Soundtrack Information

Star Trek: The Original Series: The 1701 Collection - Vol. 2
Limited Edition of 1,701 Units
La-La Land Records (LLLCD1626)
Release Date: September 5, 2023
Format: CD
Music From
- Star Trek (1966) [TV Series]
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Track Listing
Disc 1: Star Trek: The Original Series: The 1701 Collection - Vol. 2 | ||
1. | Main Title* (2006 recording, cello version) | 0:52 |
2. | THE ENEMY WITHIN: The Rock Slide*/Beam Up*/ The Evil Kirk M11/M12/M13 | 1:11 |
3. | Alter Ego* M14 | 1:01 |
4. | The Tired Captain* M15 | 0:42 |
5. | Brandy M16 | 0:48 |
6. | The Lascivious Captain M17–21 | 2:37 |
7. | Bruised Knuckles/An Impostor M22/M23 | 1:34 |
8. | Kirk's Log*/Indecisive*/Evil Fury M24/M31/M32 | 2:48 |
9. | Confrontation* M33 | 2:18 |
10. | The Prone Body*/Shivering Sulu*/No Repair M34–41/M42/M43 | 0:37 |
11. | What to Do?* M44 | 0:43 |
12. | Another Brandy/The Evil Grin/Double Dog Death* M45/M46/M51 | 1:24 |
13. | Spock Takes Over*/Help Me* M52/M53 | 2:04 |
14. | Evil Triumphs M54–61 | 1:06 |
15. | Two Into One* M62 | 2:18 |
16. | One Captain Kirk*/Thank You, Yeoman* M63/M64 | 1:19 |
17. | THE CONSCIENCE OF THE KING: Dagger Sweet'ner/Go for Baroque/Play-Off #1 M11A/M11/M12 | 1:26 |
18. | Spaceship Titles*/Dr. Leighton's Face/Bridge #1* M13/M14/M15 | 1:12 |
19. | Quasi-Sex* (Theme From STAR TREK, jazz version; Courage/Roddenberry, arr. Mullendore) LM5 | 1:37 |
20. | Lenore M16–21 | 1:45 |
21. | Kirk and Lenore*/He's Dead M22/M23 | 1:43 |
22. | Spaceship*/5 Sex and a ½/Play-Off #2* M24/M25/M26 | 1:10 |
23. | Spaceship Play-On*/Toast and Corridor*/Lenore's Kiss/Short Bridge M27/M31/M32/M33 | 2:31 |
24. | Poison M41 | 0:37 |
25. | Play-On #2*/Quick Ship*/Phaser Overload M42/M43/M44 | 1:39 |
26. | Kodos?/Voice Test M45/M46 | 1:33 |
27. | Everything Is Later*/Play-Off #3* M51/M52 | 1:52 |
28. | Ship Play-On*/Woodwind Fanfare/Riley Gone M53/M54/M55 | 1:10 |
29. | Go for Baroque M11 (M56) | 1:25 |
30. | I Know That Voice/All Ghosts Dead M57/M58–61 | 3:02 |
31. | Opheliamania*/Bridge #2*/Last Cue* M62/M63/M64 | 3:02 |
32. | SHORE LEAVE: New Planet/Rabbit Music M10A/10B | 2:21 |
33. | School Chum/Finnegan M23/M23A | 1:40 |
34. | 2nd Ruth (Ruth) M31A | 2:38 |
35. | Old English/Tiger/Costume/Birds/SamuraiM33/M33A/M33B/M34/M34A | 3:51 |
36. | Knight/Joust M41/M41A | 1:28 |
37. | Dummy/Like Real M43/M44 | 0:57 |
38. | A Clue/Finnegan's Return/The Leg Trick/Dirt Trick M45–50 Pt. 1/M45–50 Pt. 2/M51/M53 | 4:34 |
39. | Tiger Thoughts/Strafing/2nd Samurai/Caretaker/Lazarus M55–60/M55–60A/M55–60B/M61/M62 | 2:03 |
40. | 2nd Ruth/Ruth to Commercial (2nd Ruth) M31A/M24B | 0:51 |
41. | FIRST SEASON LIBRARY MUSIC: Impension* LM1 (cond. Steiner) | 1:10 |
42. | Lonely to Dramatic* LM3 (cond. Steiner) | 1:27 |
43. | Romantic Scene* LM6 (cond. Steiner) | 0:47 |
44. | Love Scene* LM4 (cond. Steiner) | 1:16 |
45. | Pensive Mood* 13LM2 (cond. Mullendore) | 2:10 |
46. | Play-Off (with button)* 13LM5 (cond. Mullendore) | 0:15 |
