November 1983 (view details)

Amityville 3-D
A Christmas Story
Nate and Hayes (Savage Islands)
Of Unknown Origin
Terms of Endearment

December 1983 (view details)

Terms of Endearment
Sudden Impact
Gorky Park
The Man Who Loved Women
Uncommon Valor

Undetermined 1983 Releases

  1919, cronica del alba
  The 4th Man (De vierde man)
  Abra Cadabra
  The Aeodrome
  Al Hourob Al Saghira (Little Wars / Les Petites Guerres)
  The Alchemist
  Aliens from Inner Space
  Andrea's Story: A Hitchhiking Tragedy
  Angelo, My Love
  Another Woman's Child
  Antarctica (Nankyoku monogatari)
  The Antwerp Killer
  The Archer And The Sorceress
  Athina, epistrofi stin Akropoli
  Baby Sister
  Ballad of Narayama
  Bella Donna
  Better Late Then Never
  Between Us
  Beyond the Night
  The Big Carnival
  The Big Score
  Bill: On His Own
  Blood Feud
  Blue Thunder
  BMX Bandits (Short Wave)
  The Border
  Brady's Escape
  Ca va pas être triste
  Careful, He Might Hear You
  A Carribean Mystery
  A Case of Libel
  Chi mi Aiuta…?
  China Rose
  Clash of Loyalties
  The Coastline
  Cocaine: One Man's Seduction
  The Compass Rose
  Confessions of a Married Man
  Confidentially Yours (Vivement dimanche!)
  Cook & Peary: The Race to the Pole
  Cover Up (La crime)
  The Creature Wasn't Nice
  Cross Creek
  D.C. Cab
  Daijôbu, Mai Furendo
  Dark Circle
  The Day After
  The Deadly Swarm
  Deal Of The Century
  Death of an Expert Witness
  Der Kleine Bruder (The Little Brother)
  Der Tod Kommt Durch die Tür
  The Devonsville Terror
  Die Wilden Fuenziger
  Digital Dreams
  Doctor Detroit
  Doctor Who: The Five Doctors
  Don Camillo
  The Dresser
  Edith and Marcel
  Edith's Diary
  Educating Rita
  El Pueblo del Sol
  An Englishman Abroad
  Escape from the Bronx (Fuga dal Bronx)
  The Face Of Rage
  Fantozzi subisce ancora
  The Fighter
  First Affair
  First Desires (Premiers desirs)
  Follow Your Dreams
  For Those I Loved (Au nom de tous les miens )
  A Friend of Vincent (L'ami de Vincent)
  Frozen Music
  Ghost Dancing
  The Gift of Love: A Christmas Story
  Girls Of The White Orchid (Death Ride To Osaka)
  Going Berserk
  The Golden Seal
  Good and Bad at Games
  Goodbye Paradise
  Hanna K.
  Hans: Het leven Voor de Dood
  Happy Endings
  The Hasty Heart
  The Haunted Mansion Mystery
  The Haunting Passion
  Heart Like A Wheel
  Heart Of Steel
  Hearts and Armour
  Hercules II
  High School U.S.A.
  Historie D'O No. 2
  The Honorary Consul
  Hot Dreams
  Hot Summer in Kabul
  The Hound of the Baskervilles
  House of Long Shadows
  House of the Long Shadows
  How Would You Like to Have It?
  I Married a Dead Man (J'ai epouse une ombre)
  I Want To Live
  I'm Going to Be Famous
  The Ice Pirates
  Interdit Aux Moins De 13 Ans (Lucy on Seine)
  The Invisible Woman
  J'Ai Espouse Un Ombre
  Jacobo Timerman: Prisoner Without A Name, Cell Without A
  Jane Doe
  The Jigsaw Man
  Joe's Bed-Stuy Barbershop: We Cut Heads
  The Keep
  The Kid With The 200 I.Q.
  A Killer in the Family
  La Bete noire
  La Chiave (The Key)
  La java des ombres (Shadow Dance)
  La Politesse des rois
  La Scarlatine
  Lady Lucifera (Polvos magicos)
  The Last Flight
  The Last Picnic
  Last Plane Out
  Le Bal
  Le battant
  Le bourreau des coeurs
  Le demon dans l'ile (Demon Is on the Island)
  Le Dernier Combat
  Le grand carnaval
  Le Jeune Marié
  Le Marginal (The Outsider)
  Le ruffian
  Les Compères
  Les mots pour le dire
  Les Poneys Sauvages
  Les Uns et les Autres
  Liberty Belle
  Listen to Your Heart
