November 1973 (view details)

11/14The Don Is Dead

December 1973 (view details)

12/26The Exorcist
TBDThe Sting

Undetermined 1973 Releases

  ...e così divennero i 3 supermen del West (Three Supermen of the West)
  40 Carats
  Aber Jonny!
  Ace Eli and Rodger of the Skies
  The Adventures of Don Quixote
  The African Deal (Contact / Contratto carnale)
  Ai yori aoku
  All Nudity Shall Be Punished
  The Amazons (War Goddess / Le guerriere dal seno nudo)
  American Graffiti
  The Amusement Park
  Anastasia mio fratello ovvero il presunto capo dell'Anonima Assassini (My Brother Anastasia)
  Andy Warhol's Frankenstein (Flesh for Frankenstein)
  The Angels (Les anges)
  Anna, quel particolare piacere (Secrets of a Call Girl)
  Ash Wednesday
  Baby Yaga, Devil Witch
  The Baby
  Baby Cart at the River Styx
  Baby Cart in the Land of Demons
  Bang Bang
  Battle for the Planet of the Apes
  Belladonna of Sadness
  The Bellstone Fox (Free Spirit)
  The Belstone Fox
  Between Friends
  Black Snake (aka Sweet Suzy)
  The Blockhouse
  Blood In The Streets (Revolver)
  Blue Blood
  Blume In Love
  The Boss
  A Brand New Life
  Brock's Last Castle
  Cahill U.S. Marshal
  Call To Danger
  The Candy Snatchers
  The Cat Creature
  Charley Varrick
  Charlie Et Ses Deux Nenettes
  Charlotte's Web
  The Cheerleaders
  Chinese Hercules (Ma tou da jue dou)
  Class of '44
  Class of '63
  Cleopatra Jones
  Closed Shutters (Les volets clos)
  The Cocktail Hostesses
  Cops And Robbers
  Counselor at Crime (Il consigliori)
  The Crazies
  The Crazy Cappo Affair
  Crescette E Moltiplicatevi
  Crystal Voyager
  Dans la poussiere du soleil (Dust in the Sun)
  Dark Places
  Day for Night
  The Day of the Dolphin
  The Day of the Jackal
  Dead Cert
  The Deadly Trackers
  Death Smiles on a Murderer (La morte ha sorriso all'assassino)
  Defense de savoir
  The Demons (Les demons)
  Dernière bourrée à Paris
  The Devil and Leroy Bassett
  The Devil's Daughter
  The Devil's Wedding Night (Il plenilunio delle vergini)
  Diary of a Nymphomaniac
  Divorce His, Divorce Hers
  The Doll Squad
  A Doll's House
  The Dominici Affair (L'affaire Dominici)
  Don Quixote
  Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
  Don't Look Now
  Don't Play Us Cheap
  Double Indemnity
  A Dream for Christmas
  Drive Hard, Drive Fast
  Dying Room Only
  An Echo of Theresa
  Electra Glide in Blue
  Emperor of the North
  England Made Me
  Enter the Dragon
  Executive Action
  Extreme Close-Up
  The Eyes Have It
  Fantastic Planet (La planete sauvage)
  Fasthand (Mi chiamavano requiescat... ma avevano sbagliato)
  Female Artillery
  Five Fingers of Death
  Forse Un Fiore
  Frauleins In Uniform (She Devils of the SS)
  A Free Man
  The Friends Of Eddie Coyle
  Ganja & Hess
  The Gatling Gun (King Gun)
  Giordano Bruno
  Godzilla vs. Megalon
  The Going Up Of David Lev
  The Goodies and the Beanstalk
  Gordon's War
  The Great American Beauty Contest
  The Great Kidnapping (La polizia sta a guardare)
  The Great Love Songs
  Hail the Artist
  Hallelujah to Vera Cruz
  Hannah, Queen of the Vampires
  Happy New Year (La bonne annee)
  Harry In Your Pocket
