Soundtrack Information



Release Date: June 14, 2024

Format: Digital

Music From

Music By

Track Listing

1. Closet Diving 2:52
2. Fix My Pipe 5:46
3. Rug Rangers Qu'est-ce Que C'est 2:26
4. Hand It to Shelley 2:05
5. Ravine Cuisine 4:41
6. Yodelling in the Canyon 2:41
7. Girls Having Fun 2:43
8. Ceasar Gets Corked 1:45
9. Thelma and Louise from Hell 1:29
10. Tang Bangers 5:25
11. Dying for His Money 0:24
12. I Am Gino Marzzoni, Capice? 2:03
13. Chicago's Finest 2:13
14. Jail Bait 0:56
15. Curiosity Cops 1:18
16. Corky's Peephole 1:10
17. Ceasar Bizarro 3:06
18. Holy Mackeral 1:40
19. In Utero Morituri Te Salutamus 1:22
20. Girl Talk 0:35
21. Bang the Bangers 2:07
22. Out of the Closet and Down the Stairs 6:41
23. Mambo Mamasita 3:07
  Total Album Time: 58:35

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