Composer Information

Carl Stalling

November 10, 1891
Lexington, Missouri
November 29, 1972
Los Angeles, California

External Websites


Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie []
with: Robert J. Walsh (composer), Shorty Rogers (composer), Milt Franklyn (composer), William Lava (composer), Don Mcginnis (composer)
The Bugs Bunny / Road Runner Hour [TV Series] []
with: William Lava (composer), Eugene Poddany (composer)
The Road Runner Show [TV Series] []
with: William Lava (composer)
Kitten with a Whip
The Porky Pig Show
The Bugs Bunny Show [TV Series] []
with: Eugene Poddany (composer)
Feather Bluster
Pre-Hysterical Hare
To Itch His Own
Ali Baba Bunny
Bugsy and Mugsy
Cheese It, the Cat!
Gonzales Tamales
Mouse-Taken Identity
Piker's Peak^
Scrambled Aches
Tabasco Road
Zoom and Bored
Barbary-Coast Bunny
Half-Fare Hare
Napoleon Bunny-Part
Raw! Raw! Rooster!
Stupor Duck
The High and the Flighty^
The Slap-Hoppy Mouse
The Unexpected Pest
There They Go-Go-Go!^
Wideo Wabbit
All Fowled Up
Beanstalk Bunny
Guided Muscle
Hyde and Hare
Jumpin' Jupiter
Pappy's Puppy
Ready.. Set.. Zoom!
Speedy Gonzales
Bell Hoppy
Bewitched Bunny
Captain Hareblower
Claws for Alarm
Design for Leaving
Dog Pounded
Dr. Jerkyl's Hide
Feline Frame-up
Gone Batty
Goo Goo Goliath
I Gopher You
Little Boy Boo
Lumber Jack-Rabbit
Muzzle Tough
No Barking
No Parking Hare
Quack Shot
Sandy Claws
Satan's Waitin'
Stop! Look! and Hasten!
The Cats Bah
The Oily American
Wild Wife
A Mouse Divided
A Peck o' Trouble
A Street Cat Named Sylvester
Ant Pasted
Bully for Bugs
Cat-Tails for Two
Cats A-Weigh!
Catty Cornered
Don't Give Up the Sheep
Duck Amuck
Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century
Duck! Rabbit, Duck!
Easy Peckin's
Forward March Hare
Fowl Weather
From A to Z-Z-Z-Z
Hare Trimmed
Kiss Me Cat
Much Ado About Nutting
Muscle Tussle
Of Rice and Hen
Plop Goes the Weasel
Punch Trunk
Robot Rabbit
Snow Business
Southern Fried Rabbit
There Auto Be a Law
Tom Tom Tomcat
Upswept Hare
Wild Over You
Zipping Along
14 Carrot Rabbit
A Bird in a Guilty Cage
Ain't She Tweet
Beep, Beep
Cracked Quack
Feed the Kitty
Fool Coverage
Foxy by Proxy
Gift Wrapped
Going! Going! Gosh!
Hare Lift
Kiddin' the Kitten
Little Beau Pepé
Little Red Rodent Hood
Oily Hare
Operation: Rabbit
Rabbit Seasoning
Rabbit's Kin
Sock a Doodle Do
The EGGcited Rooster
The Hasty Hare
The Super Snooper
The Turn-Tale Wolf
Thumb Fun
Tree for Two
Water, Water Every Hare
Who's Kitten Who?
A Bear for Punishment
A Bone for a Bone
A Fox in a Fix
A Hound for Trouble
Ballot Box Bunny
Big Top Bunny
Bunny Hugged
Canned Feud
Cheese Chasers
Chow Hound
Corn Plastered
Dog Collared
Drip-Along Daffy
Early to Bet
Hare We Go
His Hare Raising Tale
Putty Tat Trouble^
Rabbit Every Monday
Rabbit Fire
Scent-imental Romeo
Sleepy Time Possum
The Fair Haired Hare []
with: Eugene Poddany (composer)
The Prize Pest
Tweet Tweet Tweety
Tweety's S.O.S.
8 Ball Bunny
A Fractured Leghorn
All a Bir-r-r-rd
An Egg Scramble
Big House Bunny
Boobs in the Woods
Bunker Hill Bunny
Bushy Hare
Canary Row
Caveman Inki
Dog Gone South
Golden Yeggs
Hillbilly Hare^
His Bitter Half
Home, Tweet Home
Homeless Hare
Hurdy-Gurdy Hare
It's Hummer Time
Mutiny on the Bunny
Pop 'im Pop!
