4/2 | The Scalphunters |
6/10 | Petulia |
6/12 | Rosemary's Baby |
Franco, Ciccio and the Cheerful Widows |
2001: A Space Odyssey |
24 Heures de la vie d'une femme |
3 In The Attic |
30 Is a Dangerous Age, Cynthia |
5 Card Stud |
Admiral Yamamoto |
All Out |
Amore amore |
Amsterdam Affair |
Angel Baby |
Angels from Hell |
Aniki no koi bito |
Assignment Skybolt |
Bandits in Rome (Roma come Chicago) |
Bandolero! |
Barbarella |
Be Sick... It's Free (Il medico della mutua) |
Bedazzled |
Beserk! |
Big Baby Doll |
The Black Sheep |
Blackbeard's Ghost |
Blue |
The Bofors Gun |
Boom! |
Booted Babe, Busted Boss |
Bora Bora |
The Bride Wore Black |
The Brotherhood |
Bullitt |
But |
Canal de Isabel II |
Candy |
The Charge of the Light Brigade |
Charly |
Chimera |
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang |
Chubasco |
Comandamenti Per Un Gangster |
Come Play With Me (Grazie Zia) |
Commandos |
The Committee |
Companions In Nightmare |
Coogan's Bluff |
Cost of Dying (Quanto costa morire) |
Countdown |
The Counterfeit Killer |
Counterpoint |
Crimen Sin Olvido |
Crisantemi per un branco di carogne (Chrysanthemums for a Bunch of Swine) |
Cry of the Mountain |
Curse of the Crimson Altar (The Crimson Cult) |
The Damned (La caduta degli dei / Götterdämmerung) |
Dancing Party in Hitler's Headquarters |
A Dandy in Aspic |
Daring Game |
Dark of the Sun |
A Darkness at Blaisedon |
Day of the Evil Gun |
Deadfall |
Deadly Inheritance (Omicidio per vocazione) |
Death Laid an Egg (La morte ha fatto l'uovo) |
Death of Joe the Indian |
Decline and Fall… of a Birdwatcher |
Destroy All Monsters |
The Detective |
The Devil Rides Out |
The Devil's Brigade |
Did You Hear the One About the Traveling Saleslady? |
Die Ente klingelt um halb acht |
Dirty Heroes (Dalle ardenne all'inferno) |
Django, Prepare a Coffin (Preparati la bara!) |
Don't Raise the Bridge, Lower the River |
Dracula |
Dracula Has Risen from the Grave |
Dreaming Tablet |
Ecce Homo |
El 'Che' Guevara (Bloody Che Contra) |
Élo Antigoné |
Escalation |
Être libre |
The Extraordinary Seaman |
Fade-In |
Farewell |
Fever Heat |
A Fine Pair (Ruba al prossimo tuo) |
Finian's Rainbow |
Firecreek |
The Fixer |
A Flea in Her Ear |
The Flight of the Heron |
For a Distant Love |
For the Love of Ivy |
Frankenstein |
Fraulein Doktor |
Funny Girl |
Galileo |
Ghosts: Italian Style |
Gion matsuri |
Girl in Gold Boots |
The Girl Who Couldn't Say No (Tenderly) |
Great Catherine |
The Great Silence (Il grande silenzio) |
The Green Berets |
Grenoble |
Gungala La Pantera Nuda (Gungala, the Black Panther Girl) |
Guns For San Sebastian |
H-2-S |
Hammerhead |
Hang 'Em High |
Have Gun Will Travel |
Head |
The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter |
The Helicopter Spies |
Hell In The Pacific |
The Hell with Heroes |
The Hellcats |
Her Private Hell |
The Heroes |
Hidden Faces |
The High Commissioner (Nobody Runs Forever) |
High, Wild and Free |
Hippydrome Tiger |
Hocus Pocus Powwow |
The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit |
Hostile Witness |
Hot Millions |
House of Cards |
How Sweet It Is! |
How to Save a Marriage and Ruin Your Life |
How to Steal the World |
Hunger |
Hymn To A Tired Man |
I giovani tigri |
I Love You, Alice B. Toklas |
I quattro dell'Ave Maria (Ace High) |
I Want Him Dead (Lo voglio morto) |
Ice Station Zebra |
If He Hollers, Let Him Go! |
Il diario segreto di una minorenne |
Il marchio di Kriminal |
Il marito e mio e l'ammazzo quando mi pare |
In Enemy Country |
In the Valley of Death |
Inadmissible Evidence |
Inspector Clouseau |
Interlude |
Io non Perdono, Uccido (I Do Not Forgive... I Kill!) |
Isadora (The Loves Of Isadora) |
Jigsaw |
Jinsei-gekijô: Hishakaku to kiratsune |
Joanna |
Kill Them All and Come Back Alone (Ammazzali tutti e torna solo) |
Kill! |
Killers Three |
The Killing of Sister George |
Kiss The Other Sheik (Oggi, Domani E Dopodamani) |
Kubi |
Kyo |
L'uomo, l'orgoglio, la vendetta (Pride and Vengeance) |
La Femme écarlate |
La Petite vertu |
Lady in Cement |
Las Pirañas |
Last After the God |
The Last Chance (Scacco internazionale) |
Le pacha (Pasha) |
The Legend of Lylah Clare |
Les Adventures de Tom Sawyer |
Les Biches |
Les Cracks |
The Libertine (La matriarca) |
The Lion in Winter |
Listen, Let's Make Love (Scusi, facciamo l'amore) |
The Little Drummer Boy |
Live Your Own Way |
The Lone She Wolf |
