November 1991 (view details)

Highlander II: The Quickening
The People Under the Stairs
11/8All I Want For Christmas
Beauty and the Beast
Cape Fear
Meeting Venus
The Addams Family
An American Tail: Fievel Goes West

December 1991 (view details)

12/6Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
12/13The Last Boy Scout
12/20Tacones Lejanos (High Heels)
Grand Canyon
Madame Bovary

Undetermined 1991 Releases

  The 100 Lives Of Black Jack Savage
  29th Street
  2point4 Children
  976-EVIL 2: The Astral Factor
  Absolute Strangers
  Across the Tracks
  Act of Necessity
  The Adjuster
  Afraid of the Dark
  Aftermath: A Test of Love
  Al Filo de la Ley
  All Out
  American Ninja 4: The Annihilation
  An American Summer
  Anni d'Oro, Gli
  Another Pair of Aces: Three of a Kind
  Another You
  The Astonomers
  At Play In The Fields Of The Lord
  Babe Ruth
  Baby of the Bride
  Backfield In Motion
  Bad Attitudes
  Bad Girls from Mars
  The Ballad of Ren-Ham
  The Ballad of the Sad Cafe
  Barbara Stanwyck: Fire and Desire
  Barnens Detektivbyra
  Barton Fink
  Bernard the Genie
  The Big Slice
  The Big Sweat
  Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey
  Billy Bathgate
  The Black Candle
  Black Demons (Demoni 3)
  Black Magic Woman
  Black Robe
  Blood River
  Blood Ties
  Blue Desert
  Born to Ride
  The Boys
  Breathing Fire
  Bright Angel
  Brotherhood Of The Gun
  The Butcher's Wife
  By The Sword
  Caccia alla Vedova
  Captain America
  A Captive In The Land
  Cast a Deadly Spell
  Chains of Gold
  Chance of a Lifetime
  Chernobyl: The Final Warning
  Child of Darkness, Child of Light
  Children of the Night
  Chizuko's Younger Sister
  City Of Hope
  City Slickers
  Close My Eyes
  Close to Eden
  Cold Heaven
  The Commitments
  The Conviction (La condanna)
  Cool as Ice
  Crack Me Up
  Crazy from the Heart
  Critters 3
  Crooked Hearts
  The Crucifer Of Blood
  Dalla Notte all'Alba
  Danelle Steel's Palomino
  Danger Team
  The Dark Wind
  Daughters of Privilege
  A Day in October
  De Onfatsoenlijke Vrouw
  Dead Men Don't Die
  Dead Silence
  Dead Space
  Deadly Betrayal: The Bruce Curtis Story
  Deadly Game
  Deadly Intentions, Again?
  Deadly Surveillance
  Deep Blues
  Defending Your Life
  Devices and Desires
  Diplomatic Immunity
  Dis-moi qui tu hais
  Diving In
  Doc Hollywood
  The Doctor
  Don't Touch My Daughter
  Door to Silence (Le porte del silenzio)
  The Double Life of Veronique
  Dozoku no ranjo
  Dream Island
  Driving Me Crazy
  Drop Dead Fred
  The Dumbfounded King (El rey pasmado)
  Dying Young
  Dynasty: The Reunion
  Edens Lost
  Edge of Honor
  El Quijote de Miguel de Cervantes
  Emergency Call
  Eminent Domain
  Empire City
  The End Of Innocence
  The Entertainers
  Eve Of Destruction
  Eye Of The Storm
  Eyes of a Witness
  Eyes of an Angel
  Face Of A Stranger
  False Arrest
  Family Express
  Fast Getaway
  Fatal Exposure
  Fatal Friendship
  Father of the Bride
  The Favour, the Watch and the Very Big Fish (La montre, la croix et la maniere)
  Final Verdict
  Finding The Way Home
  Fire In The Dark
  Fires Within
  Five Girls and a Rope
  The Five Heartbeats
  Flight of Black Angel
  For The Boys
  Fourth Story
  Fried Green Tomatoes
  Frozen Assets
  Future Kick
  The Gambler Returns: The Luck Of The Draw
  Garfields Gets a Life
  Gary Cooper: American Life, American Legend
  The Giant of Thunder Mountain