47. | Play-Off (with sustain)* 13LM5A (cond. Mullendore) | 0:19 |
Disc Time: | 76:53 | |
Disc 2: Star Trek: The Original Series: The 1701 Collection - Vol. 2 | ||
1. | Main Title* (2nd Season, Soprano Version) | 1:01 |
2. | CATSPAW: Starship*/Captain Kirk M11/M12+M12X | 1:13 |
3. | Orbiting Ship*/Fog Planet M13/M13A+M13B | 1:51 |
4. | Thicker Fog/Witches M14+M14A/M15 | 1:48 |
5. | Fog Storm/Castle/Second Castle M16–20+M16–20A/M21/M22 | 2:28 |
6. | Cat Music/Enterprise* M22X/M22A | 1:05 |
7. | Follow That Cat/Brain-Washed M23/M24 | 2:10 |
8. | Drugged/Scene Change Sweetener/Korob/Lap Kitten/Cat as Hostess/Free Meal/The Bribe M25/M25A/M26/M31/M32/M33+M33A/M34 | 3:27 |
9. | Sylvia/Unguarded Entrances/Sympathetic Magic M35/M36/M37+M37X | 2:42 |
10. | Cooking Lesson/Force Field M41/M42 | 1:31 |
11. | Defeated Captain/Music to Dent Force Fields By M43/M44 | 1:06 |
12. | Bones, the Zombie M45 | 0:45 |
13. | Love, Sort Of M51 | 3:26 |
14. | Kirk Caught/Rescue M52/M53 | 0:52 |
15. | Racial Memories/Captain Kirk/Mace Fight M54–60/M54–60A/M61 | 3:32 |
16. | Giant Cat M62+M25A | 1:32 |
17. | Wand-Breaking/The Prototypes/Five to Beam Up* M63+M25A/M64+64B/M64A | 1:33 |
18. | FRIDAY'S CHILD: Ship*/Capella IV M11/M12 | 1:09 |
19. | Captain's Log* M13A/M13 | 2:06 |
20. | Klingon Ship/Music for Fruits/The Teer M14/M15/M16-20 | 1:26 |
21. | The Challenge/Klingon Blip M21/M21A | 1:09 |
22. | Distress Signal M22 | 1:43 |
23. | Arm Barbeque/Slow Turn/Call of Duty M24/M25/M26 | 0:56 |
24. | Scott/Bones' Good Idea/Capellan Desert M31/M32/M33A | 2:16 |
25. | Belly Feeler M34 | 2:13 |
26. | Sonic Ambush/Bouncing Boulder M35/M36 | 1:03 |
27. | Kras on the Rocks/Paternity Case/New Capellan in Town M41/M45/M51 | 1:43 |
28. | Negative Report/Old Russian Saying/The Mother Splits M53/M54/M55 | 1:34 |
29. | The Baby Sitter/Road Hog M56/M57 | 0:44 |
30. | Down the Throat M58 | 1:13 |
31. | Arrows M61 | 1:29 |
32. | Forfeit M62 | 1:32 |
33. | Coochy Coo*/Godfathers* M63/M64 | 0:40 |
34. | FIRST SEASON LIBRARY MUSIC: Love Scene* 13LHM3 (cond. Mullendore) | 1:29 |
35. | Humoresque* 13LHM7 (cond. Mullendore) | 0:43 |
36. | Humoresque (tag)* 13LHM7A (cond. Mullendore) | 0:13 |
37. | From “CHARLIE X" (cond. Steiner): That's a Girl M12X | 0:42 |
38. | Kirk's Command M13X | 0:57 |
39. | Charlie's Mystery M14X | 0:45 |
40. | Kirk Puzzled (Library Version #1) M34X | 0:39 |
41. | Kirk Puzzled (Library Version #2) M34Y | 0:22 |
42. | Kirk Puzzled (Library Version #3) M34Z | 0:15 |
43. | Zap Sam M41X | 1:01 |
44. | Zap the Pistol (Library Version #1) M42X s1 | 0:42 |
45. | Zap the Pistol (Library Version #2) M42X s2 | 0:12 |
46. | Standoff (Library Version #1) M43X | 0:54 |
47. | Standoff (Library Version #2) M43Y | 0:17 |
48. | Standoff (Library Version #3) M43Z | 0:09 |
49. | Zap Janice M52X | 1:00 |
50. | Zap the Spaceship (Library Version #1) M54X s1 | 0:09 |
51. | Zap the Spaceship (Library Version #2) M54X s2 | 0:06 |