The Lost Continent |
The Love Bug |
Loving Feeling |
Luana, the Girl Tarzan (Luana la figlia della foresta vergine) |
Machine Gun McCain (Gli Intoccabili) |
Mad Doctor of Blood Island |
The Magnificent Tony Carrera (Il magnifico Tony Carrera) |
Maldonne |
Maryjane |
A Matter Of Innocence (Pretty Polly) |
Mayerling |
Memories of Underdevelopment |
Metamorphoses |
The Mini-Skirt Mob |
Mission Impossible Versus the Mob |
Mission: Impossible vs. The Mob |
Miyajima |
Monte Carlo: C'est La Rose |
Monterey Pop |
Mr. Kinky (Il profeta / The Prophet) |
Mrs. Brown, You've Got a Lovely Daughter |
The Name of the Games Is Kill |
Negresco |
Never a Dull Moment |
The Night of the Following Day |
Night of the Living Dead |
The Night They Raided Minsky's |
Nikudan |
No Way to Treat a Lady |
Nobody's Perfect |
The Odd Couple |
The Omegans |
Once Upon a Time in the West |
The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band |
One Step to Hell (Caccia ai violenti) |
Only When I Larf |
Operazione ricchezza |
OSS 117 - Double Agent (Niente rose per OSS 117 / Murder for Sale) |
Otley |
Partner |
The Party |
Pistol for a Hundred Coffins |
A Place for Lovers (Amanti) |
Planet of the Apes |
Play Dirty |
The Power |
Pray to God and Dig Your Grave (Prega Dio... E Scavati La Fossa!) |
Prescription: Murder |
Pretty Poison |
Prisoners of Freedom |
The Private Navy of Sgt. O'Farrell |
The Producers |
Project X |
The Protagonists |
Psych-Out |
Puce |
Punisher |
The Queen |
Quella Sporca Storia Nel West (Johnny Hamlet) |
A Quiet Place in the Country (Un tranquillo posto di campagna) |
Rachel, Rachel |
Requiem for a Gringo (Requiem per un gringo) |
Revenge for Revenge |
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich |
Romeo and Juliet |
Ruined Map |
Salt and Pepper |
Samoa, Queen of the Jungle (Samoa, regina della giungla) |
San Francisco |
Sapevano solo uccidere |
Se incontri Sartana prega per la tua morte (If You Meet Sartana Pray for Your Death) |
Sebastian |
Secret Ceremony |
The Secret Life of an American Wife |
Sentenza di morte |
Senza sapere niente di lei |
Separation |
Sergeant Ryker (The Case Against Paul Ryker) |
Seven Times Seven (7 volte 7 / Sete Vezes Sete) |
Sex Adventures of a Single Man |
Shadow Over Elveron |
The Shakiest Gun in the West |
Shalako |
Shameless (Schamlos) |
The Shoes Of The Fisherman |
Silene Smutná Princeszna |
Skidoo |
A Sky Full of Stars for a Roof (E Per Tetto Un Cielo Di Stelle) |
The Snow Woman |
Sol Madrid |
The Sound of Anger |
Speedway |
The Split |
Split Second to an Epitaph |
The Stalking Moon |
Star! |
Stolen Kisses (Baisers voles) |
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde |
A Stranger in Paso Bravo (Uno straniero a Paso Bravo) |
Stuntman |
Submarine X-1 |
Sukurappu shûdan |
Summit (One Body, One Night) |
The SuperVIPS (Vip mio fratello superuomo / VIP my Brother Superman) |
Sweden: Heaven and Hell (Svezia, inferno e paradiso) |
The Sweet Body of Deborah (Il dolce corpo di Deborah) |
Sweet November |
The Swimmer |
Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One |
The Syndicate |
T'ammazzo!... Raccomandati a Dio (Trusting Is Good... Shooting Is Better) |
Targets |
Temptation |
Tender Moment (La lecon particuliere) |
Tepepa |
Terror in the Jungle |
Theorem (Teorema) |
Therese and Isabelle |
The Thomas Crown Affair |
Three Guns for Texas |
Thunderbird 6 |
The Tigers: The World Awaits Us |
To Ride a White Horse |
The Touchables |
Tower of Screaming Virgins (Le dolcezze del peccato) |
A Train for Durango (Un treno per Durango) |
Tuvia Vesheva Benotav |
Two Virgins |
Un killer per sua maesta (The Killer Likes Candy) |
Up the Junction |
Uptight |
Vampire Upior |
The Vatican Affair |
The Vengeance of She |
Vergogna Schifosi |
Villa Rides! |
Vixen. |
Volver a Vivir |
We, a Family |
What's So Bad About Feeling Good? |
Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows! |
Why Man Creates |
Wilcze echa |
Wild in the Streets |
The Wild Racers |
Will Penny |
Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day |
Witchfinder General (Conqueror Worm) |
Wolves' Echoes |
Wonderwall |
Yellow Submarine |
Yesterday |
You Only Live Once (Tu seras terriblement gentille) |
The Young Animals |
The Young Girls Of Rochefort (Les Demoiselles De Rochefort) |
The Young Loner |
Yours, Mine and Ours |
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