11/1 Fri | Highlander II: The Quickening |
The People Under the Stairs |
11/8 | All I Want For Christmas |
11/15 Fri | Beauty and the Beast |
Cape Fear |
Meeting Venus |
11/22 Fri | The Addams Family |
An American Tail: Fievel Goes West |
12/6 | Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country |
12/11 | Hook |
12/13 | The Last Boy Scout |
12/20 | Tacones Lejanos (High Heels) |
12/27 Fri | Grand Canyon |
Madame Bovary |
The 100 Lives Of Black Jack Savage |
29th Street |
2point4 Children |
976-EVIL 2: The Astral Factor |
Absolute Strangers |
Across the Tracks |
Act of Necessity |
The Adjuster |
Afraid of the Dark |
Aftermath: A Test of Love |
Al Filo de la Ley |
All Out |
Amantes |
American Ninja 4: The Annihilation |
An American Summer |
Anni d'Oro, Gli |
Another Pair of Aces: Three of a Kind |
Another You |
Antarctica |
Arena |
The Astonomers |
At Play In The Fields Of The Lord |
Atlantis |
Babe Ruth |
Baby of the Bride |
Backfield In Motion |
Backsliding |
Bad Attitudes |
Bad Girls from Mars |
The Ballad of Ren-Ham |
The Ballad of the Sad Cafe |
Barbara Stanwyck: Fire and Desire |
Barnens Detektivbyra |
Barton Fink |
Bedhead |
Bejewelled |
Bernard the Genie |
The Big Slice |
The Big Sweat |
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey |
Billy Bathgate |
Bingo |
The Black Candle |
Black Demons (Demoni 3) |
Black Magic Woman |
Black Robe |
Blood River |
Blood Ties |
Blue Desert |
Born to Ride |
The Boys |
Breathing Fire |
Bright Angel |
Brotherhood Of The Gun |
Bugsy |
Bullseye! |
The Butcher's Wife |
By The Sword |
Caccia alla Vedova |
Captain America |
Captive |
A Captive In The Land |
Cast a Deadly Spell |
Celeste |
Chains of Gold |
Chance of a Lifetime |
Charuga |
Checkmate |
Chernobyl: The Final Warning |
Child of Darkness, Child of Light |
Children of the Night |
Chimera |
Chizuko's Younger Sister |
City Of Hope |
City Slickers |
Clarissa |
Close My Eyes |
Close to Eden |
Cold Heaven |
The Commitments |
Conagher |
The Conviction (La condanna) |
Cool as Ice |
Cows |
Crack Me Up |
Crazy from the Heart |
Critters 3 |
Crooked Hearts |
The Crucifer Of Blood |
Dalla Notte all'Alba |
Dancer |
Danelle Steel's Palomino |
Danger Team |
The Dark Wind |
Daughters of Privilege |
A Day in October |
De Onfatsoenlijke Vrouw |
Dead Men Don't Die |
Dead Silence |
Dead Space |
Deadly |
Deadly Betrayal: The Bruce Curtis Story |
Deadly Game |
Deadly Intentions, Again? |
Deadly Surveillance |
Deceived |
Deep Blues |
Defending Your Life |
Delerious |
Delusion |
Devices and Desires |
Dillinger |
Dingo |
Dinosaurs |
Diplomatic Immunity |
Dis-moi qui tu hais |
Diving In |
Doc Hollywood |
The Doctor |
Dogfight |
Don't Touch My Daughter |
Door to Silence (Le porte del silenzio) |
The Double Life of Veronique |
Dozoku no ranjo |
Dream Island |
Driving Me Crazy |
Drop Dead Fred |
The Dumbfounded King (El rey pasmado) |
Dying Young |
Dynasty: The Reunion |
Edens Lost |
Edge of Honor |
El Quijote de Miguel de Cervantes |
Emergency Call |
Eminent Domain |
Empire City |
The End Of Innocence |
The Entertainers |
Eve Of Destruction |
Exposure |
Eye Of The Storm |
Eyes of a Witness |
Eyes of an Angel |
Faccione |
Face Of A Stranger |
False Arrest |
Family Express |
Fast Getaway |
Fatal Exposure |
Fatal Friendship |
Father of the Bride |
The Favour, the Watch and the Very Big Fish (La montre, la croix et la maniere) |
Ferdyduke |
Fever |
Final Verdict |
Finding The Way Home |
Fire In The Dark |
Fires Within |
Five Girls and a Rope |
The Five Heartbeats |
Flight of Black Angel |
For The Boys |
Fourth Story |
Fried Green Tomatoes |
Frozen Assets |
Future Kick |
G.B.H. |
The Gambler Returns: The Luck Of The Draw |
Garfields Gets a Life |
