Soundtrack Information

Wolf King

Wolf King

Netflix Music

Release Date: March 20, 2025

Format: Digital

Music From

Music By

Track Listing

1. A Hunters Moon 4:44
2. Fight or Flight 4:34
3. The Map of Lyssia 1:08
4. The Gates of Brackenholme 0:40
5. Call of the Wolf 1:14
6. This Is an Excellent Place to Start 1:11
7. Chancer 1:19
8. The Lions 0:54
9. The Transformation 1:34
10. Communing 2:24
11. That's Not Moss 1:57
12. He's a Werelord 1:15
13. What Beast Am I 1:58
14. I Need You to Show Me a Sign 2:14
15. Vala's Lair 2:00
16. The Medicine Is Working 1:23
17. The Wildermen 1:22
18. Orb Spider 0:51
19. The Cold Coast 0:40
20. Thanks for the Lesson 1:24
21. The Bottle 1:14
22. The Rescue 4:55
23. The Ambush 3:25
24. What Have They Done to You 1:33
25. We Had a Deal 2:12
26. Lyssia Needs You 1:09
27. Trapped 0:53
28. Keep Going 0:50
29. Bast Arrival 0:34
30. Credits 0:54
  Total Album Time: 52:25
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