  Harry O: Such Dust as Dreams Are Made On
  Here We Go Again, Eh Providence? (Ci Risiamo, Vero Provvidenza?)
  High Plains Drifter
  The Holy Mountain (La montagne sacree)
  Honor Thy Father
  Horror Hospital
  Horror Rises from the Tomb (El espanto surge de la tumba)
  House of Terror
  The House on Chelouche Street
  How Funny Can Sex Be? (Sessomatto)
  I Escaped from Devil's Island
  Il prato macchiato di rosso
  The Impossible Object
  The Invasion of Carol Enders
  Invasion of the Bee Girls
  The Iron Rose (La Rose De Fer)
  Jealously and Medicine
  Jesus Christ Superstar
  Jonathan Livingston Seagull
  Key West
  Kokotsu no hito
  L'Équipe ou Le Roman des Fortifs
  L'Evenement Le Plus Important Depuis Que L'Homme A Marche
  La derniere bourree a Paris
  La faccia violenta di New York (One Way)
  La Grande Bouffe
  La mano spietata della legge
  La Montaña del Diablo
  La notte dell'ultimo giorno
  La Proprieta Non Piu Un Furto
  La Raison du plus fou
  La Valise
  La Ville-Bidon
  La vita in gioco
  The Last American Hero
  The Last Days of Man on Earth (The Final Programme)
  The Last Detail
  The Last of Sheila
  The Last Snows of Spring (L'ultima neve di primavera)
  The Laughing Policeman
  Le Complot (The Conspiracy)
  Le Dingue
  Le Gang Des Otages
  Le Léver de rideau
  Le Mariage A La Mode
  Le mataf (Tre per una grande rapina)
  Le serpent (The Serpent / Night Flight from Moscow / Il Serpente)
  The Legend of Blood Castle (Ceremonia sangrienta)
  Les Corps Celestes
  Les Grande Sentiments font le bouns gueuletons
  Les grands sentiments font les bons gueuletons
  Les Zozos
  The Letters
  Letters from Three Lovers
  Lo Chiamavano Tresette... Giocava Sempre Col Morto (In the West There Was a Man Named Invincible)
  Lolly-Madonna XXX
  Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart in Land of Demons
  The Loner
  The Long Goodbye
  Lost Horizon
  Love (Amore)
  Love And Anarchy (Film D'Amore E D'Anarchia)
  Love And Pain And The Whole Damned Thing
  The Love Ban
  Love Me Deadly
  Love Thy Neighbour
  Loves Comes Quietly
  Lucky Luciano
  The Mack
  The Mackintosh Man
  The Mad Adventures of Rabbi Jacob (Les aventures de Rabbi Jacob)
  Mafia Junction (Si puo essere piu bastardi dell'ispettore Cliff?)
  The Magnificent One
  Magnum Force
  Man at the Top
  The Man Called Noon (Lo chiamavano mezzogiorno)
  The Man from Maisinicu
  The Man Who Could Talk to Kids
  The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing
  Manchu Eagle Murder Caper Mystery
  The Marcus-Nelson Murders
  Massacre In Rome (Via Rasella / Rappresaglia)
  Me, I Want to Have Dough (Moi y'en a vouloir des sous)
  Mean Streets
  Message to My Daughter
  Messiah of Evil
  Milano Rovente (Gang War in Milan)
  Molière pour rire et pour pleurer
  Mr. Inside/Mr. Outside
  Murdock's Gang
  My Pleasure Is Your Pleasure (Il tuo piacere e il mio)
  The Mysterious Island (The Mysterious Island of Captain Nemo / La Isla misteriosa y el capitan Nemo)
  The Naked Ape
  A Name for Evil
  The Nelson Affair
  The Neptune Factor
  The Night Strangler
  Ningen kakumei
  Nippon sanjûshi: Hakata shime ippon doko no maki
  And No One Could Save Her
