Soundtrack Release Schedule

Please report updates, errors and omissions to the release schedule at Note that the release schedule prior to 2011 is likely incomplete, especially on a week-by-week basis. For better accuracy, view by year for past years.

September 12 – 18, 2011

Day   Album (31 total albums) Music by Formats /
Related Titles
Vishal Dadlani
Shekhar Ravjiani
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Hell and Back AgainHell and Back Again
Rumor Mill Records
J. RalphiTunesView Movie
The Help - Original ScoreThe Help - Original Score
Varese Sarabande
Thomas NewmanCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
A Lonely Place to DieA Lonely Place to Die
MovieScore Media
Michael Richard PlowmanMP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
Straw DogsStraw Dogs
Madison Gate Records
Larry GroupéCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Tere Mere PhereTere Mere Phere
Super Cassettes Industries
Shivangi Kashyap
Rishi Singh
CD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Boardwalk Empire: Volume 1Boardwalk Empire: Volume 1
Various ArtistsCD | MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
WaterTower Music
Cliff MartinezCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Various ArtistsCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
Disney Princess: Fairy Tale SongsDisney Princess: Fairy Tale Songs
Walt Disney Records
-CDView 9 Movies
The Eternal Sea / Make Haste to LiveThe Eternal Sea / Make Haste to Live
Citadel Records
Elmer BernsteinCD | MP3 | iTunesView 2 Movies
Forever YoungForever Young
Limited Edition of 3,000 Units

La-La Land Records
Jerry GoldsmithCD | Official SiteView Movie
Grey's Anatomy - Vol. 4Grey's Anatomy - Vol. 4
Chop Shop Records
Various ArtistsCD | MP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
The Lord of the Rings SymphonyThe Lord of the Rings Symphony
HOWE records
Howard ShoreCD | iTunesView 3 Movies
The Music of Michel LegrandThe Music of Michel Legrand
Silva Screen Records, Ltd.
Michel LegrandCD | MP3 | iTunesView 13 Titles
Sleeping with the EnemySleeping with the Enemy
Limited Edition of 3,500 Units

La-La Land Records
Jerry GoldsmithCD | Official SiteView Movie
The Space Children / The Colossus Of New YorkThe Space Children / The Colossus Of New York
Limited Edition of 1,500 Copies

Film Score Monthly
Nathan Van CleaveCD | Official SiteView 2 Movies
True Blood - Music from the HBO Original Series Vol. 3 - Deluxe EditionTrue Blood - Music from the HBO Original Series Vol. 3 - Deluxe Edition
WaterTower Music
Various ArtistsMP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
La dama rossa uccide sette volte (The Red Queen Kills Seven Times)La dama rossa uccide sette volte (The Red Queen Kills Seven Times)
Bruno NicolaiCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
True Blood - Music from the HBO Original Series Vol. 3True Blood - Music from the HBO Original Series Vol. 3
WaterTower Music
Various ArtistsCD | MP3 | Official SiteView
TV Series
l castello dei morti vivil castello dei morti vivi
Angelo Francesco LavagninoCDView Movie
Il grande FaustoIl grande Fausto
Franco PiersantiCD | MP3 | iTunesView
TV Movie
La condannaLa condanna
Carlo CrivelliCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie
L'apollonide (House of Tolerance)L'apollonide (House of Tolerance)Bertrand BonelloCDView Movie
Ballata per un pistoleroBallata per un pistolero
Marcello GiombiniMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F (Single)Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F (Single)
BSX Records
Harold FaltermeyerMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Deutschlands KustenDeutschlands Kusten
Amboss Recordings
Clemens WinterhalterMP3 | iTunesView
TV Series
I lunghi capelli della morteI lunghi capelli della morte
Carlo RustichelliMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Il west ti va stretto amico... e arrivato AllelujaIl west ti va stretto amico... e arrivato Alleluja
Stelvio CiprianiMP3 | iTunesView Movie
Copernicus' StarCopernicus' Star
Limited Edition of 1,000 Units

La-La Land Records
Abel KorzeniowskiCD | MP3 | iTunes | Official SiteView Movie
The ResidentThe Resident
Pale Blue
John OttmanCD | MP3 | iTunesView Movie

• Most albums are released on a Friday of any given week. Prior to July, 2015, albums were generally released on Tuesdays.

• Titles are sorted by week (or day if viewing a single week), then by:
– Albums related to recent new releases (titles released in the previous 12 months, indicated in bold).
– Whether the album appears on the schedule for the first time (indicated by larger artwork) or not (smaller artwork indicates the album has been previously released in another format).

• Format descriptions in bold ("CD | MP3", etc.) indicate that format was released on that day or week. Non-bold links indicate that format for the album was released on a different date, but the link is provided for your convenience.

• Click on the 'CD' or 'MP3' links in the 'Format(s) / Purchase' column to view or purchase the album from, or the 'iTunes' link to purchase from Apple's iTunes store.

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