Gary Cooper: American Life, American Legend |
Genius |
The Giant of Thunder Mountain |
The Girl from Mars |
The Giving |
Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah |
Golden Axe II - Mega Drive / Sega Genesis |
Golden Fiddles |
Grand Isle |
The Gravy Train Goes East |
Great Expectations |
The Great Pretender |
The Great Shogunate Battle |
Guilty as Charged |
Guilty By Suspicion |
Guilty Until Proven Innocent |
The Guyver |
Hard Promises |
The Hard Way |
He Said, She Said |
Heading Home |
Hear My Song |
Heaven Is A Playground |
Held Hostage: The Sis and Jerry Levin Story |
Hell Hath No Fury |
Her Wicked Ways |
The Heroes Of Desert Storm |
Highway 61 |
The Hit Man |
Hors la Vie |
The Hours and Times |
Hudson Hawk |
I Won't Dance |
Ich War ein Glücklicher Mensch |
Ilona und Kurti |
In Broad Daylight |
Incident at Victoria Falls |
An Inconvenient Woman |
The Indian Runner |
Indio 2: The Revolt |
Indrajeet |
The Inner Circle |
Inner Sanctum |
Intimate Strangers |
Into the Woods |
Iron Maze |
J'Embrasse Pas (I Don't Kiss) |
Jackpot! |
Jailbirds |
James Bond Jr. |
Johnny Stecchino |
Johnny Suede |
Julia Has Two Lovers |
The Julie Show |
Jute City |
K-9000 |
Kafka |
Kagerô |
Keep It for Yourself |
Keeping Secrets |
Keys to Paradise |
The Khajuraho |
Kid |
Killer Tomatoes Eat France! |
The Killing Mind |
Killing Streets |
King of Jazz |
King Ralph |
A Kiss Before Dying |
Knight Rider 2000 |
Kojika Monogatari |
L'enfant des loups |
L.A. Story |
La Belle Noiseuse |
La Carrera Panamericana |
La Domenica Specialmente (Especially On Sunday) |
La Gente de la Universal |
La Grande Dune |
La Méthode Barnol |
La Mujer de Benjamin (Bejamin's Woman) |
La Neige et le feu |
La Pagaille |
La Pastorela |
La Reine blanche |
La Vénus ŕ Lulu |
La Vérité qui tue |
The Last Act Is a Solo |
The Last Butterfly |
The Last Halloween |
The Last Hour |
Last Of England |
The Last Prostitute |
Late for Dinner |
Le Brasier |
Le Jeu du Roi |
Le Jour des rois |
Legal Tender |
Les quatre cavaliers de l'apocalypse |
Let Him Have It |
Lethal Innocence |
Liebestraum |
Lies Before Kisses |
Lies Of The Twins |
Life for Life |
Life Is Sweet |
Life Stinks |
A Life to Remember: Rose Kennedy |
Lightning Field |
Line Of Fire: The Morris Dees Story |
The Linguini Incident |
Little Man Tate |
Living A Lie |
Lo Más Natural |
Locked Up: A Mother's Rage |
Lonely Hearts |
Long Road Home |
Loraldia - El Tiempo de las Flores |
Love and Curses and All That Jazz |
Love Hurts |
Love Potion No. 9 |
Love, Lies and Murder |
Lucky Day |
Lucy & Desi: Before The Laughter |
Lunatics: A Love Story |
The Magic Riddle |
Mala |
The Man In The Moon |
Mannequin Two: On The Move |
Manta Manta |
Mark Twain and Me |
The Marla Hanson Story |
Married To It |
The Marrying Man |
Mast Kalandar |
Matlock: The Picture |
Mayrig |
McBain |
Meet Mere Man Ke |
Meet the Applegates |
Men of Respect |
Merlin of the Crystal Cave |
Mobsters |
Money |
Mortal Thoughts |
Mountain of Diamonds |
Mrs. Lambert Remembers Love |
A Murder of Quality |
My Girl |
My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys |
My Mother's Castle |
My Son Johnny |
Mystery Date |
N.Y.P.D. Mounted |
The Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear |
Naked Lunch |
The Naked Trees |
Netchaiev is Back (Netchaiev est de retour) |
Never Forget |
Night on Earth |
No Secrets |
Not Mozart: Letters, Riddles and Writs |
Not Without My Daughter |
Nothing But Trouble |
The Old Lady Who Walked in the Sea (La vieille qui marchait dans la mer) |
Once Upon a Time in China |
One Against The Wind |
One Full Moon |
One Good Cop |
One Special Victory |
Only Yesterday |
Operation Condor |
Oscar |
Other People's Money |
