April 1968 (view details)

4/2The Scalphunters

June 1968 (view details)

6/12Rosemary's Baby

Undetermined 1968 Releases

   Franco, Ciccio and the Cheerful Widows
  2001: A Space Odyssey
  24 Heures de la vie d'une femme
  3 In The Attic
  30 Is a Dangerous Age, Cynthia
  5 Card Stud
  Admiral Yamamoto
  All Out
  Amore amore
  Amsterdam Affair
  Angel Baby
  Angels from Hell
  Aniki no koi bito
  Assignment Skybolt
  Bandits in Rome (Roma come Chicago)
  Be Sick... It's Free (Il medico della mutua)
  Big Baby Doll
  The Black Sheep
  Blackbeard's Ghost
  The Bofors Gun
  Booted Babe, Busted Boss
  Bora Bora
  The Bride Wore Black
  The Brotherhood
  Canal de Isabel II
  The Charge of the Light Brigade
  Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
  Comandamenti Per Un Gangster
  Come Play With Me (Grazie Zia)
  The Committee
  Companions In Nightmare
  Coogan's Bluff
  Cost of Dying (Quanto costa morire)
  The Counterfeit Killer
  Crimen Sin Olvido
  Crisantemi per un branco di carogne (Chrysanthemums for a Bunch of Swine)
  Cry of the Mountain
  Curse of the Crimson Altar (The Crimson Cult)
  The Damned (La caduta degli dei / Götterdämmerung)
  Dancing Party in Hitler's Headquarters
  A Dandy in Aspic
  Daring Game
  Dark of the Sun
  A Darkness at Blaisedon
  Day of the Evil Gun
  Deadly Inheritance (Omicidio per vocazione)
  Death Laid an Egg (La morte ha fatto l'uovo)
  Death of Joe the Indian
  Decline and Fall… of a Birdwatcher
  Destroy All Monsters
  The Detective
  The Devil Rides Out
  The Devil's Brigade
  Did You Hear the One About the Traveling Saleslady?
  Die Ente klingelt um halb acht
  Dirty Heroes (Dalle ardenne all'inferno)
  Django, Prepare a Coffin (Preparati la bara!)
  Don't Raise the Bridge, Lower the River
  Dracula Has Risen from the Grave
  Dreaming Tablet
  Ecce Homo
  El 'Che' Guevara (Bloody Che Contra)
  Élo Antigoné
  Être libre
  The Extraordinary Seaman
  Fever Heat
  A Fine Pair (Ruba al prossimo tuo)
  Finian's Rainbow
  The Fixer
  A Flea in Her Ear
  The Flight of the Heron
  For a Distant Love
  For the Love of Ivy
  Fraulein Doktor
  Funny Girl
  Ghosts: Italian Style
  Gion matsuri
  Girl in Gold Boots
  The Girl Who Couldn't Say No (Tenderly)
  Great Catherine
  The Great Silence (Il grande silenzio)
  The Green Berets
  Gungala La Pantera Nuda (Gungala, the Black Panther Girl)
  Guns For San Sebastian
  Hang 'Em High
  Have Gun Will Travel
  The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter
  The Helicopter Spies
  Hell In The Pacific
  The Hell with Heroes
  The Hellcats
  Her Private Hell
  The Heroes
  Hidden Faces
  The High Commissioner (Nobody Runs Forever)
  High, Wild and Free
  Hippydrome Tiger
  Hocus Pocus Powwow
  The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit
  Hostile Witness
  Hot Millions
  House of Cards
  How Sweet It Is!
  How to Save a Marriage and Ruin Your Life
  How to Steal the World
  Hymn To A Tired Man
  I giovani tigri
  I Love You, Alice B. Toklas
  I quattro dell'Ave Maria (Ace High)
  I Want Him Dead (Lo voglio morto)
  Ice Station Zebra
  If He Hollers, Let Him Go!
  Il diario segreto di una minorenne
  Il marchio di Kriminal
  Il marito e mio e l'ammazzo quando mi pare
  In Enemy Country
  In the Valley of Death
  Inadmissible Evidence
  Inspector Clouseau
  Io non Perdono, Uccido (I Do Not Forgive... I Kill!)
  Isadora (The Loves Of Isadora)
  Jinsei-gekijô: Hishakaku to kiratsune
  Kill Them All and Come Back Alone (Ammazzali tutti e torna solo)
  Killers Three
  The Killing of Sister George
  Kiss The Other Sheik (Oggi, Domani E Dopodamani)
  L'uomo, l'orgoglio, la vendetta (Pride and Vengeance)
  La Femme écarlate
  La Petite vertu
  Lady in Cement
  Las Pirañas
  Last After the God
  The Last Chance (Scacco internazionale)
  Le pacha (Pasha)
  The Legend of Lylah Clare
  Les Adventures de Tom Sawyer
  Les Biches
  Les Cracks
  The Libertine (La matriarca)
  The Lion in Winter
  Listen, Let's Make Love (Scusi, facciamo l'amore)
  The Little Drummer Boy
  Live Your Own Way
  The Lone She Wolf
