September 1976 (view details)

9/29Vigilante Force

October 1976 (view details)

10/24The Seven-Per-Cent Solution

November 1976 (view details)

11/5Assault on Precinct 13

December 1976 (view details)

12/15The Pink Panther Strikes Again

Undetermined 1976 Releases

  40 gradi all'ombra del lenzuolo (Sex with a Smile)
  A Sold Life (Una vita venduta)
  Across the Great Divide
  Addie and the King of Hearts
  Adventures of a Taxi Driver
  Alex and the Gypsy
  Alice, Sweet Alice (Communion)
  Alien Attack
  All the President's Men
  All This and World War II
  Alle Jahre wieder: Die Familie Semmeling
  The Amazing Dobermans
  Amelia Earhart
  America At The Movies
  American Reunion
  And Agnes Chose to Die (L'Agnese va a morire)
  Auf Biegen Und Brech
  Baa Baa Black Sheep
  Baby Blue Marine
  The Bad News Bears
  Baker's Hawk
  Basta che non si sappia in giro
  The Bawdy Adventures of Tom Jones
  Beauty and the Beast
  Bernice Bobs Her Hair
  Beshneoye Zoloto
  The Best Way to Walk
  The Big Boss
  The Big Bus
  The Big Operator
  The Bionic Boy
  Birch Interval
  Bittersweet Love
  Black and White in Color (La Victoire en chantant)
  Black Emmanuelle, White Emmanuelle (Velluto Nero)
  Black Sheep Squadron
  Blondy (Vortex)
  Blood and Bullets (Sangue di sbirro)
  Blood Voyage
  Blue Sunshine
  Body of My Enemy
  Bound For Glory
  Boy from The Suburbs (Ragazzo Di Borgata)
  The Boy In The Plastic Bubble
  Brenda Starr
  Bugsy Malone
  Burnt Offerings
  C.B. Hustlers
  Cadaveri eccellenti
  Captains And The Kings
  Car Wash
  The Career of a Chambermaid (Telefoni bianchi)
  Caro Michele
  The Case Against Ferro
  The Case of the Cosmic Comic
  Cave of the Sharks (Bermude: la fossa maledetta)
  Chi dice donna dice donna
  Colpita da improvviso benessere
  The Commitment
  Con la rabbia agli occhi (Death Rage)
  The Confessional
  The Cop Makes Career (La Poliziotta Fa Carriera)
  Cosmic Princess
  Creature from Black Lake
  Crime and Passion
  Cuore di cane
  Dark Victory
  Das fiel uns auf
  Dawn: Portrait of a Teenage Runaway
  Deadly Hero
  Death at Love House
  Death Machines
  Der Fangschuss
  Der Geheimnisträger
  The Devil's Playground
  Dial a Deadly Number
  Dr. Black and Mr. Hyde
  Dracula and Son (Dracula pere et fils)
  The Duchess And The Dirtwater Fox
  The Eagle Has Landed
  Ecco lingua d'Argento
  Eleanor And Franklin
  Eliza Fraser
  Emanuelle in Bangkok (Black Emanuelle: Oriental Reportage / Black Emanuelle Goes East)
  The Enforcer
  The Entertainer
  Erased Off
  Evil Heritage
  The Executioner
  Exit the Dragon, Enter the Tiger
  False Face
  Family Plot
  Farewell to Manzanar
  Fellini's Casanova (Il Casanova di Federico Fellini)
  Femme Fatales (Calmos)
  The First Easter Rabbit
  The First Nudie Musical
  The Food of the Gods
  Forever Emmanuelle (Laure)
  Forever Young, Forever Free (E'Lollipop)
  Forget Me, Mandoline
  Francis Gary Powers
  Freaky Friday
  From Noon Till Three
  The Front
  Fumô chitai
  Gable And Lombard
  Game of Seduction (Une femme fidele)
  The Game of Solitaire
  A Genius, Two Friends, and an Idiot (A Genius, Two Partners and a Dupe / Un genio, due compari, un pollo)
  Geometra Primetti selvaggiamente Osvaldo
  God Told Me To
  Goin' Home
  Golden Night (Nuit d'or)
  The Good Guys and the Bad Guys
  Goodbye, Norma Jean
  Goole By Numbers
  The Great Texas Dynaimte Chase
  Gumball Rally
  Harry and Walter Go to New York
  Having Babies
  Heart of Glass (Coeur De Verre / Herz aus Glas)
  Helter Skelter
  High Risk
  Holy Year (L'Annee sainte)
  Horse Fever (Febbre da cavallo)
  How To Break Up A Happy Divorce
  The Human Tornado
  The Hunter Will Get You (L'alpagueur)
  I Am Self Sufficent
  I Miss You, Hugs And Kisses
  I Prosseneti
  If I Had to Do It All Over Again
  Il comune senso del pudore
  Il grande racket (The Big Racket)
  Il Messia
  Il secondo tragico Fantozzi
  The Incredible Sarah
  The Inheritance (L'eredita Ferramonti)
  The Invasion Of Johnson County
  It Shouldn't Happen To A Vet
  Italia a mano armata
  James Dean
  Jim the World's Greatest
  Joe Panther
  Journey Through the Black Sun
  The Judge And The Assassin
  The Keegans
  Keep It Up Downstairs
  Kenny & Company
  Killer Force (The Diamond Mercenaries)
  King Kong
  Kingston: The Power Play
  Kiss of the Tarantula
  Kuni Leml in Tel Aviv
  L'Uomo E La Magia
  La dottoressa del distretto militare (The Lady Medic)
  La Fête Sauvage
  La Flute A Six Schtroumpfs
  La ragazza dalla pelle di corallo
  La Surprise du chef
  La Vie de Marianne