  The Girl from Mars
  The Giving
  Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah
  Golden Axe II - Mega Drive / Sega Genesis
  Golden Fiddles
  Grand Isle
  The Gravy Train Goes East
  Great Expectations
  The Great Pretender
  The Great Shogunate Battle
  Guilty as Charged
  Guilty By Suspicion
  Guilty Until Proven Innocent
  The Guyver
  Hard Promises
  The Hard Way
  He Said, She Said
  Heading Home
  Hear My Song
  Heaven Is A Playground
  Held Hostage: The Sis and Jerry Levin Story
  Hell Hath No Fury
  Her Wicked Ways
  The Heroes Of Desert Storm
  Highway 61
  The Hit Man
  Hors la Vie
  The Hours and Times
  Hudson Hawk
  I Won't Dance
  Ich War ein Glücklicher Mensch
  Ilona und Kurti
  In Broad Daylight
  Incident at Victoria Falls
  An Inconvenient Woman
  The Indian Runner
  Indio 2: The Revolt
  The Inner Circle
  Inner Sanctum
  Intimate Strangers
  Into the Woods
  Iron Maze
  J'Embrasse Pas (I Don't Kiss)
  James Bond Jr.
  Johnny Stecchino
  Johnny Suede
  Julia Has Two Lovers
  The Julie Show
  Jute City
  Keep It for Yourself
  Keeping Secrets
  Keys to Paradise
  The Khajuraho
  Killer Tomatoes Eat France!
  The Killing Mind
  Killing Streets
  King of Jazz
  King Ralph
  A Kiss Before Dying
  Knight Rider 2000
  Kojika Monogatari
  L'enfant des loups
  L.A. Story
  La Belle Noiseuse
  La Carrera Panamericana
  La Domenica Specialmente (Especially On Sunday)
  La Gente de la Universal
  La Grande Dune
  La Méthode Barnol
  La Mujer de Benjamin (Bejamin's Woman)
  La Neige et le feu
  La Pagaille
  La Pastorela
  La Reine blanche
  La Vénus ŕ Lulu
  La Vérité qui tue
  The Last Act Is a Solo
  The Last Butterfly
  The Last Halloween
  The Last Hour
  Last Of England
  The Last Prostitute
  Late for Dinner
  Le Brasier
  Le Jeu du Roi
  Le Jour des rois
  Legal Tender
  Les quatre cavaliers de l'apocalypse
  Let Him Have It
  Lethal Innocence
  Lies Before Kisses
  Lies Of The Twins
  Life for Life
  Life Is Sweet
  Life Stinks
  A Life to Remember: Rose Kennedy
  Lightning Field
  Line Of Fire: The Morris Dees Story
  The Linguini Incident
  Little Man Tate
  Living A Lie
  Lo Más Natural
  Locked Up: A Mother's Rage
  Lonely Hearts
  Long Road Home
  Loraldia - El Tiempo de las Flores
  Love and Curses and All That Jazz
  Love Hurts
  Love Potion No. 9
  Love, Lies and Murder
  Lucky Day
  Lucy & Desi: Before The Laughter
  Lunatics: A Love Story
  The Magic Riddle
  The Man In The Moon
  Mannequin Two: On The Move
  Manta Manta
  Mark Twain and Me
  The Marla Hanson Story
  Married To It
  The Marrying Man
  Mast Kalandar
  Matlock: The Picture
  Meet Mere Man Ke
  Meet the Applegates
  Men of Respect
  Merlin of the Crystal Cave
  Mortal Thoughts
  Mountain of Diamonds
  Mrs. Lambert Remembers Love
  A Murder of Quality
  My Girl
  My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys
  My Mother's Castle
  My Son Johnny
  Mystery Date
  N.Y.P.D. Mounted
  The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear
  Naked Lunch
  The Naked Trees
  Netchaiev is Back (Netchaiev est de retour)
  Never Forget
  Night on Earth
  No Secrets
  Not Mozart: Letters, Riddles and Writs
  Not Without My Daughter
  Nothing But Trouble
  The Old Lady Who Walked in the Sea (La vieille qui marchait dans la mer)
  Once Upon a Time in China
  One Against The Wind
  One Full Moon
  One Good Cop
  One Special Victory
  Only Yesterday