  The Lost Continent
  The Love Bug
  Loving Feeling
  Luana, the Girl Tarzan (Luana la figlia della foresta vergine)
  Machine Gun McCain (Gli Intoccabili)
  Mad Doctor of Blood Island
  The Magnificent Tony Carrera (Il magnifico Tony Carrera)
  A Matter Of Innocence (Pretty Polly)
  Memories of Underdevelopment
  The Mini-Skirt Mob
  Mission Impossible Versus the Mob
  Mission: Impossible vs. The Mob
  Monte Carlo: C'est La Rose
  Monterey Pop
  Mr. Kinky (Il profeta / The Prophet)
  Mrs. Brown, You've Got a Lovely Daughter
  The Name of the Games Is Kill
  Never a Dull Moment
  The Night of the Following Day
  Night of the Living Dead
  The Night They Raided Minsky's
  No Way to Treat a Lady
  Nobody's Perfect
  The Odd Couple
  The Omegans
  Once Upon a Time in the West
  The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band
  One Step to Hell (Caccia ai violenti)
  Only When I Larf
  Operazione ricchezza
  OSS 117 - Double Agent (Niente rose per OSS 117 / Murder for Sale)
  The Party
  Pistol for a Hundred Coffins
  A Place for Lovers (Amanti)
  Planet of the Apes
  Play Dirty
  The Power
  Pray to God and Dig Your Grave (Prega Dio... E Scavati La Fossa!)
  Prescription: Murder
  Pretty Poison
  Prisoners of Freedom
  The Private Navy of Sgt. O'Farrell
  The Producers
  Project X
  The Protagonists
  The Queen
  Quella Sporca Storia Nel West (Johnny Hamlet)
  A Quiet Place in the Country (Un tranquillo posto di campagna)
  Rachel, Rachel
  Requiem for a Gringo (Requiem per un gringo)
  Revenge for Revenge
  The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
  Romeo and Juliet
  Ruined Map
  Salt and Pepper
  Samoa, Queen of the Jungle (Samoa, regina della giungla)
  San Francisco
  Sapevano solo uccidere
  Se incontri Sartana prega per la tua morte (If You Meet Sartana Pray for Your Death)
  Secret Ceremony
  The Secret Life of an American Wife
  Sentenza di morte
  Senza sapere niente di lei
  Sergeant Ryker (The Case Against Paul Ryker)
  Seven Times Seven (7 volte 7 / Sete Vezes Sete)
  Sex Adventures of a Single Man
  Shadow Over Elveron
  The Shakiest Gun in the West
  Shameless (Schamlos)
  The Shoes Of The Fisherman
  Silene Smutná Princeszna
  A Sky Full of Stars for a Roof (E Per Tetto Un Cielo Di Stelle)
  The Snow Woman
  Sol Madrid
  The Sound of Anger
  The Split
  Split Second to an Epitaph
  The Stalking Moon
  Stolen Kisses (Baisers voles)
  The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
  A Stranger in Paso Bravo (Uno straniero a Paso Bravo)
  Submarine X-1
  Sukurappu shûdan
  Summit (One Body, One Night)
  The SuperVIPS (Vip mio fratello superuomo / VIP my Brother Superman)
  Sweden: Heaven and Hell (Svezia, inferno e paradiso)
  The Sweet Body of Deborah (Il dolce corpo di Deborah)
  Sweet November
  The Swimmer
  Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One
  The Syndicate
  T'ammazzo!... Raccomandati a Dio (Trusting Is Good... Shooting Is Better)
  Tender Moment (La lecon particuliere)
  Terror in the Jungle
  Theorem (Teorema)
  Therese and Isabelle
  The Thomas Crown Affair
  Three Guns for Texas
  Thunderbird 6
  The Tigers: The World Awaits Us
  To Ride a White Horse
  The Touchables
  Tower of Screaming Virgins (Le dolcezze del peccato)
  A Train for Durango (Un treno per Durango)
  Tuvia Vesheva Benotav
  Two Virgins
  Un killer per sua maesta (The Killer Likes Candy)
  Up the Junction
  Vampire Upior
  The Vatican Affair
  The Vengeance of She
  Vergogna Schifosi
  Villa Rides!
  Volver a Vivir
  We, a Family
  What's So Bad About Feeling Good?
  Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows!
  Why Man Creates
  Wilcze echa
  Wild in the Streets
  The Wild Racers
  Will Penny
  Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day
  Witchfinder General (Conqueror Worm)
  Wolves' Echoes
  Yellow Submarine
  You Only Live Once (Tu seras terriblement gentille)
  The Young Animals
  The Young Girls Of Rochefort (Les Demoiselles De Rochefort)
  The Young Loner
  Yours, Mine and Ours

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