  Land Of The Minotaur (The Devil's Men)
  Lanigan's Rabbi
  Las Vegas Lady
  The Last Hard Men
  The Last Round
  The Last Supper
  The Last Tycoon
  The Last Woman (La derniere femme)
  Le Coeur au Ventre
  Le Grand Fanfaron
  Le Jouet
  Le Temps d'un Regard
  Le Voyage De Noces
  The Legend of Bigfoot
  The Legend of the Wolf Woman (Werewolf Woman / La lupa mannara)
  Les mal partis
  Les Robots pensants
  Les veces etaient fermes de l'interieur
  Letters from Marusia
  Liberi armati pericolosi (Young, Violent, Dangerous)
  The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case
  The Little Drummer Boy Book II
  The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane
  The Little Mermaid (Mala morska vila)
  Liza's Pioneer Diary
  Logan's Run
  The Loneliest Runner
  Look What's Happened to Rosemary's Baby
  Mallory: Circumstancial Evidence
  The Man Who Fell to Earth
  Marathon Man
  Maria R. e gli angeli del Trastevere
  Marie Poupee
  The Marquise of O (Die Marquise von O...)
  Maxim's Porter (Le Chasseur de chez Maxim's)
  McNaughton's Daughter
  The Million Dollar Rip-Off
  The Missouri Breaks
  Mohammed, Messenger Of God (The Message)
  Moving Violation
  Mr. Billion
  Mr. Klein
  Mr. Robinson (Il signor Robinson mostruosa storia d'amore e d'avventure)
  Murder by Death
  Mustang Country
  The Naked Civil Servant
  Napoli violenta (Violent Naples)
  Nevermore, Forever
  The New Daughters of Joshua Cabe
  The Next Man
  Next Stop, Greenwich Village
  Nick the Sting
  Nightmare in Badham County
  Nine Lives of a Wet Pussy
  Norman… Is That You?
  Northville Cemetery Massacre
  The November Plan
  Ode to Billy Joe
  The Omen
  On Aura Tout Vu
  Once an Eagle
  One of My Wives Is Missing
  The Outlaw Josey Wales
  Pardon mon affaire
  The Passover Plot
  Per amore
  Per amore di Cesarina
  Percy Is Killed
  Pipe Dreams
  Plot of Fear (E Tanta Paura)
  The Probability Factor (L'Ordinateur des pompes funebres)
  Queen Kong
  Quelle Strane Occasioni
  The Return of a Man Called Horse
  The Return of the World's Greatest Detective
  Return to Earth
  Richie Brockelman: Missing 24 Hours
  Richie Brockelman: The Missing 24 Hours
  Ride a Wild Pony
  Riding with Death
  The Ritz
  Robin and Marian
  Rodin Mis en Vie
  Rogue Male
  Rome Armed to the Teeth (Roma a mano armata)
  The Sailor Who Fell from Grace With the Sea
  San Babila-8 P.M. (San Babila ore 20: Un delitto inutile)
  San Pasquale Baylonne protettore delle donne
  Satan's Slave
  The Savage Bees
  Scott Free
  Scrambled Eggs
  The Secret Life of John Chapman
  The Sentimental Bloke
  Sept Morts Sur Ordonnance
  Serpico: The Deadly Game
  Seven Nights in Japan
  The Shadow Line
  Sherlock Holmes in New York
  The Shootist
  Shout At The Devil
  Silent Movie
  Silver Streak
  Simone e Matteo: un gioco da ragazzi (Convoy Buddies)
  Sisters of Death
  Sky Riders
  Slave of Love
  The Slipper and the Rose
  Slumber Party '57
  A Small Town in Texas
  Smash-Up On Interstate 5
  Sounder Part II
  Spanish Fly
  Special Delivery
  St. Ives
  A Star Is Born
  State Fair
  The Story of David
  Street Killing
  Sunday Woman
  Survive! (Supervivientes de los Andes)
  Sweet Revenge (Dandy, The All American Girl)
  The Swiss Conspiracy
  Taxi Driver
  The Tenant
  That's Entertainment, Part II
  The Desert of the Tartars (Il deserto dei Tartari)
  The Killer Is One of Thirteen (El asesino esta entre los trece)
  This Violent World (Savana violenta)
  Through the Looking Glass
  The Thruster
  Tibesti Too
  To The Devil A Daughter
  Tomorrow's Children (Demain les momes)
  The Town That Dreaded Sundown
  The Trespassers
  Trial by Combat
  Tsuma to onna no aida
  Tutti possono arricchire tranni i poveri
  Twin Detectives
  Two-Minute Warning
  Ugly, Dirty and Bad (Brutti, Sporchi e Cattivi)
  Un Susurro Nel Buio
  Un toro da monta
  Vai col liscio
  Vertical Features Remake
  Victory March (Marcia Trionfale)
  Vier gegen die Bank
  The Virgin of the Beaches (A Virgem de Saint Tropez / Awakening of Annie)
  Vizi Privati, Pubbliche Virtu' (Private Vices, Public Pleasures)
  Voyage Of The Damned
  W.C. Fields And Me
  Wanted: The Sundance Woman
  Who Can Kill a Child? (Trapped / Island of the Damned / ¿Quién puede matar a un niño?)
  Wielki uklad
  Wilderness Trails
  The Winds of Autumn
  The Wing and the Thigh
  Woman of the Year
  Won Ton Ton: The Dog Who Saved Hollywood
  A Year of School
  Young Pioneers
  Young Pioneers' Christmas

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