Rabbit of Seville
Stooge for a Mouse
Strife with Father
The Ducksters
The Hypo-Chondri-Cat
The Leghorn Blows at Midnight
The Lion's Busy
The Scarlet Pumpernickel
Two's a Crowd
What's Up Doc?
A Ham in a Role
Awful Orphan
Bad Ol' Putty Tat
Bear Feat!
Bowery Bugs
Bye, Bye Bluebeard
Curtain Razor
Daffy Duck Hunt
Dough for the Do-Do
Each Dawn I Crow
Fast and Furry-ous
For Scent-imental Reasons
Frigid Hare
Hare Do
Henhouse Henery
High Diving Hare
Hippety Hopper
Holiday for Drumsticks
Knights Must Fall
Long-Haired Hare
Mississippi Hare
Mouse Mazurka
Often an Orphan
Paying the Piper
Porky Chops
Rabbit Hood
Rebel Rabbit
So Much for So Little
Swallow the Leader
The Bee-Deviled Bruin
The Grey Hounded Hare
The Windblown Hare
Which Is Witch?
Wise Quackers
A Feather in His Hare
A Hick a Slick and a Chick
A Horsefly Fleas
A-Lad-in His Lamp
Back Alley Op-Roar
Bone Sweet Bone
Buccaneer Bunny
Bugs Bunny Rides Again
Daffy Dilly
Daffy Duck Slept Here
Dough Ray Me-ow
Gorilla My Dreams
Hare Splitter
Haredevil Hare
Hop, Look and Listen
Hot Cross Bunny
House Hunting Mice
I Taw a Putty Tat
Kit for Cat
Mouse Wreckers
My Bunny Lies Over the Sea
Nothing But the Tooth
Odor of the Day
Rabbit Punch
Riff Raffy Daffy
Scaredy Cat
The Foghorn Leghorn
The Pest That Came to Dinner
The Rattled Rooster
The Shell Shocked Egg
The Stupor Salesman
The Up-Standing Sitter
Two Gophers from Texas
Two Guys from Texas
What Makes Daffy Duck
What's Brewin', Bruin?
You Were Never Duckier
A Hare Grows In Manhattan
A Pest in the House
Along Came Daffy
Birth of a Notion
Catch as Cats Can
Crowing Pains
Doggone Cats
Easter Yeggs
Hobo Bobo
Inki at the Circus
Little Orphan Airedale
Mexican Joyride
One Meat Brawl
Rabbit Transit
Scent-imental Over You
Slick Hare
The Foxy Duckling
The Gay Anties
The Goofy Gophers
Tweetie Pie
Acrobatty Bunny
Baby Bottleneck
Bacall to Arms
Baseball Bugs
Book Revue
Daffy Doodles
Fair and Worm-er
Hair-Raising Hare
Hare Remover
Holiday for Shoestrings
Hollywood Canine Canteen
Hollywood Daffy
Hush My Mouse
Kitty Kornered
Mouse Menace
Of Thee I Sting
Quentin Quail
Racketeer Rabbit
Rhapsody Rabbit
Roughly Squeaking
The Big Snooze
The Eager Beaver
The Great Piggy Bank Robbery
The Mouse-Merized Cat
Walky Talky Hawky
A Gruesome Twosome
A Tale of Two Mice
Ain't That Ducky
Behind the Meat-Ball
Draftee Daffy
Fresh Airedale
Hare Conditioned
Hare Tonic
Hare Trigger
Herr Meets Hare
Hot Spot
In the Aleutians
It's Murder She Says
Life with Feathers
Nasty Quacks
No Buddy Atoll
Odor-Able Kitty
Operation Snafu
Peck Up Your Troubles
Secrets of the Caribbean
The Bashful Buzzard
The Return of Mr. Hook
The Unruly Hare
Tokyo Woes
Trap Happy Porky
Wagon Heels
A Lecture on Camouflage
Angel Puss
Birdy and the Beast
Booby Hatched
Booby Traps
Brother Brat
Buckaroo Bugs
Bugs Bunny and the Three Bears
Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips
Duck Soup to Nuts
From Hand to Mouse
Going Home
Goldilocks and the Jivin' Bears
Hare Force
Hare Ribbin'
I Got Plenty of Mutton
Little Red Riding Rabbit
Lost and Foundling
Meatless Flyday
Plane Daffy
Private Snafu Vs. Malaria Mike
Slightly Daffy
Stage Door Cartoon
Swooner Crooner
Target Snafu
The Chow Hound
The Old Grey Hare
The Stupid Cupid
The Three Brothers
The Weakly Reporter
Tick Tock Tuckered
Tom Turk and Daffy
What's Cookin' Doc?