52. | Charlie's Friend (Library Version #1) M61X s1 | 0:41 |
53. | Charlie's Friend (Library Version #2) M61X s3 | 0:10 |
55. | From "MUDD'S WOMEN" (conduct. Steiner) The Last Crystal (Library Version #1) M31X | 0:14 |
56. | The Last Crystal (Library Version #2) M31X s3 | 0:08 |
57. | From “THE CORBOMITE MANEUVER” (cond. Steiner): Condition Alert M13A | 0:14 |
58. | Hideous Balok M33A | 0:25 |
59. | Baby Balok M61 | 0:31 |
60. | From "BALANCE OF TERROR" (cond. Steiner): Theme From STAR TREK* (Library Version #1) 9MA pt 1 | 0:13 |
61. | Theme From STAR TREK* (Library Version #1) 9MA pt 2 | 0:15 |
62. | Theme From STAR TREK* (Library Version #1) 9MA pt 3 | 0:12 |
63. | Theme From STAR TREK* (Library Version #1) 9MA pt 4 | 0:12 |
64. | Romulan Theme M22/M22A s1 | 0:52 |
65. | Edith Must Die (Library) M47B (“City on the Edge of Forever,” Steiner) | 0:12 |
66. | Joe Berserk (alternate) M21 s3 (“The Naked Time,” Courage) | 0:14 |
67. | Leg Trick (alternate) M51/M51A (“Shore Leave,” Fried) | 1:02 |
68. | End Title* (2nd Season, Soprano Version) | 0:47 |
Disc Time: Total Album Time: |
71:55 148:48 |
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From the Manufacturer
Track Listing Legend:
* Contains "Theme From STAR TREK (TV Series)" by Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry
La-La Land Records and CBS Studios proudly present Star Trek: The Original Series - The 1701 Collection Vol. 2, the second in a series of limited edition CD releases that showcase original scores from the landmark sci-fi television series Star Trek (1966-1969). Containing music originally from our long out-of-print 2012 Original Series Box Set, these exciting volumes utilize the same restored master as that acclaimed release, but feature new packaging by Dan Goldwasser, along with brand new, exclusive liner notes by film music writer and Trek historian, Jeff Bond. This ground-breaking, iconic music, from one of television's most acclaimed and beloved series, is now again available for fans everywhere!
Vol 2 of the 1701 Collection focuses on the Trek TOS music of renowned composers Sol Kaplan, Joseph Mullendore, Gerald Fried, Wilbur Hatch, Fred Steiner and Alexander Courage, containing original music from the classic episodes THE ENEMY WITHIN, THE CONSCIENCE OF THE KING, SHORE LEAVE, CATSPAW, FRIDAY'S CHILD, along with FIRST SEASON LIBRARY CUES and MAIN and END TITLE VARIATIONS. Produced by Lukas Kendall, Neil S. Bulk and Jeff Bond, restored by Chris Malone and mastered by Doug Schwartz, this limited edition 2-CD release of 1701 units, as well as forthcoming volumes of this series, illustrate how the original Trek series scores not only teem with action, adventure and drama, but how they are also infused with deep emotion and the greatness of the human spirit. Such characteristics have kept these richly orchestrated tracks vital and relevant decades beyond their original recording.
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