11/4 | Testament |
11/18 Fri | Amityville 3-D |
A Christmas Story |
Nate and Hayes (Savage Islands) |
Yentl |
11/23 Wed | Of Unknown Origin |
Terms of Endearment |
12/9 Fri | Scarface |
Terms of Endearment |
Sudden Impact |
12/16 Fri | Gorky Park |
The Man Who Loved Women |
Uncommon Valor |
1919, cronica del alba |
The 4th Man (De vierde man) |
Abra Cadabra |
Accounts |
Adam |
The Aeodrome |
Al Hourob Al Saghira (Little Wars / Les Petites Guerres) |
The Alchemist |
Aliens from Inner Space |
Amada |
Andrea's Story: A Hitchhiking Tragedy |
Angelo, My Love |
Another Woman's Child |
Antarctica (Nankyoku monogatari) |
The Antwerp Killer |
The Archer And The Sorceress |
Athina, epistrofi stin Akropoli |
Baby Sister |
Ballad of Narayama |
Banzai |
Bella Donna |
Betrayal |
Better Late Then Never |
Between Us |
Beyond the Night |
Bianca |
The Big Carnival |
The Big Score |
Bill: On His Own |
Blood Feud |
Blue Thunder |
BMX Bandits (Short Wave) |
The Border |
Brady's Escape |
Breathless |
Bullshot! |
Ca va pas être triste |
Careful, He Might Hear You |
A Carribean Mystery |
A Case of Libel |
Champions |
Chi mi Aiuta…? |
Chiefs |
China Rose |
Christine |
Clash of Loyalties |
Class |
The Coastline |
Cocaine: One Man's Seduction |
The Compass Rose |
Confessions of a Married Man |
Confidentially Yours (Vivement dimanche!) |
Conquest |
Cook & Peary: The Race to the Pole |
Cover Up (La crime) |
Cowboy |
The Creature Wasn't Nice |
Credo |
Cross Creek |
Cujo |
Curtains |
D.C. Cab |
Daijôbu, Mai Furendo |
Dark Circle |
The Day After |
The Deadly Swarm |
Deal Of The Century |
Death of an Expert Witness |
Deathtrap |
Dempsey |
Der Kleine Bruder (The Little Brother) |
Der Tod Kommt Durch die Tür |
The Devonsville Terror |
Die Wilden Fuenziger |
Digital Dreams |
Doctor Detroit |
Doctor Who: The Five Doctors |
Don Camillo |
The Dresser |
Dusty |
Echoes |
Edith and Marcel |
Edith's Diary |
Educating Rita |
El Pueblo del Sol |
An Englishman Abroad |
Escape from the Bronx (Fuga dal Bronx) |
Exposed |
The Face Of Rage |
Fantozzi subisce ancora |
The Fighter |
First Affair |
First Desires (Premiers desirs) |
Flashdance |
Flyers |
Follow Your Dreams |
For Those I Loved (Au nom de tous les miens ) |
A Friend of Vincent (L'ami de Vincent) |
Frozen Music |
Ghost Dancing |
The Gift of Love: A Christmas Story |
Girls Of The White Orchid (Death Ride To Osaka) |
Going Berserk |
The Golden Seal |
Good and Bad at Games |
Goodbye Paradise |
Hanna K. |
Hans: Het leven Voor de Dood |
Happy |
Happy Endings |
The Hasty Heart |
The Haunted Mansion Mystery |
The Haunting Passion |
Heart Like A Wheel |
Heart Of Steel |
Hearts and Armour |
Hercules |
Hercules II |
Hero |
High School U.S.A. |
Historie D'O No. 2 |
The Honorary Consul |
Hot Dreams |
Hot Summer in Kabul |
The Hound of the Baskervilles |
House of Long Shadows |
House of the Long Shadows |
How Would You Like to Have It? |
Hundra |
I Married a Dead Man (J'ai epouse une ombre) |
I Want To Live |
I'm Going to Be Famous |
The Ice Pirates |
Interdit Aux Moins De 13 Ans (Lucy on Seine) |
The Invisible Woman |
J'Ai Espouse Un Ombre |
Jacobo Timerman: Prisoner Without A Name, Cell Without A |
Jane Doe |
The Jigsaw Man |
Joe's Bed-Stuy Barbershop: We Cut Heads |
Joy |
The Keep |
Kennedy |
The Kid With The 200 I.Q. |
A Killer in the Family |
Krull |
L'Africain |
L'indic |
La Bete noire |
La Chiave (The Key) |
La java des ombres (Shadow Dance) |
La Politesse des rois |
La Scarlatine |
Lady Lucifera (Polvos magicos) |
The Last Flight |
The Last Picnic |
Last Plane Out |
Le Bal |
Le battant |
Le bourreau des coeurs |
Le demon dans l'ile (Demon Is on the Island) |
Le Dernier Combat |
Le grand carnaval |
Le Jeune Marié |
Le Marginal (The Outsider) |
Le ruffian |
Legs |
Les Compères |
Les mots pour le dire |
Les Poneys Sauvages |
Les Uns et les Autres |
Lianna |
Liberty Belle |
Listen to Your Heart |
