48 Hours |
Across the Pacific |
The Affairs of Martha |
All Through the Night |
Aloha Hooey |
Always in My Heart |
Andy Hardy's Double Life |
Arabian Nights |
The Avengers |
Bambi |
Beyond The Blue Horizon |
The Big Shot |
The Bird Came C.O.D. |
The Black Swan |
Born to Sing |
Broadway |
Brooklyn Orchid |
Bugs Bunny Gets the Boid |
Bullet Scars |
Cairo |
Calling Dr. Gillespie |
Captains Of The Clouds |
Careful, Soft Shoulders |
Casablanca |
Case of the Missing Hare |
Conrad the Sailor |
The Corsican Brothers |
Courageous Mr. Penn |
Crazy Cruise |
Crossroads |
The Daffy Duckaroo |
Daffy's Southern Exposure |
Danger in the Pacific |
Deep in the Heart of Texas |
Desperate Journey |
Destination Unknown |
The Devil with Hitler |
The Died With Their Boots On |
Ding Dog Daddy |
Dog Tired |
Double Chaser |
Dover Boys at Pimento University or The Rivals of Roquefort Hall |
Dr. Gillespie's New Assistant |
Dr. Kildare's Victory |
Dr. Renault's Secret |
The Draft Horse |
The Ducktators |
Dudes Are Pretty People |
Eagle Squadron |
Eatin' on the Cuff or The Moth Who Came to Dinner |
Eyes in the Night |
Fall In |
Fingers at the Window |
Flying Tigers |
Flying with Music |
Foney Fables |
For Me and My Gal |
The Foreman Went to France |
The Forest Rangers |
The Forrest Rangers |
Fox Pop |
Fresh Hare |
Further Prophecies of Nostradamus |
The Gay Sisters |
A Gentleman After Dark |
A Gentleman at Heart |
Gentleman Jim |
George Washington Slept Here |
The Ghost of Frankenstein |
Gioro Di Nozze |
Girl Trouble |
The Glass Key |
Gopher Goofy |
The Great Man's Lady |
The Hare-Brained Hypnotist |
Hay Foot |
Henry and Dizzy |
The Hep Cat |
Her Cardboard Lover |
Hobby Horse Laffs |
Hold the Lion, Please |
Holiday Inn |
Hop, Skip and a Chump |
Horton Hatches the Egg |
I Married a Witch |
I Married an Angel |
Ice-Capades Revue |
Il Birichino Di Papa |
In Old California |
In This Our Life |
Inflation |
Jacare |
Jail House Blue |
Jesse James, Jr. |
Joan of Ozark |
Joe Smith, American |
Johnny Eager |
Journey For Margaret |
Juke Girl |
Jungle Book |
Just Off Broadway |
Keeper of the Flame |
Kings Row |
L' Assassin a peur la nuit |
Lady for a Night |
Lady Gangster |
The Lady Has Plans |
Lady In A Jam |
Larceny, Inc. |
Life Begins At Eight-Thirty |
Lights Fantastic |
Little Joe, the Wrangler |
Lucky Jordan |
The Magnificent Ambersons |
The Magnificent Dope |
Maisie Gets Her Man |
The Male Animal |
The Man in the Trunk |
The Man Who Wouldn't Die |
Manila Calling |
Margherita Fra i Tre |
Men of Texas |
Midnight in Paris |
Mokey |
The Moon And Six Pence |
Moontide |
Mrs. Miniver |
Mrs. Wiggs Of The Cabbage Patch |
My Favorite Blonde |
My Favorite Duck |
My Favorite Spy |
Mystery of Marie Roget |
Nazi Agent |
Next of Kin |
Now, Voyager |
Nutty News |
Opéra-Musette |
Orchestra Wives |
The Palm Beach Story |
Personalities |
The Phantom Plainsmen |
The Pied Piper |
Pierre of the Plains |
Pigs in a Polka |
Pittsburgh |
Porky's Café |
Porky's Pastry Pirates |
The Pride of the Yankees |
Priorities on Parade |
Private Buckaroo |
Raiders of the Range |
Random Harvest |
Reap The Wild Wind |
Red River Riding Hood |
The Remarkable Andrew |
Reunion In France |
Ride ‘Em Cowboy |
Rings on Her Fingers |
Rio Rita |
Road to Morocco |
Roxie Hart |
Saboteur |
Saps in Chaps |
Se io Fossi Onesto |
Secret Enemies |
Seven Sweethearts |
Shepherd of the Ozarks |
Sherlock Holmes And The Voice Of Terror |
Ship Ahoy |
Signora dell'ovest |
Silver Queen |
Sin Town |
Somewhere I'll Find You |
Son of Fury |
Sons of the Pioneers |
Spitfire |
The Spoilers |
The Squawkin' Hawk |
Stagecoach Express |
Star Spangled Rhythm |
Street of Chance |
Sunset of the Desert |
Sweater Girl |
Take A Letter, Darling |
A Tale of Two Kitties |
This Above All |
This Gun for Hire |
This Time for Keeps |
Thunder Birds |
To The Shores Of Tripoli |
Tortilla Flat |
True to the Army |
Twin Beds |
The Undying Monster |
The Wabbit Who Came to Supper |
Wacky Blackout |
The Wacky Wabbit |
Wake Island |
We the Living (Noi vivi & Addio Kira) |
We Were Dancing |
Went The Day Well? |
Westward Ho |
Whispering Ghosts |
Whistling in Dixie |
White Cargo |
Who Done It? |
Who Is Hope Schuyler? |
Who's Who in the Zoo |
Wings and the Woman |
The Woman in the House |
Woman of the Year |
A Yank at Eton |
Yankee Doodle Dandy |
Yokel Boy |
You Can't Escape Forever |
You Were Never Lovelier |
The Young Mr. Pitt |
Youth on Parade |
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