A Corny Concerto
An Itch in Time
Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs
Coming Snafu
Confusions of a Nutzy Spy
Daffy - the Commando
Falling Hare
Fighting Tools
Fin n' Catty
Flop Goes the Weasel
Greetings Bait
Hiss and Make Up
Hop and Go
Inki and the Minah Bird
Jack-Wabbit and the Beanstalk
Porky Pig's Feat
Puss 'n' Booty
Scrap Happy Daffy
The Aristo-Cat
The Fifth-Column Mouse
The Goldbrick
The Home Front
The Infantry Blues
Tin Pan Alley Cats
To Duck... or Not to Duck
Tokio Jokio
Tortoise Wins by a Hare
Unbearable Bear
Wackiki Wabbit
Wise Quacking Duck
Yankee Doodle Daffy
A Tale of Two Kitties
Aloha Hooey
Bugs Bunny Gets the Boid
Case of the Missing Hare
Conrad the Sailor
Crazy Cruise
Daffy's Southern Exposure
Ding Dog Daddy
Dog Tired
Double Chaser
Dover Boys at Pimento University or The Rivals of Roquefort Hall
Eatin' on the Cuff or The Moth Who Came to Dinner
Foney Fables
Fox Pop
Fresh Hare
Gopher Goofy
Hobby Horse Laffs
Hold the Lion, Please
Hop, Skip and a Chump
Horton Hatches the Egg
Lights Fantastic
My Favorite Duck
Nutty News
Pigs in a Polka
Porky's Café
Porky's Pastry Pirates
Saps in Chaps
The Bird Came C.O.D.
The Daffy Duckaroo
The Draft Horse
The Ducktators
The Hare-Brained Hypnotist
The Hep Cat
The Squawkin' Hawk
The Wabbit Who Came to Supper
The Wacky Wabbit
Wacky Blackout
Who's Who in the Zoo
A Coy Decoy
All This and Rabbit Stew
Aviation Vacation
Elmer's Pet Rabbit
Farm Frolics
Goofy Groceries
Hiawatha's Rabbit Hunt
Hollywood Steps Out
Inki and the Lion
Joe Glow the Firefly
Meet John Doughboy
Notes to You
Porky's Ant
Porky's Bear Facts
Porky's Midnight Matinee
Porky's Pooch
Porky's Preview
Porky's Prize Pony
Porky's Snooze Reel
Rhapsody in Rivets
Robinson Crusoe, Jr.
Rookie Revue
Saddle Silly
Sniffles Bells the Cat
Snow Time for Comedy
Sport Chumpions
The Brave Little Bat
The Cagey Canary
The Cat's Tale
The Crackpot Quail
The Fighting 69½th
The Haunted Mouse
The Heckling Hare
The Henpecked Duck
The Trial of Mr. Wolf
The Wacky Worm
Tortoise Beats Hare
Toy Trouble
Wabbit Twouble
We, the Animals - Squeak!
A Gander at Mother Goose
A Wild Hare
Africa Squeaks
Ali-Baba Bound
Bedtime for Sniffles
Busy Bakers
Calling Dr. Porky^
Ceiling Hero
Circus Today
Confederate Honey
Cross Country Detours
Elmer's Candid Camera
Ghost Wanted
Good Night Elmer
Holiday Highlights
Little Blabbermouse
Malibu Beach Party
Mighty Hunters
Of Fox and Hounds
Patient Porky
Pilgrim Porky
Porky's Baseball Broadcast
Porky's Hired Hand
Porky's Last Stand
Porky's Poor Fish
Prehistoric Porky
Shop Look & Listen
Slap Happy Pappy
Sniffles Takes a Trip
Stage Fright
The Bear's Tale
The Chewin' Bruin
The Early Worm Gets the Bird
The Egg Collector
The Hardship of Miles Standish
The Sour Puss
The Timid Toreador
Tom Thumb in Trouble
Wacky Wildlife
You Ought to Be in Pictures
A Day at the Zoo
Bars and Stripes Forever
Believe It or Else
Chicken Jitters
Daffy Duck and the Dinosaur
Dangerous Dan McFoo
Detouring America
Dog Gone Modern
Fagin's Freshman
Fresh Fish
Gold Rush Daze
Hamateur Night
Hare-um Scare-um
Hobo Gadget Band
It's an Ill Wind
Jeepers Creepers^
Kristopher Kolumbus Jr.
