Movie Information
- composerAntoni Komasa-Lazarkiewicz
- directorAgnieszka Holland
Soundrack Albums
There are no soundtrack albums in our database for this title. If this is incorrect, please contact us.
Song Credits
(Henry Purcell)
Urszka Arlič Gololičič (Soprano)
Maria Komasa- Łazarkiewicz (Harpsichord) - TAM NA ROGU NA JANOSKIJ (Traditional folk music from Lwow)
- NA KLIPAROWIE (Traditional folk music from Lwow)
- SULIKO (Traditional Folk Music from Georgia)
Performed by Paweł Steczek (Accordion) - RADETZKY MARCH, Op.228 (Johann Strauss Sr.)
AN DER SCHÖNEN BLAUEN DONAU, Op.314 (Johann Strauss Jr.)
Orchestrated by Antoni Komasa- Łazarkiewicz
The Nova Orchestra Conducted by Zygmunt Kukla
Music Recorded and Mixed by Ewa Guziołek-Tubelewicz
Music Recorded and Mixed at STUDIO 2 (POLISH RADIO) - German Military Marches (Archive)
- LIEBSTER JESU, WIR SIND HIER (BWV 633) Johann Sebastian Bach
Performed by Joachim Grubich (Organ)
Licensed Courtesy of DUX Recording Producers Warsaw - PRELUDIUM I FUGA ES-DUR (BWV 552) Johann Sebastian Bach
Performed by Bogusław Grabowski (Organ)
Licensed Courtesy of DUX Recording Producers/Gdańskie Centrum Organowe - TONKO' S LULLABY
(Henryk Wars / Emanuel Schlechter)
Performed by Milla Bańkowicz
Licensed Courtesy of ZAIKS (Poland) - GODZINKI O NIEPOKALANYM POCZĘCIU NMP (Traditional)
CANTICUM TRIUM PUERORUM (Traditional Gregorian Mode)
Performed by Bornus Consort & Friends with special thanks to Fr. Wojciech Drozdowicz and Fr. Jan Sochoń
Recorded at The Warsaw Pokamedulski Church Niepokalane Poczęcie NMP
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