  Operation Condor
  Other People's Money
  Out For Justice
  The Owl
  Palace Guard
  Paris s'éveille
  Paris Trout
  The Passage to Japan
  Peinture fraîche
  People of the Forest: The Chimps of Gombe
  Perfect Harmony
  The Perfect Tribute
  Piazza Di Spagna
  Piccoli, buoni e ladri
  Pink Lightning
  The Pit and the Pendulum
  The Pleasure of Love
  Point Break
  The Polar Bear King (Kvitebjorn Kong Valemon)
  Polizeiruf 110
  Polynesian Odyssey
  Posing: Inspired by Three Real Stories
  Pour Sacha
  Prime Target
  The Prince Of Tides
  Problem Child 2
  Prospero's Books
  Puppet Master II
  Puppet Master III: Toulon's Revenge
  Pure Luck
  The Quarrel
  Queen's Logic
  Quiet Days of August
  Race Against Tomorrow
  A Rage In Harlem
  Rainbow Kids
  Raise the Red Lantern
  Rambling Rose
  The Rape of Dr. Willis
  The Rapture
  Ratbag Hero
  Reason for Living: The Jill Ireland Story
  The Ren & Stimpy Show
  Resident Alien
  The Return Of Elliot Ness
  Rhapsody in August
  Rich Girl
  Ring of Fire
  The River Kings
  Robin Hood
  Rossignol de mes amours
  Rover Dangerfield
  A Row Of Crows
  Rubin and Ed
  Rue du Bac
  Rue Saint-Valentin
  Runaway Father
  The Runestone
  Santa Cruz El cura guerrillero
  Sarajevske Price
  A Scene at the Sea
  Scenes from a Mall
  Se non avessi l'amore
  The Second Imperative
  Selling Hitler
  Sensô to seishun
  Separate But Equal
  The Serbian Girl
  She Stood Alone
  Showdown In Little Tokyo
  Shuto shoshitsu (Tokyo Blackout)
  Sidney Sheldon's Memories of Midnight
  Silent Motive
  A Simple Story
  The Sitter
  Sleeping With The Enemy
  Smack and Thistle
  Small Dance
  Snake Eater II: The Drug Buster
  Social Suicide
  Something of Mine
  Son Of Darkness: To Die For II
  Son uf Darkness: To Die For II
  Starry Night
  Steel and Lace
  Stephen King's Sometimes They Come Back
  The Steven Banks Show
  Stone Cold
  Stop At Nothing
  The Story Lady
  Stranger at My Door
  The Strauss Dynasty
  Street Soldiers
  Strictly Business
  The Summer My Father Grew Up
  Sunset Heat
  The Super
  Surviving Desire
  The Suspended Step of the Stork
  Sutoroberi Road
  Swithced At Birth
  The Taking of Beverly Hills
  A Taste of Freedom
  Ted & Venus
  Terror in Beverly Hills
  Thelma & Louise
  Theory of Achievement
  This Gun for Hire
  Thousand Pieces of Gold
  A Time to Die
  To Save a Child
  Too Much Sun
  The Torkelsons
  Toujours Seuls
  The Toxic Crusaders
  Tracks Of Glory
  Trancers II
  True Colors
  Truly Madly Deeply
  Tsuribaka nisshi 4
  Two Rooms
  Un Incontro/An Encounter
  Una Vita in gioco
  Under Cover
  Under Suspicion
  Until the End of the World
  Verdict Against Anna Leschek
  Vice Academy Part 3
  Villain Introduction
  Wallace & Gromit: A Grand Day Out
  The Weaver's Wife
  What About Bob?
  Where Angels Fear To Tread
  The Whereabouts of Jenny
  White Hot: The Mysterious Murder Of Thelma Todd
  Wife, Mother Murderer
  Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken
  The Wildman of China
  The Willies
  A Wish for Wings That Work
  Without Warning: The James Brady Story
  A Woman at War
  A Woman Named Jackie
  Woman of the Port
  A Woman's Tale
  Women & Men 2: In Love There Are No Rules
  Year of the Gun
  Yes Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus
  And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird!
  Young Soul Rebels

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