Land of the Midnight Fun
Little Brother Rat
Little Lion Hunter
Naughty But Mice
Naughty Neighbors
Old Glory
Pied Piper Porky
Polar Pals
Porky and Teabiscuit
Porky the Giant Killer
Porky's Hotel
Porky's Movie Mystery
Porky's Picnic
Porky's Tire Trouble
Prest-O Change-O
Robinhood Makes Good
Scalp Trouble
Screwball Football
Sioux Me
Sniffles and the Bookworm
Snowman's Land
The Curious Puppy
The Film Fan
The Good Egg^
The Lone Stranger and Porky
Thugs with Dirty Mugs
Wise Quacks
A Feud There Was
A Star Is Hatched
A-Lad-In Bagdad
Cinderella Meets Fella
Count Me Out
Cracked Ice
Daffy Duck and Egghead
Daffy Duck in Hollywood
Have You Got Any Castles?
Injun Trouble
Johnny Smith and Poker-Huntas
Jungle Jitters
Katnip Kollege
Little Pancho Vanilla
Love and Curses
My Little Buckeroo
Now That Summer Is Gone
Porky & Daffy
Porky at the Crocadero
Porky in Egypt
Porky in Wackyland
Porky the Fireman
Porky the Gob
Porky's Five & Ten
Porky's Hare Hunt
Porky's Naughty Nephew
Porky's Party
Porky's Phoney Express
Porky's Poppa
Porky's Spring Planting
The Daffy Doc
The Isle of Pingo Pongo
The Major Lied Till Dawn
The Mice Will Play
The Night Watchman
The Penguin Parade
The Sneezing Weasel
What Price Porky
Wholly Smoke
You're an Education
A Sunbonnet Blue
Ain't We Got Fun
Clean Pastures
Dog Daze
Egghead Rides Again
Get Rich Quick Porky
He Was Her Man
I Wanna Be a Sailor
Little Red Walking Hood
Picador Porky
Pigs Is Pigs
Plenty of Money and You
Porky and Gabby
Porky the Wrestler
Porky's Badtime Story
Porky's Building
Porky's Double Trouble
Porky's Duck Hunt
Porky's Garden
Porky's Hero Agency
Porky's Railroad
Porky's Road Race
Porky's Romance
Porky's Super Service
Rover's Rival
September in the Rain
She Was an Acrobat's Daughter
Speaking of the Weather
Streamlined Greta Green
Sweet Sioux
The Case of the Stuttering Pig
The Fella with the Fiddle
The Lyin' Mouse
The Woods Are Full of Cuckoos
Uncle Tom's Bungalow
Ali Baba
Big Bad Wolfe
Boulevardier from the Bronx
Dick Whittington's Cat
Don't Look Now
Happy Days
Little Beau Porky
Little Boy Blue
Milk and Money
Porky in the North Woods
Porky's Moving Day
Porky's Poultry Plant
The CooCoo Nut Grove
The Village Smithy
Tom Thumb
Toy Town Hall
Balloon Land
Humpty Dumpty
Little Black Sambo
Mary's Little Lamb
Old Mother Hubbard
Simple Simon
Sinbad the Sailor
The Brementown Musicians
The Three Bears
Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp
Cave Man
Don Quixote
Good Scout
Hell's Fire
Insultin' the Sultan
Jack Frost
Jungle Jitters
Puss 'n' Boots
Rasslin' Round
Reducing Creme
Robin Hood, Jr.
The Brave Tin Soldier
The Headless Horseman
The Little Red Hen
The Queen of Hearts
The Valiant Tailor
Viva Willie
Chinaman's Chance
Coo Coo the Magician
Davy Jones
Flip's Lunch Room
Jack and the Beanstalk
Play Ball
Soda Squirt
Spite Fright
The Wizard of Oz
413 Hope St. [TV Series]
Fire! Fire!
Funny Face
Nurse Maid
Phoney Express
Room Runners
School Days
Stormy Seas
The Goal Rush
The Milkman
The Music Lesson
The Office Boy
What a Life
Africa Squeaks
Jail Bird
Laughing Gas
Movie Mad
Ragtime Romeo
The New Car [Short Film]
The Soup Song
The Village Smithie
The Village Specialist
Cuckoo Murder Case
Puddle Pranks
The Village Barber
El Terrible Toreador
Haunted House
Hell's Bells
Jungle Rhythm
Mickey's Choo-Choo
Mickey's Follies
Opry House
The Barn Dance
The Barnyard Battle
The Jazz Fool
The Karnival Kid
The Merry Dwarfs
The Plowboy
The Skeleton Dance
When the Cat's Away
Wild Waves
Gallopin' Gaucho
Plane Crazy
Key: * Has related album(s); ^ Has compilation album(s) only.

Additional Albums

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