  Little House: Look Back to Yesterday
  Loose Connections
  Los Refugiados de la Cueva del Muerto
  Losin' It
  A Love in Germany (Un amour en Allemagne)
  Love Is Forever (Comeback)
  Lucie Sur Seine
  M.A.D.D.: Mothers Against Drunk Drivers
  Mad Mutilator
  The Magic Show
  The Man Who Wasn't There
  The Man With Two Brains
  Marvin and Tige
  Max Dugan Returns
  The Megillah '83
  Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn
  Mickey's Christmas Carol
  A Minor Miracle
  Miss Lonelyhearts
  Mississipi Blues
  Money to Burn
  Monsieur Abel
  Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
  Murder In Coweta County
  Murder Me, Murder You
  My Other Husband (Attention une femme peut en cacher une autre)
  National Lampoon's Vacation
  Nelly's Version
  Never Cry Wolf
  Never Say Never Again
  A Night At The Met
  A Night in Heaven
  Now And Forever
  Art of Love
  Off The Wall
  On the Third Day
  One Dark Night
  One Deadly Summer (L'été meurtrier)
  One of Ourselves
  Order of Death (Corrupt / Copkiller)
  The Osterman Weekend
  Packin' It In
  Pappa e Ciccia
  Papy fait de la resistance
  Party Party
  A Pattern of Roses
  The Phantom of the Opera
  Phar Lap
  The Ploughman's Lunch
  Policewoman Centerfold
  Princess Daisy
  The Prize of Peril
  The Prodigal
  Quarterback Princess
  Rage of Angels
  Return of the Aliens: The Deadly Spawn
  The Return of the Man from U.N.C.L.E.
  Return To Eden
  The Returning
  Reuben, Reuben
  Revenge of the Dead (Zeder)
  Revenge of the Ninja
  Right Of Way
  Rita Hayworth: The Love Goddess
  The Rocking Horse Winner
  Romantic Comedy
  The Rousters
  Running Brave
  Running Out
  Ryan's Four
  S.A.S. a San Salvador
  Sacred Ground
  Saigon - Year Of The Cat
  Salut la Puce
  Samson And Delilah
  The Scarlet And The Black
  Second Thoughts
  Sensei the Teacher
  The Seven Magnificent Gladiators
  Shooting Stars
  The Sky's No Limit
  Sleepaway Camp
  A Slice Of Life
  Soup For One
  Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone
  Sparkling Cyanide
  Spring Break
  Spy Connection (Notturno)
  Star 80
  Starflight: The Plane That Couldn't Land
  Staying Alive
  Still Smokin'
  The Sting II
  Storybook International
  Strange Brew
  Strangers Kiss
  Summer Girl
  Superman III
  The Survivors
  Sweet Sixteen
  A Talent for Murder
  The Terry Fox Story
  The Trail (La Trace)
  This Girl For Hire
  Those Glory, Glory Days
  Thursday's Child
  Tiempo de Amar
  Tiger Man
  A Time To Die (Seven Graves For Rogan)
  To Be or Not to Be
  To the Ends of the Earth
  Tokyo Trials
  Tout le monde peut se tromper
  Toxic Love (Amore tossico)
  Treasure Of The Four Crowns
  Twilight Zone: The Movie
  Two Kinds Of Love
  Two Marriages
  Un homme à ma taille
  Un povero ricco (Rich and Poor)
  An Uncommon Love
  Under Fire
  Up to a Point
  Vai alla Grande
  Via Degli Specchi (Street Of Mirrors)
  Vive la Sociale!
  Wait Till Your Mother Gets Home!
  Waiter! (Garcon!)
  Walking the Edge
  The Weather In The Streets
  And When They Shall Ask
  White Water Rebels
  Who Will Love My Children?
  The Wicked Lady
  The Wild Duck
  Will There Really Be a Morning?
  The Winds Of Jarrah
  The Winds of War
  Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore
  Winston Churchill - The Wilderness Years
  The Winter Of Our Discontent
  Without A Trace
  Without Witness
  Wizards and Warriors
  Wonders of Life
  Yor, the Hunter from the Future

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