Composer Information
Marius Constant
1976 | Tibesti Too | |
1972 | L'Oreille Absolue | |
1965 | Tomorrow's World | |
1960 | Un deux trois quatre | |
1959 | The Twilight Zone [TV Series] [] with: Franz Waxman (composer), Bernard Herrmann (composer), Rene Garriguenc (composer), Fred Steiner (composer), Leonard Rosenman (composer), Jerry Goldsmith (composer), Nathan Scott (composer), Nathan Van Cleave (composer) | * |
1956 | Eugénie Grandet | |
1953 | Koenigsmark | |
1952 | Le Chemin de Damas | |
Key: * Has related album(s); ^ Has compilation album(s) only. |
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