteView Movie
The River Wild - ExpandedThe River Wild - Expanded
Jerry Goldsmith
Maurice Jarre
CD | Official SiteView Movie
Safari 5000Safari 5000
Limited Edition of 500 Units

Quartet Records
Toshiro MayuzumiCD | Official SiteView Movie
The Walking Dead: Turn Into the Noise (Single)The Walking Dead: Turn Into the Noise (Single)-MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
The War WithinThe War Within
House of Grace Films
Van LawsonMP3 | iTunesView Movie
West Side Story: Jazz Impressions - Unique PerspectivesWest Side Story: Jazz Impressions - Unique Perspectives
Leonard Bernstein
Stephen Sondheim
Stage Musical
All This and World War IIAll This and World War II
20th Century Fox Music
John Lennon
Paul McCartney
CD | VinylView Movie
The Essential Disney CollectionThe Essential Disney Collection
10 related composersCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView 14 Titles
Limited Edition of 1,000 Copies

Varese Sarabande Club
Miklos RozsaCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
Looking for JohnnyLooking for Johnny
Mvd Audio
Johnny ThundersCD | VinylView Movie
Perrak and Other Film MusicPerrak and Other Film Music
All Score Media
Rolf KuhnMP3 | iTunes | Vinyl-
Starship TroopersStarship Troopers
Varese Sarabande
Basil PoledourisCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Willie DynamiteWillie Dynamite
J.J. JohnsonCD | MP3 | iTunes | VinylView Movie

January 26 – February 1, 2015

  Album (44 total albums) Music by Formats /
Related Titles
Boychoir: The Mystery of Your Gift (Single)Boychoir: The Mystery of Your Gift (Single)
Josh GrobanMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix Vol. 1 - Vinyl EditionGuardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix Vol. 1 - Vinyl Edition
Limited Edition

Various ArtistsVinyl | Official SiteView Movie
HooveyHooveyJohn CodaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Italiano MedioItaliano Medio
Chris Costa
Fabio Gargiulo
MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Justice League: Throne of AtlantisJustice League: Throne of Atlantis
Limited CD Edition of 1,000 Units

La-La Land Records
Frederik WiedmannCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView
Direct to Video
Kingsman: The Secret ServiceKingsman: The Secret Service
La-La Land Records
Henry Jackman
Matthew Margeson
CD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
The LookThe Look
Dperry Music
Daniel PerryMP3 | iTunesView
Short Film
Music from The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of WaterMusic from The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water
Various ArtistsMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Toute premiere foisToute premiere fois
Editions Milan
Mathieu LamboleyMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Vaasthu PrakaaraVaasthu Prakaara
Sony Music Entertainment
V. HarikrishnaMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Words and PicturesWords and Pictures
Lakeshore Records
Paul GrabowskyCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
Atlas Shrugged Part III: Who Is John Galt?Atlas Shrugged Part III: Who Is John Galt?
Atlas Distribution
Elia CmiralCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
EmoticonEmoticonLivia De Paolis
Various Artists
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
SJ SuryahCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
La-La Land Records
Mark Ronson
Geoff Zanelli
CD | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
The Scorpion King 4: Quest for PowerThe Scorpion King 4: Quest for Power
Limited CDEdition of 1,500 Units

La-La Land Records
Geoff ZanelliCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView
Direct to Video
Belly - CleanBelly - Clean
Def Jam
Various ArtistsMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Branio sam Mladu BosnuBranio sam Mladu Bosnu
Mascom Records
Biljana Krstic
Dragomir Miki Stanojevic
MP3View Movie
Cab to CanadaCab to Canada
Silverscreen Music
Alan WilliamsMP3 | iTunesView
TV Movie
Col ferro e col fuocoCol ferro e col fuoco
Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Francesco De Masi
Giovanni Fusco
CD | Official SiteView Movie
Beat Records
Fabio FrizziCD | Official SiteView Movie
Don Giovanni in SiciliaDon Giovanni in Sicilia
Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Bruno NicolaiCD | Official SiteView
Fellini, Visconti: Decadence & DreamsFellini, Visconti: Decadence & Dreams
Cherry Red
Nino RotaCDView 4 Movies
Flash Gordon - Volume ThreeFlash Gordon - Volume Three
Perseverance Records
Michael PictonCD | MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
The Interview / This Is the EndThe Interview / This Is the End
CD Limited Edition of 5,000 Units

La-La Land Records
Henry JackmanCD | iTunes | Official SiteView 2 Movies
The Last DanceThe Last Dance
Silverscreen Music
Alan WilliamsMP3 | iTunesView
TV Movie
Limited Edition

Saimel Ediciones
Renzo RosselliniCD | Official SiteView Movie
Limited Edition of 500 Units

Perseverance Records
Michel RubiniCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
October GaleOctober GaleMischa ChillakMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Officer DownOfficer DownJerome DillonMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Riflessi di luce / Non avere paura della zia MartaRiflessi di luce / Non avere paura della zia Marta
Beat Records
John SpositoCD | Official SiteView 2 Movies
Sangraal, la spada di fuocoSangraal, la spada di fuoco
Limited Edition of 500 Copies

Franco CampaninoCD | Official SiteView Movie
Scacco internazionaleScacco internazionale
Beat Records
Carlo RustichelliCD | Official SiteView Movie
Trouw met mijTrouw met mij
Wild Cherry Music
Moritz SchmittatMP3 | iTunesView Movie
The Vanishing of Ethan CarterThe Vanishing of Ethan Carter
Sumthing Else Music Works
Mikolai StroinskiMP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView
Video Game
37: A Final Promise37: A Final Promise
Aarimax Entertainment
Cathleen Flynn
Various Artists
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
AnomalyAnomalyAnamogCD | MP3 | iTunesView
Short Film
The Color of MoneyThe Color of Money
Robbie Robertson
Various Artists
CD | MP3 | iTunes | VinylView Movie
MalignantMalignantMark Lee FletcherCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
On the WaterfrontOn the Waterfront
Leonard BernsteinCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
Sara un paeseSara un paese
Trance De Musique
Stefano LentiniCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
The SearchersThe Searchers
Red Bitch Music
Max SteinerCD | MP3View Movie
Servus IshqServus Ishq
Sandeep Kumar Films
Afroz KhanCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
You or a Loved OneYou or a Loved OneVarious ArtistsCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie

January TBD, 2015

  Album (1 total albums) Music by Formats /
Related Titles
Candyman - Vinyl EditionCandyman - Vinyl Edition
Limited Edition

One Way Static Records
Philip GlassVinyl | Official SiteView Movie

• Most albums are released on a Friday of any given week. Prior to July, 2015, albums were generally released on Tuesdays.

• Titles are sorted by week (or day if viewing a single week), then by:
– Albums related to recent new releases (titles released in the previous 12 months, indicated in bold).
– Whether the album appears on the schedule for the first time (indicated by larger artwork) or not (smaller artwork indicates the album has been previously released in another format).

• Format descriptions in bold ("CD | MP3", etc.) indicate that format was released on that day or week. Non-bold links indicate that format for the album was released on a different date, but the link is provided for your convenience.

• Click on the 'CD' or 'MP3' links in the 'Format(s) / Purchase' column to view or purchase the album from, or the 'iTunes' link to purchase from Apple's iTunes store.

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