September 1970 (view details)

9/12Five Easy Pieces
9/23Tora! Tora! Tora!

October 1970 (view details)

10/22The Vampire Lovers

November 1970 (view details)


December 1970 (view details)

12/16Love Story

Undetermined 1970 Releases

  42:6, Ben Gurion
  5 Dolls for an August Moon (5 bambole per la luna d'agosto)
  Adios Sabata (Indio Black, sai che ti dico: Sei un gran figlio di... )
  The Alien Corn
  Along Came a Spider
  Ambush at Blood Pass
  Andrea Doria -74
  Angeli Senza Paradiso
  Angels Die Hard
  Angels with Burnt Wings (Engel, Die Ihre Fluegel Verbrennen)
  The Animals (Five Savage Men)
  The Anonymous Venetian (Anonimo Veneziano)
  The Aquarians
  The Aristocats
  Au verre de l'amitié
  The Baby Maker
  The Ballad of Cable Hogue
  Basta guardarla
  The Bear
  Beneath the Planet of the Apes
  Berlin Affair
  Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
  Big Foot
  Birth of the Japanese Islands
  The Boatniks
  Brancaleone at the Crusades (Brancaleone alle Crociate)
  Brand X
  Brewster McCloud
  Brother, Cry for Me
  Brotherhood Of The Bell
  Brotherly Love (Country Dance)
  Burn! (Queimada!)
  But I Don't Want To Get Married!
  The Buttercup Chain
  Cain de nulle part
  Cannon For Cordoba
  Carter's Army
  The Challengers
  Che fanno i nostri supermen tra le vergini della jungla?
  The Cheyenne Social Club
  The Christine Jorgensen Story
  Citta Violenta (The Family)
  City of Beasts
  A Clear and Present Danger
  Cold Sweat (De la part des copains)
  Colossus: The Forbin Project
  Colpo Rovente (Red Hot Shot)
  Commando di spie (When Heroes Die)
  Companeros (Vamos a matar, companeros)
  Concerto per pistola solista (The Weekend Murders)
  Cover Me Babe
  The Crook
  The Cruise
  Cry of the Banshee
  The Curious Female
  Dad, Can I Borrow the Car?
  Darling Lili
  David Copperfield
  The Devil's Widow
  Dial Love for Murder
  Die Weibchen (Femmine carnivore)
  Dio è con noi (The Fifth Day of Peace)
  Dirty Dingus Magee
  Dorian Gray (Il Dio chiamato Dorian)
  Dream No Evil
  Du soleil plein les yeux
  The Dunwich Horror
  E Dio disse a Caino (And God Said to Cain)
  Ehi amigo... sei morto! (Ehi, Amigo Rest In Peace)
  Eine Rose für Jane
  El Condor
  El Topo
  An Elephant Called Slowly
  The Executioner
  Father Pat
  Fermate il mondo... voglio scendere!
  Fight for Survival
  Figures in a Landscape
  The Five Man Army (Un Esercito Di 5 Uomin)
  Flap (The Last Warrior)
  Forbidden Photos of a Lady Above Suspicion
  The Forbidden Photos of a Lady Above Suspicion (Le foto proibite di una signora per bene)
  The Force of Circumstance
  Formula 1: Nell'inferno del Grand Prix
  Fortunata y Jacinta
  Forza G (Winged Devils)
  From Hell to Victory
  The Gamblers
  The Games
  Getting Straight
  Giochi Paticolari
  A Girl Called Jules (La ragazza di nome giulio)
  Give Her the Moon
  Gold of the Bravados
  Golpe de mano (Explosion / Colpo di mano)
  Goodbye Gemini
  The Grasshopper
  Grimm's Fair Tales for Adults (The New Adventures of Snow White)
  Guru, the Mad Monk
  Halls Of Anger
  Happy He Who Like Ulysses
  The Hard Road
  The Hawaiians
  Hell Boats
  Hell's Bloody Devils (The Fakers / Smashing The Crime Syndicate)
  Hornet's Nest
  A Hostage
  House of Dark Shadows
  The House of Frankenstein
  The House That Would Not Die
  How Awful About Allan
  I Love My Wife
  I Never Sang for My Father
  I'm No Fool with Electricity
  Il conformista (The Conformist)
  Il Corsario
  Il dio serpente
  Il Giardino dei Finzi Contini (The Garden of the Finzi-Continis)
  Il Prezzo Del Potere (The Price of Power)
  In Search of Oregon
  The Interview
  Intimita proibite di una giovane sposa
  The Intruders
  Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion (Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto)
  Jack Johnson: The Big Fights
  Julius Caesar
  Kelly's Heroes
  Kill the Fatted Calf and Roast It (Uccidete il vitello grasso e arrostitelo)
  L'Apocalypse Des Animaux
  L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo (The Bird With The Crystal Plumage)