Out For Justice |
The Owl |
Palace Guard |
Paris s'éveille |
Paris Trout |
The Passage to Japan |
Pastime |
Payoff |
Peinture fraîche |
People of the Forest: The Chimps of Gombe |
Perfect Harmony |
The Perfect Tribute |
Piazza Di Spagna |
Piccoli, buoni e ladri |
Piedipiatti |
Pink Lightning |
The Pit and the Pendulum |
The Pleasure of Love |
Plymouth |
Point Break |
The Polar Bear King (Kvitebjorn Kong Valemon) |
Polizeiruf 110 |
Polynesian Odyssey |
Popcorn |
Posing: Inspired by Three Real Stories |
Pour Sacha |
Prime Target |
The Prince Of Tides |
Problem Child 2 |
Prospero's Books |
Providence |
Puppet Master II |
Puppet Master III: Toulon's Revenge |
Pure Luck |
Pyrates |
The Quarrel |
Queen's Logic |
Quiet Days of August |
Race Against Tomorrow |
A Rage In Harlem |
Rainbow Kids |
Raise the Red Lantern |
Rambling Rose |
The Rape of Dr. Willis |
The Rapture |
Ratbag Hero |
Reason for Living: The Jill Ireland Story |
The Ren & Stimpy Show |
Resident Alien |
The Return Of Elliot Ness |
Revenge |
Rhapsody in August |
Rich Girl |
Ricochet |
Ring of Fire |
The River Kings |
Robin Hood |
Rosenholm |
Rossignol de mes amours |
Rover Dangerfield |
A Row Of Crows |
Rubin and Ed |
Rue du Bac |
Rue Saint-Valentin |
Run |
Runaway Father |
The Runestone |
Rush |
Santa Cruz El cura guerrillero |
Sarajevske Price |
Saturday's |
A Scene at the Sea |
Scenes from a Mall |
Scissors |
Scorchers |
Se non avessi l'amore |
The Second Imperative |
Selling Hitler |
Sensô to seishun |
Separate But Equal |
The Serbian Girl |
She Stood Alone |
Shout |
Showdown In Little Tokyo |
Shuto shoshitsu (Tokyo Blackout) |
Shuttlecock |
Sidney Sheldon's Memories of Midnight |
Silent Motive |
A Simple Story |
The Sitter |
Sleeping With The Enemy |
Smack and Thistle |
Small Dance |
Snake Eater II: The Drug Buster |
Social Suicide |
Something of Mine |
Son Of Darkness: To Die For II |
Son uf Darkness: To Die For II |
Starry Night |
Steel and Lace |
Stephen King's Sometimes They Come Back |
The Steven Banks Show |
Stone Cold |
Stop At Nothing |
The Story Lady |
Stranger at My Door |
The Strauss Dynasty |
Street Soldiers |
Strictly Business |
The Summer My Father Grew Up |
Sunset Heat |
The Super |
Surviving Desire |
The Suspended Step of the Stork |
Sutoroberi Road |
Switch |
Swithced At Birth |
The Taking of Beverly Hills |
A Taste of Freedom |
Tchin-Tchin |
Ted & Venus |
Terror in Beverly Hills |
Thelma & Louise |
Theory of Achievement |
This Gun for Hire |
Thousand Pieces of Gold |
A Time to Die |
Timebomb |
Tishina |
To Save a Child |
Too Much Sun |
The Torkelsons |
Toujours Seuls |
The Toxic Crusaders |
Tracks Of Glory |
Trancers II |
Trauma |
True Colors |
Truly Madly Deeply |
Tsareubijtsa |
Tsuribaka nisshi 4 |
Two Rooms |
Un Incontro/An Encounter |
Una Vita in gioco |
Uncaged |
Under Cover |
Under Suspicion |
Until the End of the World |
Us |
Verdict Against Anna Leschek |
Vice Academy Part 3 |
Villain Introduction |
Wallace & Gromit: A Grand Day Out |
The Weaver's Wife |
Wedlock |
What About Bob? |
Where Angels Fear To Tread |
The Whereabouts of Jenny |
White Hot: The Mysterious Murder Of Thelma Todd |
Whore |
Wife, Mother Murderer |
Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken |
The Wildman of China |
The Willies |
A Wish for Wings That Work |
Without Warning: The James Brady Story |
A Woman at War |
A Woman Named Jackie |
Woman of the Port |
A Woman's Tale |
Women & Men 2: In Love There Are No Rules |
Year of the Gun |
Yes Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus |
And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird! |
Young Soul Rebels |
Yumeji |
Zandalee |
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