Little House: Look Back to Yesterday |
Loose Connections |
Los Refugiados de la Cueva del Muerto |
Losin' It |
A Love in Germany (Un amour en Allemagne) |
Love Is Forever (Comeback) |
Lovesick |
Lucie Sur Seine |
M.A.D.D.: Mothers Against Drunk Drivers |
Mad Mutilator |
The Magic Show |
Malibu |
The Man Who Wasn't There |
The Man With Two Brains |
Marvin and Tige |
Marynia |
Mausoleum |
Mausoleum |
Max Dugan Returns |
The Megillah '83 |
Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn |
Metropolis |
Mickey's Christmas Carol |
A Minor Miracle |
Miss Lonelyhearts |
Mississipi Blues |
Money to Burn |
Monsieur Abel |
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life |
Murder In Coweta County |
Murder Me, Murder You |
My Other Husband (Attention une femme peut en cacher une autre) |
Mystere |
National Lampoon's Vacation |
Nelly's Version |
Never Cry Wolf |
Never Say Never Again |
A Night At The Met |
A Night in Heaven |
Nostalghia |
Now And Forever |
Number |
Art of Love |
Off The Wall |
On the Third Day |
One Dark Night |
One Deadly Summer (L'été meurtrier) |
One of Ourselves |
Order of Death (Corrupt / Copkiller) |
The Osterman Weekend |
Packin' It In |
Pappa e Ciccia |
Papy fait de la resistance |
Party Party |
A Pattern of Roses |
The Phantom of the Opera |
Phar Lap |
The Ploughman's Lunch |
Policewoman Centerfold |
Princess Daisy |
The Prize of Peril |
The Prodigal |
Prototype |
Quarterback Princess |
Rage of Angels |
Return of the Aliens: The Deadly Spawn |
The Return of the Man from U.N.C.L.E. |
Return To Eden |
The Returning |
Reuben, Reuben |
Revenge of the Dead (Zeder) |
Revenge of the Ninja |
Right Of Way |
Rita Hayworth: The Love Goddess |
The Rocking Horse Winner |
Romantic Comedy |
The Rousters |
Runners |
Running Brave |
Running Out |
Ryan's Four |
S.A.S. a San Salvador |
Sacred Ground |
Sadat |
Saigon - Year Of The Cat |
Salut la Puce |
Samson And Delilah |
Sarah |
The Scarlet And The Black |
Scrubbers |
Second Thoughts |
Sensei the Teacher |
Sessions |
The Seven Magnificent Gladiators |
Shooting Stars |
Silkwood |
Sinobrody |
The Sky's No Limit |
Slayground |
Sleepaway Camp |
A Slice Of Life |
Solorun |
Soup For One |
Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone |
Sparkling Cyanide |
Spasms |
Spring Break |
Spy Connection (Notturno) |
Spyship |
Star 80 |
Starflight: The Plane That Couldn't Land |
Staying Alive |
Stella |
Still Smokin' |
The Sting II |
Storybook International |
Strange Brew |
Strangers Kiss |
Summer Girl |
Superman III |
The Survivors |
Svengali |
Swarajyam |
Sweet Sixteen |
A Talent for Murder |
The Terry Fox Story |
The Trail (La Trace) |
This Girl For Hire |
Those Glory, Glory Days |
Thursday's Child |
Tiempo de Amar |
Tiger Man |
A Time To Die (Seven Graves For Rogan) |
To Be or Not to Be |
To the Ends of the Earth |
Tokyo Trials |
Touched |
Tout le monde peut se tromper |
Toxic Love (Amore tossico) |
Treasure Of The Four Crowns |
Twilight Zone: The Movie |
Two Kinds Of Love |
Two Marriages |
Un homme à ma taille |
Un povero ricco (Rich and Poor) |
An Uncommon Love |
Under Fire |
Undercover |
Up to a Point |
Utu |
Vai alla Grande |
Via Degli Specchi (Street Of Mirrors) |
Vigilante |
Vive la Sociale! |
Voyeur |
Wacko |
Wait Till Your Mother Gets Home! |
Waiter! (Garcon!) |
Walking the Edge |
WarGames |
Wavelength |
The Weather In The Streets |
And When They Shall Ask |
White Water Rebels |
Who Will Love My Children? |
The Wicked Lady |
Widows |
The Wild Duck |
Will There Really Be a Morning? |
The Winds Of Jarrah |
The Winds of War |
Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore |
Winston Churchill - The Wilderness Years |
The Winter Of Our Discontent |
Without A Trace |
Without Witness |
Wizards and Warriors |
Wonders of Life |
Yellowbeard |
Yor, the Hunter from the Future |
Zelig |
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