  La califfa
  La Fleur
  La Liberte En Croupe
  La Lola, Dicen Que No Vive Sola
  La modification
  La Moglie Piu Bella
  La Pacifista
  La ragazza del prete
  La Ragazza di Latta
  The Lady in the Car with Glasses and a Gun
  Lassie: Well of Love
  The Last of the Mobile Hot Shots
  Le Distrait
  Le Isole Dell'Amore
  Le Mans
  Le mans scorciatoia per l'inferno (Summer Love)
  Le Voyageur
  Leo the Last
  Let It Be
  The Liberation Of L.B. Jones
  Little Fauss and Big Halsy
  Lo chiamavano Trinita (My Name Is Trinity)
  Lola (Twinky)
  Los Everglades
  Love Me, Baby, Love Me! (Una storia d'amore)
  The Love War
  The Lovemakers (La prima notte del Dottor Danieli, industriale, col complesso del... giocattolo)
  Lovers and Other Strangers
  Lui Per Lei
  Ma chi t'ha dato la patente?
  Macho Callahan
  The Magic Garden Of Stanley Sweetheart
  A Man Called Horse
  The Man from O.R.G.Y.
  The Man Who Haunted Himself
  Mark of the Devil (Hexen Geschandet Und Zu Tode Gequalt)
  The Mask Of Sheba
  McCloud: Who Killed Miss U.S.A.?
  The Midnight Graduate
  Monte Walsh
  More Dollars for the MacGregors (Ancora dollari per i MacGregor)
  Mr. Jericho
  Multiple Maniacs
  My Lover My Son
  Nam's Angels
  The Naughty Cheerleader
  Ned Kelly
  Night Chase
  Nightmare Comes at Night (Les cauchemars naissent la nuit)
  No desearas al vecino del quinto (Due ragazzi da marciapiede)
  No Substitute for Victory
  The Nude Vampire (La Vampire Nue)
  Oh Happy Day (O Happy Day / I desideri morbosi di una sedicenne)
  Ombre Roventi
  On a Clear Day You Can See Forever
  The Only Game in Town
  The Only Way Oktober Dage
  The Other Man
  The Out-of-Towners
  The Over-The-Hill Gang Rides Again
  The People Next Door
  Pieces And Dreams
  Plaza Suite
  Praise Marx And Pass The Amunition
  The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes
  Promise at Dawn
  Pussycat, Pussycat, I Love You
  Puzzle Of A Downfall Child
  Queens of Evil (Il Delitto del Diavolo / Le Regine)
  Quiet Day at War's End
  A Quiet Place to Kill (Paranoia)
  The Red Circle (Le cercle rouge)
  The Red, White and Black
  The Resurrection of Bronco Billy
  Reverend's Colt (Reverendo Colt)
  The Revolutionary
  Rider on the Rain
  Rio Lobo
  Ritual of Evil
  Romantic People
  Ryan's Daughter
  San Francisco International
  Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town
  The Savage Wild
  Scars of Dracula
  The School Girls (Schulmadchen Report / Schoolgirl Report)
  Scream and Scream Again
  SEAT 124: Montecarlo Rally
  The Set
  A Severed Head
  Sex Power
  Soldier Blue
  And Soon the Darkness
  Sortie de secours
  Start the Revolution Without Me
  Story of a Woman
  The Student Nurses
  The Suicide Club
  A Suitcase for a Corpse (Il tuo dolce corpo da uccidere)
  Sun's Hunter
  Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came?
  Take a Girl Like You
  The Taste Of The Black Earth
  Taste the Blood of Dracula
  The Band (L'homme orchestre)
  The Clowns (I Clowns)
  The Love Mates (Madly)
  The Things of Life (Les choses de la vie)
  There Was a Crooked Man…
  They Call Me Mr. Tibbs!
  Three Sisters
  To Catch a Pebble
  Too Late the Hero
  The Traveling Executioner
  Tre Nel Mille
  Tropic of Cancer
  The Twelve Chairs
  Un Uomo Chiamato Apocalisse Joe (Apocalypse Joe)
  The Unconquered
  The Undercover Scandals of Henry VIII
  Uomini contro (Many Wars Ago)
  Valerie and Her Week of Wonders (Valerie a tyden divu)
  The Vessel of Wrath
  Viva Cangaceiro (O'Cangaceiro)
  Viva Max!
  Wacky Zoo of Morgan City
  A Walk in the Spring Rain
  The Walking Stick
  When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth
  When Women Had Tails (Quando le donne avevano la coda)
  Wie ein Bltz
  The Wild Country
  The Wild Scene
  Wild Women
  Will to Conquer
  The Wind's Fierce (La collera del vento)
  The Year of the Cannibals (I Cannibali)
  Yog: The Space Monster
  The Young Country
  Zabriskie Point
  Zatoichi Goes to the Fire Festival (Zatoichi abare-himatsuri)

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