  No Way Out (Tony Arzenta)
  Nora inu
  The Norliss Tapes
  The Nun & the Devil (Le monache di Sant'Arcangelo / The Nuns of Saint Archangel / Sisters of Satan)
  Oklahoma Crude
  One Little Indian
  One or the Other
  The Optimists (The Optimists Of Nine Elms)
  The Outfit
  The Outside Man (Un Joomme Est Mort)
  Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid
  Peccato mortale (The Lonely Woman)
  The Pedestrian
  Penny Gold
  The Petrified Forest
  The Picture of Dorian Gray
  Pleure pas la bouche pleine
  The Police Serve the Citizens? (La polizia e al servizio del cittadino?)
  Polvere di stelle
  Quando L'Amore Si Muore
  Quelques messieurs trop tranquilles
  The Rainbow Gang
  The Red Rose
  A Reflection of Fear
  Robin Hood
  Salut l'artiste
  Satan's School For Girls
  Save The Tiger
  The Scarlet Letter
  The Scopone Game (Lo scopone scientifico)
  Secrets of a Nurse (Bisturi, la mafia bianca)
  Senile Person
  Senso to ningen III: Kanketsuhen
  The Sensuous Sicilian (Paolo il caldo)
  Sepolta Viva
  Sesso In Confessionale
  Set This Town on Fire
  Seven Little Australians
  The Seven-Ups
  The Severed Arm
  Shaft in Africa
  Shanghai Joe (Il mio nome e Shanghai Joe / My Name is Shanghai Joe / The Dragon Strikes Back)
  Shin Zatoichi monogatari: Kasama no chimatsuri
  Shock Treatment (Traitement de choc)
  The Shrieking
  Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
  The Six Million Dollar Man: Wine, Women and War
  The Small Miracle
  Soylent Green
  Special Killers (La ragazza di via condotti)
  Spell of Evil
  Spogliati, Protesta, Uccidi (Quando la preda e l'uomo)
  The Spook Who Sat By The Door
  Steelyard Blues
  Steptoe and Son Ride Again
  Sticks and Bones
  The Stone Killer
  Storia de fratelli e de cortelli
  Story of a Cloistered Nun (Storia di una Monaca di Clausura / The Unholy Convent)
  The Strange Case of Rachel K.
  Sumer Wishes, Winter Dreams
  Sunset, Sunrise
  Sur La Lune
  Tales of Canterbury (Canterbury n.2 - Nuove storie d'amore del '300)
  Tarot (The Magician / Autopsy)
  Tercer Mundo
  That Girl in Wonderland
  That Man Bolt
  The Last Train (Le train)
  The Man from Acapulco (Le magnifique)
  Theatre of Blood
  And They Smelled the Strange, Exciting, Dangerous Scent of Dollars (Sentivano Uno Strano, Eccitante, Pericoloso Puzzo Di Dollari)
  The Three Musketeers
  Tidal Wave
  Timber Tramps
  Time Within Memory
  Tom Sawyer
  Touche Pas A La Femme Blanche! (Hands Off White Women)
  The Train Robbers
  Trouble Comes to Town
  Turkish Delight (Turks fruit)
  Two People
  Un ange au paradis
  Un Casto Varón Español
  Un modo di essere donna
  Un ufficiale non si arrende mai, neppure di fronte all'evidenza. Firmato Colonnello Buttiglione.
  Under Milk Wood
  Ustedes Tienen la Palabra
  The Violent Professionals (Milano trema: la polizia vuole giustizia)
  Visions of Eight
  The Way We Were
  The Werewolf of Washington
  White Lightning
  The Wicker Man
  Women in Cell Block 7 (Diario segreto da un carcere femminile)
  The World's Greatest Athlete
  Yellow Dogs
  Zatoichi's Conspiracy (Shin Zatoichi monogatari: Kasama no chimatsuri)

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